Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Environmental Education
Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Environmental Education: In this post, we will learn about Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Environmental Education. In Bed 2nd Year there is one of the most important questions comes from Environment Education. You will learn about Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Environmental Education. Teaching is a social and professional activity. It is a process of development. Teaching is a system of actions that induce learning through interpersonal relationships. and all the rest you will study in this Blog
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Meaning and Definition Of Environmental Education
The term ‘Environmental Education’ has been discussed in various national and international seminars that tried to define it. Some of the definitions have been provided here to understand the concept.
“Environmental education is the process of recognizing values and clarifying concepts in order to develop skills and attitudes necessary to understand and appreciate the interrelatedness among man, his culture, and his bio-physical surroundings. It also entails practice in decision-making and self formulation of a code of behavior about problems and issues concerning environmental quality.” –UNESCO (1910) Working Committee
 “Environmental education is a way of implementing the goals of environmental protection. It is not a separate branch of science or field of study. It should be carried out according to the principles of life-long integral education.” -UNESCO (1976) Seminar
“Environmental education is problem-centered, interdisciplinary, value-oriented, community-oriented, and concerns with man’s survival as species, based on student-initiated activities and involvements present and future-oriented.”
“Environmental activities will lead to study of natural and physical sciences, social sciences. Construction and creative skills will provide the basis for the practice of healthy living and will serve as the basis for environmental education.”
The study of natural and physical sciences, social sciences, and geography provides awareness of the environment but does not employ methods and techniques to improve the imbalances and prevent deterioration. Similarly, the study of psychology provides the awareness about learning but educational psychology provides the awareness about learning as well as practice of the method and techniques for improving learning. Environmental awareness is limited to the understanding aspect while environmental education has a role in improving life and values. (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Environmental Education)
Objectives of Environmental Education
The goals of EE are to develop a world population that is aware of and concerned about, the total environment and its related problems, and committed to working individually and collectively towards solutions to current problems and the prevention of new ones (UNESCO, 1975). These are as follows:
- Awareness i.e., acquire an awareness of and sensitivity to the total environment and its allied problems.
- Knowledge i.e., gaining a variety of experiences and acquiring a basic understanding of the environment and its associated problems. (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Environmental Education)
- Attitude i.e., acquire a set of values and feelings of concern for the environment and the motivation for active participation in environmental improvement and protection. (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Environmental Education)
- Skill i.e., acquire skills for identifying and solving environmental problems.
- Evaluation ability i.e., evaluate environmental measures and education programmers in terms of ecological, economic, social, aesthetic, and educational factors. (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Environmental Education)
- Participation i.e. provides an opportunity to be actively involved at all levels in working towards the resolution of environmental problems, (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Environmental Education)
Guiding Principles of Environmental Education
The guiding principles are as below:
- To consider the environment in its totality (natural, artificial technological, social, economic, political, moral, cultural, historical, and aesthetical). (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Environmental Education)
- To consider a continuous life process (from pre-school to all higher levels formal as well as non-formal).
- To be interdisciplinary in the study approach.
- To emphasize active participation in prevention and solution to environmental problems.
- To examine major environmental issues from a local, national, regional, and international point of view.
- To focus on current, and potential environmental situations.
- To consider environmental aspects in plans for growth and development.
- To emphasize the complexity of environmental problems and the need to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
- To promote the value and necessity of local, national, and international cooperation in the prevention and solution of the environment. (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Environmental Education)
- To utilize diverse learning about the environment and different approaches to teaching and learning about the environment.
- To help learners to discover the symptom and the real causes of environmental problems.
- To relate environmental sensitivity, knowledge, problem-solving, and value clarification at every grade level.
- To enable learners to have any role in planning their learning experiences and provide an opportunity for making decision and accepting their consequences. (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Environmental Education)
Environmental Educational Programmes
Newman (1981) proposed a three-fold classification of environmental education programmes based on different disciplines.
- Environmental Studies. This is concerned with the environmental disturbance and minimization of their impacts through changes in society (social sciences). (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Environmental Education)
- Environmental Science. It deals with the study of the processes in water, air, soil, and organisms which lead to pollution or environmental damage and to known a scientific basis for establishing a standard that can be considered acceptably clean, safe, and healthy for human and natural ecosystem (physical and natural sciences).
- Environmental Engineering. This is the study of the technical processes which are used to minimize pollution and the assessment of the impact these on the environment (engineering sciences).
Characteristics of Environmental Education
The review of the definitions of E.E. indicates the following main characteristics:
- It is a process of recognizing the interrelatedness between man, and his physical, cultural, and biological surroundings.
- It appears to be a process that equips human beings with awareness, skills, attitudes, values, and commitments to improve the environment. (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Environmental Education)
- It refers to the knowledge and understanding of the physical, biological, cultural, and psychological environment and to perceive its relevance to real-life situations. (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Environmental Education)
- It identifies the imbalances of the environment and tries to improve them in view of substance development.
- It entails practice in decision making and self formulations of a code of behaviour about problems and issues concerning environmental quality. (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Environmental Education)
- It develops skills, attitudes, feelings, and values needed to play and productive role in improving life and values.
- It involves a child’s investigation and systematic exploration of his own natural and social environment and prepares him to solve problems for improving his life. (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Environmental Education)
- It is problem-centered, interdisciplinary, value and community-oriented, and concerned with man’s survival and development. It concerns the present and the future. (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Environmental Education)
- It provides the basis for construction and creative skills for the practice of healthy living and improvement.
- It involves both theoretical and practical aspects of the environment to improve the imbalances and prevent deterioration or pollution. (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Environmental Education)
- It utilizes educational approaches, methods, and techniques of teaching to identify the real causes of environmental problems and practice problem-solving skills in formal and non-formal situations.
Need for Environmental Education
The concept and term ‘Environmental Education‘ are very new and latest but it has very ancient roots in our culture.
Rigveda is the oldest of all four Vedas. It has been stated in the Rigveda, “The dust (Dhula) of mother Earth and light of father sky should remain to be associated with full brightness for our welfare.” According to Rigveda, there are three kinds of God—the celestial, the aerial, and terrestrial i.e., land, air, and water, Brihaspati is most important, which means awareness of these manuals. The whole Brahamanda was full of peace and happiness because the environment was so closely related that it was difficult to think ma organism as something separate from nature or the environment.
In the present situation man and the environment are considered interrelated there is interdependence between them. Nature or environment becomes a so of sorrow and happiness because the dust of the earth, light, and air of sky have the adverse effects on human beings. Therefore, it widely recognizes the need introduction of environmental education.
The country has accepted the need for environmental education, with the recommendations of the Tiwari Committee (1980). Many recognize an urgent need for ‘environmental education. Besides introducing the subject of ‘Environmental Science’ at all levels of education, we must give much emphasis to the new approaches and programs of environmental education, thus the idea is to bring environmental concerns into all study subjects. It will bring environmental concerns to all facts of life.
Most people recognize the urgent need for environmental education, but only some have clear ideas about what needs to be done, and very few have either the actual experience or the knowledge about the courses that need to be taught. The main objective of environmental education is that individuals and social groups should acquire awareness and knowledge develop attitudes, skills, and abilities and participate in solving real-life environmental problems.
The perspective should be integrated, inter-disciplinary and holistic in character They lay public in the rural, tribal, slum, and urban areas, women and students and teachers in schools, colleges, and universities as well as planners and decision and policymakers, programme implementers, and workers need to be educated about the environment.
The area of environmental education is very wide as compared with the statements: of environmental science. It can be illustrated with the help of the following:
“If you want to grow a crop, you have to plan for a year.” It is the job of agriculture scientists.
“If you want to grow a plant, you have to plan for ten years.” It is the task of plant scientists.
“If you want to grow or educate a man, you have to plan for one hundred years.” It is the responsibility of an educationist.
Agriculture and plant scientists are also educated and trained for their area of study. In fact, education is considered the highest order investment which becomes an asset in time to come.
The need for Environmental Education (EE) has been thoroughly discussed at several national and international seminars, workshops, and conferences. After the deliberations at Forex in 1971 and at Stockholm in 1972, an International.
The workshop was held on Environmental Education—”The Belgrade Charter” at Belgrade (Yugoslavia) in 1975 organized by UNESCO and later an Inter-Governmental Conference on EE (UNESCO, UNEP) at Tbilisi, USSR in 1977. Belgrade workshop formulated the guiding principles to achieve the objectives of the Stockholm Conference, whereas Tbilisi Conference followed closely in the footsteps of the Belgrade Workshop. (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Environmental Education)
In a national seminar, organized by the Indian Environmental Society in collaboration with the International Programme on Environmental Management at the Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi in 1979, emphasis was given to incorporating Gandhian thought and values as a part of environmental education. A number of recommendations were made in the seminar.
On the occasion of the First International Conference on Environmental Education held in New Delhi, in 1987, the late Mrs. Indira Gandhi observed that EE is to help arouse social consciousness and make the community aware of the fact that the good of the individual and that of the community are both harmed by ecological disruptions. In 1985, there was the Second International Conference on EE in New Delhi. Several important points could emerge from the deliberations of the international regional, national, and even local conferences on environmental education. (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Environmental Education)