BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Identification of Children Suffering from Tension
BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Identification of Children Suffering from Tension: In this post, we will learn about BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Identification of Children Suffering from Tension? In Bed 2nd Year there is one of the most important questions comes from Growing up as a Learner. BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Identification of Children Suffering from Tension? Teaching is a social and professional activity. It is a process of development. Teaching is a system of actions that induce learning through interpersonal relationships. and all the rest you will study in this Blog.
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Identification of Children Suffering from Tension
When a child or person is faced with some its results in upheaval in his mind, this state is generally called tension: but in the view of psychologists, tension is the stimulation that activates him to solve that problem. Whenever a child or person is confronted with a problem, tension arises in him, and it continues unless that problem has not been resolved.
It can be understood in a cleaner way by saying that tension is that mental state which creates restlessness in the mind when he is faced with a problem, or is unable to understand it, or fails to solve the problem; and this restlessness lasts until he is able to solve the problem. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Identification of Children Suffering from Tension)
A tense child can be identified on the basis of these symptoms. A tense a presents symptoms similar to neurotics, but there are certain specific symptoms which a tense child can be distinguished from other neurotics. These symptoms are as follows:
- These children often show restlessness in their behavior.
- These children lose their mental equilibrium rather quickly.
- These children are unable to control their emotions, like love, anger, hatred, jealousy, etc.
- Their life is disorderly; they are distinct from common children in their eating habits, lifestyle, manner of thinking, behavior, etc.
Adjustment of Tense Children
There are two measures to achieve adjustment of tense children; first, to prevent them from becoming tense; and second, to adopt the process of adjustment. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Identification of Children Suffering from Tension)
Measures to Prevent Tension
Tension activates a child for problem-solving; however, if a child remains in this state over a prolonged period and fails to solve the problem, it becomes a barrier in his path. A barrier can be faced in the education of school children. Therefore, effort should be made to prevent children from getting afflicted by tension. Gates and others have divided the methods to reduce tension into two: direct methods and indirect methods. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Identification of Children Suffering from Tension)
Adjustment Process
If children continue to be under tension despite having applied all the suitable measures, the process of adjustment should be followed for their adjustment. We have discussed this aspect in the preceding pages of the same chapter. Please refer to them.
Identification of Children Suffering from Anxiety and their Adjustment
Identification of Anxious Children
A child or person emotionally responds in three ways: aggressively (as in anger, jealousy, hatred), inhibitive, (as in fear, worry, and anxiety), and joyfully (as in love, happiness, excitement). According to psychologists, anxiety is the higher state of fear.
According to Lind Green, a psychologist, when a child or person perceives indefiniteness in needs pertaining to his security, body, and self-respect, a state of fear is produced in him. When this fear rises to its highest state, it transforms into anxiety.
It is a little difficult task to identify a child suffering from anxiety because he prevents it from being manifested outside; therefore, some psychologists have described anxiety as an ‘elusive feeling’. The behavior of a child has to be minutely observed in order to identify if he suffers from anxiety. There are some symptoms that distinguish them from other neurotic children.
These symptoms are as follows:
- These children are soon scared of barriers and failures. The emotion of fear can be seen on their faces.
- These children are tense. This state can be seen in their expressions.
- These children are often restless and unhappy, and peevish too.
- These children are ever scared, dissatisfied, and sorrowful.
- These children are pessimistic and wander between fate and destiny.
Adjustment of Anxious Children
The foremost measure for adjustment of an anxious child is to prevent him from suffering from anxiety, and the second measure is to apply suitable methods for inclining him towards adjustment.
Measures to Prevent Anxiety
Parents and teachers should undertake the following measures in order to prevent children from suffering from anxiety:
- The parents and other family members in the family and teachers in school should treat the children with love, sympathy, and cooperation. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Identification of Children Suffering from Tension)
- Parents and teachers should cultivate confidence in children, and they should be trained in the process of problem-solving.
- Parents and teachers ought to expect children what they actually deserve.
- They should keep the children free from any external pressures and should give them opportunities for thinking and taking decisions themselves. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Identification of Children Suffering from Tension)
- Children, especially adolescents, are worried about their future. Parents and teachers should prevent children from being entangled in anxiety pertaining to the future, like anxiety relating to success in examinations, anxiety relating to good scores on tests, anxiety relating to employment in life, and anxiety relating to getting a good partner in life, etc.
- Cultivate in children the spirit of healthy competition and train them to maintain their mental equilibrium in case of both success and failure. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Identification of Children Suffering from Tension)
- Incline them towards undertaking yogic activities regularly.
Process of Adjustment
If the children happen to suffer from anxiety, the process of adjustment should be applied in order to put them on the path of adjustment. At first, the children suffering from anxiety should be identified, and then the causes should be ascertained, and after this, the most suitable method of adjustment, as delineated earlier, should be applied.
These children should be continuously counseled and follow-up action should be taken.
Identification of Mentally-Retarded Problem, Backward and Delinquent Children and their Adjustment
Generally, the same process is adopted for inclining the mentally-retarded, problem, backward, and delinquent children as is adopted for maladjusted and neurotic children towards adjustment.
Identification of These children
Mentally-retarded problem, backward and delinquent children have their specific symptoms by which they can be identified.
Adjustment of These Children
To incline mentally-retarded, backward, and delinquent children towards adjustment, the mechanism of adjustment (most adequate of different methods) will have to be applied. We have discussed this at the beginning of this post.
The truth remains that the first task is to ascertain the children who have not been able to adjust themselves, and the next task is to ascertain the causes for their maladjustments, and then an effort is made to remove the causes and at the end guidance and follow-up work is undertaken. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Identification of Children Suffering from Tension)
Role of Parents and Teachers in Directing Children towards proper Adjustment
A school child spends most time at home he comes to school for 4-6 hours so the role of the family in directing the child towards the right adjustment is significant. The school is responsible for all types of development of a child, We adjustment of a child is concerned.
Role of Family and Guardians
In this context, the foremost duty of the family is to meet the minimum needs of a child. The family which is unable to meet the needs of the child due to poverty, should first acquaint the child with such a situation and explain it to him affectionately.
The second duty of the family is to acquaint the child with his ability and capability, and aspire to him accordingly, and adequate goals should be placed before the child. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Identification of Children Suffering from Tension)
The third duty of the family is not to impose any unnecessary burden on a child. He should be allowed to think, decide and express himself independently. Both doting (excessive love) and negative attitudes direct a child towards maladjustment. Therefore, parents should treat a child in a balanced manner. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Identification of Children Suffering from Tension)
The family should keep a child free the future anxiety. It can be possible only when all members of the family, especially parents, are optimistic and free from future anxiety relating to the future.
The impact of it will be the suppression of negative emotions and feelings in a child, his mental health will be maintained, and he will be able to establish a harmonious balance between his needs, aspirations, and circumstances; that is, he will become fully well adjusted.
Role of School and Teachers
In this context, the foremost duty of school officials and teachers is to equip the school with all facilities and provide remote arrangements for teaching and co-curricular activities, and solve the academic problems of children.
Their second duty is to keep children free from fear of examination or any other type of fear. It can be possible when the number of working days in school is increased. Children should be taught to work hard, and should be imparted learning; confidence should be cultivated in them. The school and teachers should fulfill their responsibility honestly.
Children belonging to different castes, religions, and diverse social and economic statuses study and play together in a school. Teachers should treat them all equally; it would not allow inferiority complex to cultivate in children, and they will not be inclined towards maladjustment. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Identification of Children Suffering from Tension)
Teachers should acquaint school children with their abilities and capabilities, they should give educational and vocational guidance, and should give children opportunities to move ahead in a particular field in keeping with their abilities, capabilities, and aptitude; only in such a situation, they would be able to be an adjusted well.
The school or teachers should not impose any orders on children; rather a sense of self-discipline should be cultivated in them. Besides, the self-respect of children should be safeguarded, and they should not be hurt in any way.
All this will have a combined effect of cultivating positive emotions in children, leading to their good mental health and adjustment.