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BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Individual Differences

BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Individual Differences

BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Individual Differences

BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Individual Differences: In this post, we will learn about BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Individual Differences? In Bed 2nd Year there is one of the most important questions comes from Growing up as a Learner. BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Individual Differences? Teaching is a social and professional activity. It is a process of development. Teaching is a system of actions that induce learning through interpersonal relationships. and all the rest you will study in this Blog.

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BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Individual Differences
BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Individual Differences

Meaning and Definitions

The term ‘individual differences’ is qualitative and quantitative. The quantitative differences are measured by quantifying the variables which may be heredity or environmental. The qualitative individual differences are evaluated by observing attributes or traits.

It has been defined by several psychologists in a distinctive way. Some important definitions have been stated in the following paragraphs-

According to Tylor,

“Measurable individual differences have been shown to exist in physical size and shape, physiological functions, motor capacities, intelligence, achievement and knowledge, interests, attitudes and personality traits”.

Tylor has also stated that variability from individual to individual seems to be a universal phenomenon.

The psychology of individual differences is largely the study of group differences. This study classified individuals by age, trait, sex, race, social class, and so on, and observes the differences within and between these groups. There may be between-group differences and within-group differences both types of differences are known as variations.

“Individual differences” term also refers to differential acquisition rates. There are, of course, differences in retention, transfer of learning, problem-solving mediation, and so on. If differences in problem-solving would exist, there were no differences in the rate of acquisition of knowledge. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Individual Differences)

Characteristics of Individual Differences

The following are the features of individual difference

  1. It is the universal phenomenon of social sciences as well as physical and biosciences.
  2. Individual differences are the basis of the psychology discipline. It is the pivot of the edifice of psychology.
  3. It is both quantitative and qualitative.
  4. Individual differences are measured with the help of physical and physiological functions and motor capacities.
  5. Individual differences exist in intelligence achievement, interests, attitudes values adjustment, personality traits, etc.
  6. It exists in the sex, age race, and social class of the individuals.

Range of Individual Differences

Individual differences are qualitative and quantitative hence it is very difficult to say about the range of any trait or variable in an individual. The variables are measured to identify the individual differences and the extent of the difference. The measures of variability are the indexes for the group variation and individual variations.

It is the assumption of psycho matricide that each trait is normally distributed whether a trait is physical, psychological, educational, or social. The extreme upper limits of the trait are not definite, therefore, the normal curve is the asymptotic curve whose ends never meet the X-axes. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Individual Differences)

It has been illustrated with the help of the following diagram:

BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Individual Differences

The above normal curve shows the range of I.Qs. distribution. The ends of the curves never meet to X-axis which means the upper limit and lower limit of IQs distribution are not definite, whatever the highest I.Q., has been obtained so far is known as a record not the upper limit of intelligence. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Individual Differences)

Similarly, the physical height of the individuals or population is also normally distributed. Whatever the highest physical height has been obtained so far, is known as a record of the height, not the upper limit.

Thus, the range of individual differences with regard to any trait a variable is difficult to measure. The distribution of individual differences can be best illustrated with the help of a normal distribution curve which is commonly used in educational and psychological studies related to certain variables.

Types of Individual Differences

The nature of individual differences is largely the study of group differences. hereditary and environmental traits are the determinants of individual differences. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Individual Differences)

The group differences with regard to any trait are of two types—

1. Between and among group differences, 2. Within groups differences.

  1. Statistically, total group differences consist of two types of differences between (among) and within groups variation. The achievement scores in Hindi subject of two groups.

There is no difference between the two groups because the mean of the groups is equal but there is a difference with regard to variability measures of the groups. One group is homogeneous and the Second is relatively heterogeneous. Thus it shows within group differences.

  1. The individual differences may also be divided into two categories with reference person:

(i) Inter-individual differences and

(ii) Intra-individual differences.

(i) Inter-individual differences: Different persons have difs extent of traits and abilities. This difference between two persons or among per is termed as inter-individual differences. It is illustrated with an example that achievement scores in Hindi have been shown in A, B, and C groups in ah illustration or I. Q. of X = 120 and Y = 110. There are inter-individual differences regard to achievement and also intelligence. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Individual Differences)

(ii) Intra-individual difference: Individual difference within an ability structure, having the same extent of the trait.

Example two individuals have the same I.Q. A= 120, B = 120. It means there are no inter-individual differences but A has a high verbal ability and B has a high numerical movement ability. It means that intra-individual differences exist. Similarly achievement score in Hindi is X = 60 and Y = 60. X has understanding while Y has memory. It shows intra-individual variation.

Determinants of Individual Differences

There are two major determinants of individual differences.

1. Heredity and

2. Environment.

1. Heredity: Consists of specific genes receive from his/her parents. It is the presence of a particular gene or combination of genes-chromosomes. These occur in pairs each similar in appearance and function. The individual’s future nature, growth temperament, personality, intelligence, etc., are based on these genes.

The types of genes, he receives determine the extent of similarities and differences in various traits of the individual. Heredity prescribes the limits and the environment develops the person only up to the maximum point which is fixed by heredity.

2. Environment: Consists of the sum total of the stimulation that an individual receives from his parents. The interaction between the heredity and environment plays an important role in determining differences between or among individuals with regard to certain traits. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Individual Differences)

The nature and extent of the influence of each type of determinant depend upon the specific heredity upon which it operates, Every heredity factor operates differently under different environmental conditions.

There is no agreement regarding the contribution of heredity and the environment. Behaviorists are of the view that environment is, all in all, heredity has nothing to do with the development of the individual, but the elective approach is most appropriate and feasible in this context. Individual differences were ascertained with regard to heredity and environmental traits.

  1. Innate (heredity) and
  2. Acquired traits (environmental).

The classification of the determinants has been shown in the following chart:

BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Individual Differences

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