BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Maladjustment
BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Maladjustment: In this post, we will learn about BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Maladjustment? In Bed 2nd Year there is one of the most important questions comes from Growing up as a Learner. BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Maladjustment? Teaching is a social and professional activity. It is a process of development. Teaching is a system of actions that induce learning through interpersonal relationships. and all the rest you will study in this Blog.
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Meaning and Definition of Maladjustment
Generally, maladjustment is meant that a child or person fails to adjust himself to his circumstances; however from a psychological viewpoint, it means that a child or person has to establish a harmonious balance between his or orations and circumstances, due to the resultant mental stress, he deviating from the family or social norms.
For example, when a child acquires the highest place in the class exceeding his own ability, and fails in this endeavor, he starts to act as a hoodlum to create his group. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Maladjustment)
We can define this phenomenon as under:
Maladjustment is meant when a child or person behaves himself deviating from his familial and social norms when he fails to establish a pious balance between his needs, aspirations, and circumstances.
Causes of Maladjustment
Generally, the following are the causes of maladjustment:
- Physical Build: The psychologist Gilbert has found in his study that a child who is deformed and handicapped physically, often suffers from inferiority called maladjustment. complex, and due to this, his behavior becomes unworthy. Such behavior is called maladjustment. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Maladjustment)
- Psychological Deficiency: Children, who lack intelligence or are ferior in memory, imagination, thinking, and problem-solving, lag behind in their studies and thus become backward from an educational viewpoint. Due to all this, they develop negative sentiments and emotions such as fear, anxiety, and inferiority complex, leading to their march towards maladjustment.
- Familial Environment: The results of psychological studies reveal that the families suffering from poverty fail to fulfill the minimum needs of their children, and when these children join other peers, they feel inferiority complex, which leads them towards maladjustment. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Maladjustment)
This has also been seen that the parents anticipate from children more than they are capable of and when children fail to achieve the anticipation, they tread towards maladjustment. In this context, Franz studied the children coming from broken families and found that the children coming from divorced or broken families remain unhappy and tend to march towards maladjustment.
- Social and Religious Bondage: A child has to conduct himself as per the social and religious norms prevailing in the family and community. When children, especially adolescents, start to determine their behavior on the basis of logic, it sometimes I ad to conflict between their social and religious norms and their decisions, and this conflict can lead them towards maladjustment.
- School Environment: If a child is not provided necessary facilities at school, and his teachers treat him like an uncontrolled dictator, it is natural for him to undergo pangs of anger; in such a situation he often revolts, and we call this situation maladjustment. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Maladjustment)
- Anxiety for Future: A child, especially an adolescent, is often anxious for his future, and a child who finds his future dark and hopeless, comes under stress and inclines himself towards maladjustment.
- Miscellaneous Factors: In miscellaneous factors are included improper space for a child in his family, neighborhood, school, or community; lack of time and means of recreation; expecting from him more than his ability and capability; burdening him with more than his physical and mental capability, etc. All these situations lead to negative emotions in a child, and he inclines himself towards maladjustment. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Maladjustment)
Identification of Maladjusted Children and their Adjustment
Generally, the following procedure is adopted to incline a Malad towards adjustment:
Identification of Maladjusted Children
The first step is to identify the maladjusted and non-adjusted child can be done from their symptoms or characteristics. These children often display the following symptoms:
- These children fail to adjust themselves to their environment
- They are antisocial, selfish, and desperate.
- They are emotionally unstable.
- They have indefinite and vague goals.
- They entertain feelings of hatred, enmity, and revenge.
- They are often disturbed by even a minor barrier and begin to in unbalanced behavior.
- These children often suffer from complex, conflict, and anxiety.
Determining the Fields of Maladjustment
Having identified maladjusted children, the fields are specified in which they suffer from complex, conflict or anxiety, and with which they fail to adjust. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Maladjustment)
Generally, these fields are family, neighborhood, community, and school. There are some children who have a balanced behavior at school, but remain stressed and unbalanced at home, while there are some children who are quiet at home but aggressive at school. It implies that they are facing some problem is undertaken. adjustment and this has to be determined. It is under this step that this task is undertaken. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Maladjustment)
Ascertaining the Causes of Maladjustment
Having identified the maladjusted children and fields of maladjustment, the causes behind them are ascertained.
Having maladjustment, children are provided guidance. They are acquainted with their faculties and strengths, with the facts of their environment, and the merits and demerits of a particular type of behavior; all these factors are explained to them. After this, such ability is cultivated in them by which they can decide themselves for satisfactory adjustment.
Follow Up Work
This is the final step in which it is ensured whether a guided child has been able to adjust himself or how far he has succeeded in resolving the adjustment-related problem. If a child has failed to resolve his problem, another effort is made to identify his causes and the entire procedure is applied again. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Maladjustment)
Identification of Neurotic Children and their Adjustment Generally, the same procedure is adopted for realizing adjustment of neurotic children as is adopted for maladjusted children in order to bring them round to adjustment.
Identification of Neurotic children
A neurotic child can identify from his symptoms. Some neurotic children suffer from frustration, conflict tension, or anxiety. They can be inclined towards adjustment by their guardians and teachers, while some neurotic children need medical services by neurologists and psychoanalysis for treatment of their aggression and insanity and to put them on the path of adjustment.
Generally, a neurotic child has the following symptoms:
- Abnormal Mental Activates: A Child suffering from frustration, anxiety, stress, and conflict has weak powers of memory, thinking, and logic; due to take, kids act differently from common children.
- Abnormal Emotions: Such a child displays an imbalanced exposition of anger, sorrow, despair, happiness, etc. He becomes happy at one moment and sorrowful at another, he becomes angry at one time and quiet and indifferent at another.
- Unsocial Behaviour: Such a child fails to adjust himself, so he proceeds towards maladjustment, and involves himself in activities that are in conflict with social, religious, and moral norms.
- Criminal Tendencies: Such a child fails to distinguish between good and bad merit or demerit, and so is inclined towards criminal tendencies like thievery, falsehood, violent behavior, atrocity, etc.
- Cultivation of Bad Habits: Continuous failure can deform the mental equilibrium of such a child, and he may take to bad habits like drinking, smoking, taking drugs and indulging in immoral sexual conduct, etc.
These children display different symptoms, which can help to ascertain which child is suffering from which mental ailment (frustration, anxiety, stress, or conflict). (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Maladjustment)
Identification of Frustrated Children and their adjustment
Identification of Frustrated Children
When a child is confronted with a barrier in the realization of his goal, and he fails to overcome that goal, he grows desperate. Such a desperate situation is called frustration. It is produced in a child when he fails to realize his goal despite repeated attempts. A child suffering from frustration is found with certain specific symptoms in addition to the general symptoms found in other neurotic children; on the basis of these symptoms, we can identify frustrated children.
These symptoms are as follows:
- Tension: A child suffering from frustration suffers from mental tension. He feels restlessness inside and remains sullen. He is often indifferent or keeps wandering here and there.
- Fantasy: Some children might grow so desperate in case of failure that they tend to think it impossible to realize their goals, and they tend to look for their solutions in fancies as distinct from the real world. This is called fantasy in psychological terminology. Sometimes, a child may grow so desperate that he may not be able to distinguish between reality and fantasy.
- Stereotyping: Sometimes a child may keep repeating the same method for the realization of a goal despite repeated failure. This is called stereotyping in psychological terminology
- Regression: Sometimes a child may behave childishly in a situation of frustration, such as crying, screaming, or seeking other help. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Maladjustment)
Adjustment of Frustrated Children
Adjustment of a frustrated child is affected in two ways; first, to save him from frustration, and second, to apply the process of adjustment after a child has become frustrated. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Maladjustment)
Means for Prevention of Frustration
A child suffering from frustration is mentally ill and fails to adjust himself correctly, so it is essential to prevent him from becoming frustrated. If a school child happens to be suffering from frustration, his learning process is hindered; so it is essential to save him from frustration. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Maladjustment)
The family is the first school for a child, so this work should be taken up by the family and school together, and it should be initiated right from the beginning.
- In this context, the first duty of family and school is to take care of a child’s physical and mental health and cultivate it properly. If a child happens to be physically or mentally ill, he should be given due treatment. Besides, a child should be acquainted with his physical and mental ability and capability clearly. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Maladjustment)
- The second duty of a family is to raise his ambition in keeping with a child’s physical and mental ability and capability. And it is the second duty of a teacher to hold curricular and co-curricular activities as per the abilities and capabilities of common children of that age group. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Maladjustment)
It is also essential that a teacher makes use of proper techniques and methods of teaching, and resolves all those barriers which may be faced in the process of teaching-learning. Children should be given the freedom to choose from co-curricular activities, - The third duty of family and school is to guide children in educational and vocational domains and to assist them in the realization of their goals at every step. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Maladjustment)
- The fourth duty of family and school is to acquaint children with their abilities and capabilities, cultivate self-confidence and courage in them, and make them active. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Maladjustment)
- And these two are duty-bound for the final and most essential duty, that is, to treat children with love, sympathy, and cooperation; manage resources for the realization of goals, and assist in the tasks needed for the realization of goals.
Process of Adjustment
If a child happens to suffer from frustration, he should be inclined towards proper adjustment through a suitable method. We have already discussed the methods of adjustment in the preceding pages.
Identification of Children Suffering from Tensions Conflict and their Adjustment
Identification of Children Suffering from Conflict
When a child or person is mentally entangled between two opposing goals or thoughts leading to mental struggle, such a mental state is called mental indecision, mental struggle, or conflict. In the state of conflict, a child suffers from emotional tension and finds himself unable to decide anything. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Maladjustment)
Douglas and Holland have said that mental conflict is meant that troubling emotional state which is produced due to tension between opposing and conflicting desires.
However, the reality remains that a child happens to suffer from conflict only when he is unable to determine between two opposing goals. So, a child suffering from conflict can be identified by certain symptoms occurring due to his mental state. Some symptoms are common to all neurotics, while some of them are specific.
The specific characteristics of a child suffering from mental conflict are as follows:
- Weak decision-making ability.
- Vague goals and objectives.
- Lack of self-confidence.
- Weak nervous system and nervous illnesses.
Adjustment of Children Suffering from conflict
Adjustment of children suffering from conflict can be effected in two ways; first, to prevent the occurrence of a conflicting state; and second, to adopt the adjustment process once a child has come to suffer from it.
Measures of Prevention of Conflict
In the state of conflict, a child fails to take decisions and becomes indecisive, he remains desperate and fails to realize any goal. Such a type of mental state in a student is very obstructive in his learning; so, it is necessary that a child is prevented from facing a situation of conflict. This duty should be performed by both family and school and they should cooperate with each other in this respect.
- In this context, the first duty of the family or parents and school or teachers is to train children right from the beginning to understand their problems and to confront as well as solve them. It can be possible only when they are presented with such problems which they can solve. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Maladjustment)
- The second requirement for this purpose is to cultivate children self- confidence and decision-making ability. To cultivate both these abilities, parents and teachers should allow children to think independently and to express themselves freely; they should be given opportunities to take independent decisions in respect of the topics concerning them.
- Only those children can take decisions who have a clear knowledge of their goals or aims. Children should be explained their goals or aims. They should also be explained goals as well as life values, only then they will be able to face the anti-environment forces. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Maladjustment)
- A child suffering from conflict happens to suffer from negative emotions. In such a state of negative emotions, he loses his mental equilibrium and fails to take due decisions; so, it’s essential that negative emotions are not allowed to take root in a child.
- It is also necessary that children are kept physically and mentally healthy, and any physical or mental illness in them should be treated promptly. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Maladjustment)
Process of Adjustment
If a child happens to suffer from conflict despite all the efforts, he should be inclined towards adjustment using a suitable adjustment method. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Maladjustment)