BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Multiple Intelligence
BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Multiple Intelligence: In this post, we will learn about BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Multiple Intelligence? In Bed 2nd Year there is one of the most important questions comes from Growing up as a Learner. BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Multiple Intelligence? Teaching is a social and professional activity. It is a process of development. Teaching is a system of actions that induce learning through interpersonal relationships. and all the rest you will study in this Blog.
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Meaning and Definition of Multiple IntelligenceÂ
Intelligence is generally understood as an ability to think, understand, learn and decide. However, it has several forms and on their basis, different psychologists have described it as the ability to learn, and others as the ability to adjust to the circumstances; some delineate it as an ability to abstract things while others see it as a collection different psychologists have laid down different theories, such as unifactor, bifactor, three-factor multi-factor etc. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Multiple Intelligence)
In the present times too, the effort is being made to explain intelligence. The psychologist Gardner, in his book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligence, has grounded intelligence. In his theory of multiple intelligence, he has presented it as a collection of eight types of intelligence which. according to him, are as follows:
- Linguistic intelligence word smart.
- Logical-mathematical intelligence, number/reasoning smart.
- Spatial intelligence, picture smart.
- Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, body smart.
- Musical intelligence, music smart.
- Interpersonal intelligence, people smart.
- Intrapersonal intelligence, self-smart.
- Naturalistic intelligence, nature smart.
According to Gardner:
Multiple intelligence is the collection of eight types of intelligence: linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalistic, which exist in different individuals in different amounts.
It would be necessary to understand the principle of multiple intelligence, as laid down by Gardner, in order to understand the form of multiple intelligence from the right perspective. Here we go. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Multiple Intelligence)
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory
According to this theory, the form of intelligence is not singular, rather it is multi-dimensional. Gardner has explained eight such criteria on the basis of which intelligence is determined. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Multiple Intelligence)
Gardner has termed these criteria as eight types of intelligence which are: linguistic intelligence, logical-mathematical, intelligence, bodily-lines thence, intelligence musical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, musical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence and naturalistic intelligence. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Multiple Intelligence)
According to this theory, each individual attempts to understand this world language, logical-mathematical analysis, problem-solving, utilization of in making of objects, understanding towards himself and others and relations with nature. These abilities vary to different extents. An individual to different extents. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Multiple Intelligence)
An individual performs different types of tasks using these abilities or faculties together, resolves different types of problems and progresses in different fields. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Multiple Intelligence)
In today’s educational system, students’ intelligence is estimated or measured through linguistic mediums-written/oral tests, numerical-logical ability and in some part on the basis of actions performed by them.
Gardner opines that intelligence can be beyond these mediums too. Some students may not attain good scores in examinations, but they may be far more skilled in understanding others, cooperating with others, organizing things, delivering lectures, exchanging goods, observing nature and understanding it, providing satisfaction by views, being contented, running industry or profession, and several other fields than those who score good scores in examinations or who attain high positions in tests.
However, the present examination system does not measure their intelligence in social and cultural contexts, nor is it recognized for progress in class or other institutions and organisations, or promotion to higher posts and ranks.
For all these a student has to pass through criteria or understanding based on linguistic, logical and mathematical facts.
Gardner has explained that a student’s or individual’s intelligence should not be determined only on the bases of his linguistic, logical and mathematical knowledge and understanding. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Multiple Intelligence)
He has laid emphasis to make different specific abilities as the basis for this purpose and has laid emphasis on teaching-learning, training and guidance for blooming and enrichment of these abilities in specific fields. Gardner opines that the I.Q. is based on a very limited basis. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Multiple Intelligence)
In its place, he has laid down eight types of intelligence, to the extent of which an individual’s or student’s maximum faculties could be bloomed. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Multiple Intelligence)
Characteristics of Multiple Intelligence
According to Gardner, different individuals possess these eight types of intelligence in different measures.
- Linguistic Intelligence: This type of intelligence comprises comprehension of words and sentences, vocabulary, ability to identify relationships between words etc. An individual, with this type of intelligence, makes use of words effectively. His vocabulary skill is of the higher order; often he thinks in words. He likes to read, solve word puzzles and write literature etc. An individual having this intelligence comparatively in more measure goes on to become a writer, journalist, speaker etc. in his life.
- Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: This type of intelligence comprises reasoning ability to solve mathematical problems, the ability to hide behind the sequence of numerals, the ability to identify dividually, this type of intelligence, likes to experiment, solve and about astronomical calculations and the like. An individual intelligence comparatively in more measure becomes scientist, engineer or finance officer etc. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Multiple Intelligence)
- Spatial Intelligence: This intelligence includes in its scope the ability to transform spatial pictures or scenery into a mental form, the ability to have spatial imagination, ability to have spatial imagination, ability to construct buildings etc. An individual having this type of intelligence likes to take pictures, solve different puzzles, study maps and dream etc. An individual having this type of intelligence comparatively in more measure becomes an architect, artist, sailor etc. in his life.
- Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence: This type of intelligence comprises the ability to have control over physical movements and the ability to use objects skillfully. It can be found in players, surgeons and architects etc. as they can skillfully control themselves and use objects around themselves and use objects around them. An individual having command over this type of intelligence is efficient in expressing his ideas through body language. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Multiple Intelligence)
An individual having this type of intelligence comparatively in more measure becomes a dancer, farmer, player surgeon etc. in his life. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Multiple Intelligence) - Musical Intelligence: This type of intelligence comprises the ability to perceive tune, tune sound and its intensity. An individual with this type of intelligence loves music; and the sun and individual become composer, musician, lyricist, music-lovers musician, lyricist,music-lover etc. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Multiple Intelligence)
- Intrapersonal Intelligence: This type of intelligence comprises the ability to control one’s emotions and sentiments, the ability to understand one’s interests, hobbies and goals, the ability to distinguish between them and thus guide one’s conduct and the ability to distinguish between them and thus guide one’s intelligence knowns his inner experiences. Such as reason, inner motivation; self-confidence, purpose etc. An individual having this intelligence comparatively in more measure becomes a metaphysics, psychologist and thinker etc. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Multiple Intelligence)
- Naturalistic Intelligence: This type of intelligence comprises the ability to explain the occurrence taking place in nature and their mutual relations, having this intelligence comparatively ill more measure becomes farmer, ecologists, botanist etc. in life.
Gardner opines that every ordinary individual possesses all the above types of intelligence. But due to the effect of heredity or training, the expression of intelligence may be observed to less or more extent. All these types of intelligence interact with each other, still, each of them functions as an independent system. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Multiple Intelligence)
In the mind, there is a separate module for each type for each of intelligence, which is governed by its own methodology. In case of loss of a specific type of intelligence may be affected, but it does not have an influence on other types of intelligence.
Gardner opines that each type of intelligence possesses a unique cognitive skill, and its consequence can be seen in behaviour in a specific way (in intelligent or moron Individuals); for example, owing to bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, a player’s skill cannot have any use in farming, of course, one type of intelligence skill can be used in another type of intelligence skills, such as solving mathematical problems while listening music. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Multiple Intelligence)
Means of Development of Components of Intelligence
Now we shall discuss the means of cultivating eight components of multiple intelligence
- Means of Development of Linguistic Intelligence
(i) Understand the students and let them understand the teacher.
(ii) Discuss writers of books.
(iii) Visit and inspect libraries and sale-purchases centres of books with students.
(iv) Encourage students to gather specific types of journals and periodicals.
(v) Ask students to retell a story in their own words.
- Means of Development Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
(i) Play logical games with students. using numerals.
(ii) Observe circumstances of the such type where students create new patterns using numerals.
(iii) Motivate students to visit good computer centres, science museums and electronic exhibitions.
(iv) Carry out mathematical experiments with students.
- Means of Development Spatial Intelligence
(i) Provide creative and constructive materials to students.
(ii) Ask students to make different types of charts.
(iii) Take students to visit art museums and art centres.
(iv) Ask students to draw the scenes during and after a visit that they observed during it.
- Means of Development Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
(i) Make materials for undertaking physical activities available for students and encourage them to take part in them.
(ii) Encourage students to take part in indoor and outdoor games.
(iii) Organize different types of contests and programmes.
(iv) Motivate students to take part in dance and cultural programmes.
- Means of Development Musical Intelligence
(i) Make musical aids, tape-recorder, record player etc. available for students.
(ii) Provide an opportunity for students to make use of musical means.
(iii) Create such an environment for students in which they can prepare musical tunes themselves.
(iv) Take students to musical programmes.
(v) Motivate students to compose their own songs.
- Means of Development Intrapersonal Intelligence
(i) Motivate students to work in groups.
(ii) Assist students in the development of dialogue skills.
(iii) Organize group games for students to play.
(iv) Motive students to take part in different types of school committees.
- Means of Development Intrapersonal Intelligence
(i) Provide opportunities for students to choose their hobbies and interests.
(ii) Listen to and understand students’ experiences, and provide them guidance accordingly.
(iii) Provide work to and understand students on the basis of their imagination.
(iv) Encourage students to write dairy.