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BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Natural Resources Study Material

BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Natural Resources Study Material

BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Natural Resources Study Material

BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Natural Resources Study Material: In this post, we will learn about BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Natural Resources Study Material. In Bed 2nd Year there is one of the most important questions comes from Environment Education. You will learn about BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Natural Resources Study Material. Teaching is a social and professional activity. It is a process of development. Teaching is a system of actions that induce learning through interpersonal relationships. and all the rest you will study in this Blog.

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BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Natural Resources Study Material
BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Natural Resources Study Material

Meaning of Natural Resources

Nature has been so kind to man. Ever since its appearance on the earth’s surface, man has been dependent on nature for his subsistence. He needed edible plants and animals. In the initial stages of the history of economic development, man identified these natural gifts available around him and learned to use them. Everything that comes from nature has some utility for man but its utilization is possible on the availability of appropriate technology.

Although natural products existed over the earth’s surface even during the pre-historic time, man had neither the tools nor the technology to use them. Land, sunshine, wind, forest, and wildlife were present much before the appearance of man on the earth. With time he could learn to cultivate the land, grow crops by protecting different plants, and run the wind and water mills using wind and water energy. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Natural Resources Study Material)

Similarly, for centuries coal and mineral oil were present below the earth’s surface but he had no technology to utilize them. hence these natural materials turned into resources only when they could be used. Wood is used for making furniture. Varn obtained from cotton is used for weaving cloth. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Natural Resources Study Material)

Machines, tools and household goods are made of metals. Furniture, clothes, machines, and tools are more valuable than wood, cotton, and metal respectively. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Natural Resources Study Material)

Besides, the form also changes substantially from the raw material (wood) to the finished product (furniture). Any material which can be transformed in a way that it becomes more valuable and useful can be termed resources.

In other words, it is possible to obtain valuable items from any resources. Thus land, water, minerals, forests, wildlife as well as human beings are resources. Any material may be termed as a resource provided that appropriate technology is available to transform that into more valuable goods. (BEd 2nd Year What do you understand by Natural Resources)

Types of Resources

Resources may be classified in several ways:

Based on Continual Utility. Some resources are exhausted soon, whereas others last for a long period. Thus, depending upon the availability of resources, during our continuous use, a resource may be renewable (inexhaustible), non-renewable (exhaustible), or cyclic. Resources which can be renewed along with their exploitation are always available for use.

Hence, they are called renewable resources. For instance, forests are renewable. If trees are felled for wood, original forest covers may be maintained through planning new tress i.e., afforestation. However, the formation of some resources like iron ore, coal, mineral oil, etc., has taken several thousand years. Once they are used in unlimited ways they can not be easily replaced.

Therefore, if exploited at a large scale they will deplete fast. Hence, such resources are called non-renewable resources or exhaustible. For certain resources, there is no final use as they can be used continuously. For example, water used in industry and the domestic way can be cleaned and used again for similar or other purposes. Such resources that can be used again the again are called cyclic resources. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Natural Resources Study Material)

  1. Based on Origin: On the basis of their origin resources may be biotic (organic) or abiotic (in organic). Biotic resources are obtained from the biosphere. Forest and forest products, crops, birds, animals, fish, and other marine life forms are examples of biotic resources Coal and mineral oil also belong to this category since they originate from organic matter. Some biotic resources like forests and livestock are renewable, whereas coal and oil are non-renewable. Resources composed of non-living inorganic matter are called abiotic resources. Land, water, and minerals like iron, copper, lead, and gold are abiotic resources. Some abiotic resources are found as nodules in oceans as nodules of copper and manganese.
  2. Based on Utility: Every resource has some as raw materials and others as sources of energy.

Though, serious concern has already been felt in all nations of the world for a need to conserve their own natural resources we would examine this subject with reference to our country. The various types of natural resources may be considered as follows:

  1. soil, climate, flora, and fauna of India
  2.  forests
  3. fish
  4. land use
  5. water
  6.  wildlife
  7. energy resources

Conservation of Natural Resources

Expanding the human population resulted in expanding the needs of man. With scientific progress and technological development, man started utilizing natural resources on a much larger scale. Continuous increase in population caused an increasing demand for resources. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Natural Resources Study Material)

This created a situation where the non-renewable resources may come to an end after some time. In order to have maximum production, we have started even taking loans from the resources meant for the future. That can not be paid back. As a result, we would be using all those resources which are in fact the property of future generations.

It is a matter of much concern. There must be some sort of balance between pollution growth and the utilization of natural resources.

The non-availability of resources and their price rise is having an adverse effect on the economies of countries the world over. During the 1980s the world experienced a state of imbalance between the growth rates of population and economic development. The process of resources such as petroleum, after 1973 showed abrupt like. Hence the growth rates of food production and economic development suffered setbacks. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Natural Resources Study Material)

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