BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Nature of Psychology Notes Download PDF
BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Nature of Psychology Notes download PDF: In this post, we will learn about Nature of Psychology. In Bed 2nd Year there is one of the most important questions comes from Growing up as a Learner. Teaching is a social and professional activity. It is a process of development. Teaching is a system of actions that induce learning through interpersonal relationships. and all the rest you will study in this Blog. In this post we will learn Meaning of Natural Resourses, Types of Natural Resourses, Conservation of Natural Resourses. Nature of Psychology is one of the most important topic as far as BEd 2nd Year is concern. If you want to prepare well for BEd 2nd Year these study material Notes can help you a lot.
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BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Psychology
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Nature of Psychology
- As a Process: Psychology does not occupy an independent place. The chief aim of the process is to assist in the development of an individual keeping in view the social needs.
- A Continuous Process: Psychology is a process, Here, it is important to point out that the process of psychology never ends. It remains dynamic. In this process, an individual understands himself and learns to use maximum his own capacities, interest, and other attitudes. He continues his struggle for adjustment in different Situations. He develops his capacity for decision-making. Hence, we see that it is a non-stop process or continuous process.
- Related to Life: The process of psychology is related to life. This psychology contributes formally or informally to life because life experiences both formal and informal occasions. A person gets informal psychology from his friends and relatives while formal psychology is sought from organized school psychology services and other organized psychology services.
- Development of Capacities: During die process of psychology the individual is assisted in such a way that he makes himself enabled to develop his capacities maximum from all angles. Hence, psychology stresses the complete development of possibilities present in an individual. As an individual becomes familiar with his real image. Hence, psychology is helpful in self-realization.
- Individual Assistance: Psychology is accepted so individualized help. Through psychology, an individual s personal development is provided a direction and not to a group. Hence, it is a process of individualized assistance.
- Task of Trained Persons: Providing psychology is not the function of all persons because various techniques and skills are to be used in it. Everybody does not possess the knowledge of the same. For this task, trained persons, psychologists, and counselors are required. Hence, psychology is a skill-involved process or technical task.
- Wide Scope of Psychology: The scope of psychology is too wide. Any needy person can be guided. This can include persons of different ages, different interests, various characteristics, and persons. of different nature. Hence, we cannot draw boundaries around the process of psychology. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Nature of Psychology Notes download PDF)
- Helpful in Adjustment: Psychology helps the person in his adjustment to different situations. This process allows learning to adjust to different situations. This process allows learning to adjust to different types of problems. In this way, the main characteristic of the nature of psychology is to provide new energy to the demoralized person by adjusting himself to the problematic situation through the process of psychology.
- Helpful in Developing the Ability of Self-psychology: The nature of psychology also includes the characteristics of developing self-psychology in a person with the help of the psychology process. This enables him in achieving, self-dependence by searching for the solution to problems of life. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Nature of Psychology Notes download PDF)
- No Imposition of One’s View Point: It is also the main characteristic of psychology not to impose one’s viewpoint on others. It depends upon the wish of an individual how he acquires benefit by accepting the decision of the psychology worker. If he wishes, he may deny accepting such decisions of the psychology workers. Hence, it is not a process of imposing decisions.
- Helpful in Preparing for Future Career: The process of psychology is helpful in preparing a person for this future. Hence, a person can succeed in preparing himself for future activities. In this way, psychology is a well-Wisher of an individual’s future.
- Psychology as an Educational Service: The nature of psychology also includes educational services. It has been defined as educational services.
The meaning of psychology is explained in the context of problems occurring in the field of education and in the context of adjustment in the school environment. - Client Centred: Psychology has been accepted as a specialized service. In this form, this process is more client-centered. In other words, it is based upon a developmental approach.
- Psychology as a Sub-process of Education (Supporting device): Psychology is also considered a sub-process of education. In education, efforts are made for the all-around development of pupils. Psychology occupies its own place in this process of education. It is being considered a process like other processes of education.
- Psychology as More than Assistance: Psychology is not merely assistance. It is more than assistance. Limits of this assistance are not fixed or decided. This assistance has a wider scope. It cannot be predicted when and how much help an individual needs. Nothing can be ascertained in advance. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Nature of Psychology Notes download PDF)