BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by social and moral development of human being
BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by social and moral development of human being: In this post, we will learn about BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by social and moral development of human being? In Bed 2nd Year there is one of the most important questions comes from Growing up as a Learner. BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by social and moral development of human being? Teaching is a social and professional activity. It is a process of development. Teaching is a system of actions that induce learning through interpersonal relationships. and all the rest you will study in this Blog.
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Social Development of Human Being
By social development is meant learning about lifestyle in society and adjusting to it.
The psychologist Hurlock has said: “Social development means the acquisition of the ability to behave according to social expectation.”
Man’s social development takes place gradually with age. At first, a child learns the socially approved behaviour and then plays his role as approved by society, and in the end, he cultivates a positive tendency to abide by the social rules by which he adjusts himself to society. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by social and moral development of human being)
Psychologists have found in their studies that a child’s behaviour in the first two years is instinctive, he is self-centred. On completion of two years, he forms relationships with family elders because they fulfil his needs, and is happy with them. Now he starts to imitate the activities (behaviours) of other family members. By the age of 3 years, he displays a love for others.
On completion of 4 years, he forms relationships with the same age group children and shares their joys and sorrows, and thus, his social development starts to take place, At this time, he starts to do social behaviour, that is friendship and cooperation, and also display unsocial behaviour like enmity, he teases his peers, quarrels with them, terrifies them and tries to insult others.
By the time he has completed 6 years of age, he learns the language of the society and behaviour norms and thus starts to adjust himself to the society. At this age, a child also learns to display empathy too, understand others’ feelings and their joys and sorrows, and join others in their joys and sorrows. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by social and moral development of human being)
During childhood, a child’s instinct of gregariousness is very active. At this time, he adopts the behavioural norms of the community which he goes and adjusts to it. With this, he tries to get the social approval of the particular group. For it, he accepts social responsibility and tries to move ahead with a sense of competition. All this cultivates in him social insight.
The second feature of childhood is that a child learns to do negative behaviour against positive behaviour; for example, enmity against love and non-cooperation against cooperation. In the latter childhood stage, a child is very desirous of attaining the acceptance of his peers, so he behaves as per his group. It intensifies the sense of competition in him.
At this stage, the children want to move ahead of each other. The children who want to establish their superiority in the group, sometimes indulge themselves in negative conduct too, that is, they even quarrel, and all these phenomena are a part of the social interaction. Truly speaking, the social development of a child takes place in this stage in the true sense.
In adolescence (12-18 years), a child is inclined towards joining the membership of different communities or groups, his social circle expands, and he starts to take interest in society’s social, religious and political fields. It brings maturity to him, and he starts to distinguish between good and evil and takes interest in social change.
At this age, adolescents are very inclined to make friends. They make some close friends and tell their minds out to them. Due to the instinctive tendency of sex, they are now attracted to members of the opposite sex, they feel joy in meeting and interacting with them.
At present, western cultural influence has compelled boys and girls to establish friendships with members of the opposite sex on a larger scale. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by social and moral development of human being)
At this age, adolescents are also especially attracted to stars or popular leaders, artists and players; they see no bar to admiring them. At this age, adolescents form their groups and these compete against each other.
After 18 years of age, an individual’s social circle expands further. At this stage, he is free from the adolescent stresses and starts to adopt reality. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by social and moral development of human being)
The psychoanalyst psychologist, Erikson found in his study that a child’s mental development takes place together with his social development, so he took this in a holistic manner calling it ‘psychosocial development.
Erikson has divided psychosocial development into eight psychosocial stages:
- First Stage (Birth to First Year): During this stage, a child is faced with two psychosocial calamities: trust vs. mistrust. His social circle is limited to his mother.
At this time, two psychosocial modalities are produced in him: one is to get something, and the other is to give something in return. All this cultivates drive and hope in him. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by social and moral development of human being)
- Second Stage (Second Year): During this stage, two psychosocial problems are faced: autonomy vs. hesitation and his social circle is limited to his parents. At this time, two psychosocial modalities are produced in him: the desire to get and the desire to give up. All this cultivates self-control and willpower in him.
- Third Stage (Third Year to Fifth Year): During this stage, a child is confronted with two psychosocial calamities: initiative vs. crime, and his social circle expands to the whole family. Two social modalities are produced in him at this time to make and to play. All this cultivates two social traits in him: guide and objective.
- Fourth Stage (6-13 Years): Two problems are faced during this stage: work vs. inferiority and his social circle comprises the neighbourhood and school too. At this time, two psychosocial modalities are produced in him: producing things alone and constructing things by joining parts. All this cultivates in him two social qualities: method and skill.
- Fifth Stage (Adolescence): During this stage, a child is faced with two psychosocial calamities: independent identity and gaining prestige vs. receding into oblivion. At this time, his social circle expands to peer groups and other groups, and specimens of leadership to are included. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by social and moral development of human being)
At this time, two psychosocial modalities are produced in him: to become something by himself and to cooperate in becoming himself something. All this cultivates in him two social traits: loyalty and honesty. - Sixth Stage (Pre-adulthood): During this stage, a person faces two -psychosocial calamities: friendly closeness and intensity of aptitudes vs. solitariness. At this time, his social circle comprises a large number of friends, sex-based relations, and taking part in competition and cooperation. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by social and moral development of human being)
At this time, two psychosocial modalities are produced in him: losing and searching for himself in others. All this cultivates two social qualities in him: relation and love. - Seventh Stage (Mid-adulthood): During this stage, an individual is faced with two psychosocial calamities: reproductive capacity vs. self-obsession. At this time, he contributes to social work and domestic tasks. At this time, he gets opportunities to make himself something as well as take care of others. He procreates, produces and cultivates the quality of taking care.
- Eighth Stage (Later Adulthood): During this stage, an individual is faced with two psychosocial calamities: perfection vs. despair. He cultivates humanity. At this time, two psychosocial modalities are produced in him: becoming something and confronting the situation of not being able to become anything. All this time cultivates in him two qualities: renunciation and intellectual ability or wisdom. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by social and moral development of human being)
Moral and Character Development of Human Being
Generally, the character is meant abidance by certain moral rules. It is necessary to understand the distinction between general social rules. Generally, social roles comprise learning and application of a community’s language customs and behavioural norms, while character comprises conduct as per social and religious guidelines so far as an individual’s social behaviour is concerned.
Bowley, on this basis, has considered character as the power of self-control. Because a man of character constructs socially accepted habits, some scholars describe the character as a collection of habits. However, psychologists have taken the character in a little more wide form. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by social and moral development of human being)
In psychology, man’s character development is meant for both developments of the power of self-control as well as socially-approved behaviour. In man, the development of this power takes place together with his mental, linguistic, emotional and social development.
We know that a child’s mental, linguistic, emotional and social development takes place while he takes part in social activities, and in the same manner, his moral and character development takes place while he takes part in social activities,
A child does not distinguish between moral or immoral by the age of 4 years. Whatever he learns he learns by imitation and learns both moral as well as immoral activities. Between 4 and 6 years of age, he follows the social rules generally to avoid punishment. Between 6 and 9 years, he follows social rules to win others’ praise. Morality has not yet become a clear concept in him up to this age.
Between 9 and 12 years, a child follows the rules and behavioural norms of the community (family, neighbourhood, school) in which he lives. Now he develops the concept of the world, but he does not yet develop the concept of morality.
After 12 years, as he enters adolescence, the sense of self-consciousness becomes intense in him, and he follows the social rules in order to create a niche for himself in society, and not out of fear.
When a child is motivated by himself and involves himself in socially-approved and religion-approved activities by self-consciousness, it is called morality, and when he starts to do such socially approved and religion-approved activities firmly, it is called character building. Few children can reach this stage. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by social and moral development of human being)
Though the foundation of moral and character development is laid in infancy, in fact, his moral and character development takes place during adolescence. He becomes, whether moral or immoral, during this stage.