Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Teaching-aids
Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Teaching-aids: In this post, you will learn about Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Teaching-aids. In Bed, Teacher Teaching, and Technology one of the most important questions is Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Teaching-aids. will Provide you best Study material for Bed Teachers, Teaching, and Technology. The Teaching-aids are an Important Part of Bed Examination.
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Meaning Teaching-aids
In order to make the lesson interesting and understandable, it is necessary that education should have a relationship with maximum organs of perceptions. Keeping in mind this objective, these days the use of audio-visual aids is being made in abundance. The use of sensory aids in the teaching of physical science is of recent origin. In fact, all teaching has always involved the communication of ideas through the sense either orally through the med urn of speech or visually by the use of written material.
Physical science is essentially a subject, where doing is more prominent than reading. The theoretical, oral, and uninteresting topics can be made more natural, entertaining, and useful with the use of teaching aids. It is a factual truth that audio-visual aids, sharpen the senses of sight and hearing and open up the avenues of learning.
According to Kothari Commission, “The supply of teaching aids to every school is essential for the improvement of the quality of teaching. It would indeed do about an educational revolution in the country.”
According to Frobel, “Our lesson ought to start from the concrete and end in the abstract.”
According to Comments, “Our teaching may be purposeful only when we use more pictures in our books. He was of the view that knowledge is gained through different senses. In audio-visual aids, eye and ear work together.”
The National Policy on Education, 1986 and modified in 1992 has laid great stress on the use of teaching aids, especially improvised aids, to make teaching-learning more effective and realistic.
Meaning of Audio-Visual Aids
Though the use of sensory aids in the teaching of physical science is of recent origin. Physical science is essentially a subject where doing is more valuable than reading. For a physical science teacher, it is essential to use an audio-visual aid. These teaching aids are useful to understand the formulae, theories, concepts,s, and relations in easy ways. With the help of these teaching aids, the teacher improves his/her teaching methods. (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Teaching-aids)
Although the teacher is himself an audio-visual aid because he makes the lesson easy and tries to explain it properly, still he is not complete in himself. So the use of audio-visual aids is not only desirable but necessary.
Audio-visual aids are essential because “The thing which I hear, I may forget. The thing which I see, I may remember.” Hence audio-visual aids are those tools and devices by the use of which communication of ideas between persons and groups in various teaching-training situations is helped. (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Teaching-aids)
Definitions of Audio-Visual Aids
According to Crow & Crow, “Audio-visual aids give learners the opportunity to benefit from vicarious experiences with people events, objects, and cause and effects relationships.”
According to E. C. Daint, “Audio-visual aids means that complete material, which helps to understand the written or oral subject matter in the classroom or in other teaching situations.”
According to Burton, “Audio-visual aids are those sensory objects or images which initiate, stimulate and reinforce learning.”
According to Jhut, “Audio-visual aids are devices that help the teachers to accomplish things quickly and effectively.”
Need and Importance of Audio-Visual Aids
The need and importance of audio-visual aids are as follows:
- The use of audio-visual aids enables the teachers to follow the maxims of teaching, concrete to abstract, known to unknown, and learning by doing. (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Teaching-aids)
- Audio-visual aids contribute to increased retentivity as they stimulate the response of the whole organism to the situations in which learning takes place. (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Teaching-aids)
- It creates interest in the students.
- It makes the teaching-learning process simple and interesting.
- The use of teaching aids is helpful in minimizing the habit of examining. The concepts and abstract ideas clarified with the help of teaching aids cannot be easily forgotten.
- Audio-visual aids promote self-learning and constructiveness in the students.
- Many visual aids offer opportunities for students to handle and manipulate things.
- Audio-visual aids satisfy the innate tendencies of children.
- Senses are the gateway to knowledge and sensory impression are more permanent. Thus, the use of teaching aids helps in creating a lasting impression on the mind of the learner.
- A good deal of energy and time of both the teachers and students can be saved on account of the use of audio-visual aids as most of the concepts and phenomena may be easily clarified, understood, and assimilated through their use.
- Audio-visual aids are the best motivators. The students work with more interest and zeal. They are most attentive.
- Audio-visual aids are very useful for teachers as their use makes teaching effective and impressive.
- It promotes self-learning and constructiveness in the students.
- By the use of audio-visual aids, the sense of perception is inspired and the students obtain precise knowledge.
- They develop curiosity towards the exploration of various subjects.
- This aid is very useful to the best attention compeller.
- The use of audio-visual aids students in active/mental and physical activity.
- It develops a scientific attitude in the students.
Thus, the teaching aids influence the minds of the learners through their senses. So, a subject like physical science demands the use of aids at every step. (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Teaching-aids)
Principle for Selection of Teaching Aids
Physical science is an abstract science. There are so many abstractions in this subject that cannot be easily followed by the students. To make such abstract or complex ideas less abstract rather concrete, a physical science teacher needs some types of aids. The teaching aids help the teacher to make the subject matter simple, interesting, and effective. Since most of the learning in children takes place at the sensory level, the teaching aids are helpful to speed up this process because they influence the minds of the learners through their senses. For achieving the specific goal a teacher should keep in mind two things:
- Selection of appropriate aid, and
- Proper use of aid.
A teacher should keep in mind the following principles for selecting teaching aids :
- Principle of Pupil Centredeness: Before the selection of a teaching aid it should keep in mind that what is the age, interest, and ability of the child? After it uses the teaching aid. These teaching aids are helpful for understanding the concept or subject matter. (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Teaching-aids)
- Principle of Interest and Motivation: Interest and motivation are the central points of any teaching-learning process. The main aim of hardware and software teaching aids is to create an environment that creates interest, curiosity, and ability in the students. (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Teaching-aids)
- Principle of Realisation of Objectives: In this principle, the selection of hardware and software teaching aids in that sense by which we develop the cognitive, understanding, skills, and practice in the students.
- Principle of Availability of Resources: Audio-visual aids are not experienced in an economic way. The size of this should be according to the size of the room. They should be easily portable and their language should be easy, and it should be according to the local needs of the students.
Relative Effectiveness of Teaching Aids
All the learning experiences which can be utilized for classroom teaching are shown by Edgar Dale in a pictorial device-Pinnacle which he called the ‘cone of experience’. If we go up the pinnacle from its base, we find that every aid has been arranged in the order of increasing abstractness or decreasing directness. The basis of the relative effectiveness of teaching aids proposed by Edgar Dale is presented in the following manner :
The main qualities of audio-visual-aids are as follows:
- Audio-visual aids should be according to the interest, need, and mental level of the students.
- Teaching aids should be attractive.
- It should be based on reality.
- It should be related to content and lesson.
- Audio-visual aid should be informative.
- They should motivate the learners.
- They should be meaningful and purposeful and according to the age, intelligence, and experiences of students.
- It should be accurate, truthful, and realistic.
- It should be large enough to be properly seen by the students for whom they are meant.
- It should be according to the local needs of the students.
Precautions for Using the Teaching Aids
The following points are thought for using the teaching aids :
- Teaching aid should be used on the basis of individual differences.
- The purpose of using the aid should be clear. It should not be used just for the sake of using an aid.
- The size of the audio-visual aid should be appropriate so that it should be visible to all the students.
- The teacher should always keep in mind that teaching aids are only means and not an end.
- The presentation and use of aid should be fixed in the lesson plan prior to teaching.
- The teacher should have good practice in using the aid before its use in the class.
- The teacher must seek the cooperation of students while using the aid in the class.
- To remove the lack of time, the teacher may arrange an extra period so that aids can be used properly and lessons can be explained clearly. (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Teaching-aids)
- The aid should be helpful in making the teaching effective,
- Before teaching, the essential aids should be kept in the proper place.
Objectives of Audio-Visual Aids
The main objectives of audio-visual aids are as follows:
- To improve the power of retention.
- To make the students more active.
- To develop an interest in learning.
- To have the desired effect on the earnest interests.
- To make the teaching material clear, easy, and understandable.
- To make inanimate objects animate.
- To develop the power of observation of the students.
- To keep the attention of the child-centered on the lesson.