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BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Utility and Importance of Educational Psychology

BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Utility and Importance of Educational Psychology

BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Utility and Importance of Educational Psychology

BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Utility and Importance of Educational Psychology: In this post, we will learn about BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Utility and Importance of Educational Psychology? In Bed 2nd Year there is one of the most important questions comes from Growing up as a Learner. You will learn about BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Utility and Importance of Educational Psychology? Teaching is a social and professional activity. It is a process of development. Teaching is a system of actions that induce learning through interpersonal relationships. and all the rest you will study in this Blog.

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BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Utility and Importance of Educational Psychology
BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Utility and Importance of Educational Psychology

Utility and Importance of Educational Psychology

At present, the subject matter of educational psychology has greatly expanded and it has effected revolutionary changes in the field of education, whether it pertains to the concept of education, its aims, curriculum, and teaching methods, or solution to any other problem related to education, it presents scientific solutions to all these. It has clarified the importance of children in the field of education, due to which education has become child-centered.

As a result, its functions have expanded in the field of education, its utility has increased, its need has augmented and its importance has enhanced. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Utility and Importance of Educational Psychology)

Today, this helps in performing the tasks of all personnel connected with education, it is very useful and necessary for them and it is important for them. We shall now discuss the functions, utility, need, and importance of educational psychology in brief.

Utility for Educational Organizers

Educational psychology has explained the chronological growth and development of man and it has explained the learning capability of children of different age groups. Its knowledge assists the educational organizers to determine the aims and curriculum of education for children of different age groups. Not only this, they construct different types of curricula for children possessing different aptitudes and interests with its help. The knowledge of educational psychology also helps them in finding solutions to the educational problems confronted from time to time. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Utility and Importance of Educational Psychology)

Utility for Educational Managers and Administrators

The chief function of educational managers and administrators is to manage, give arrange, and run education properly. They have to see what type of personnel are needed for which field; the knowledge of educational psychology assists them in selecting suitable personnel. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Utility and Importance of Educational Psychology)

They have also to ensure that all personnel carries out their educational responsibilities properly; the knowledge of educational psychology assists them in this field also. The knowledge of educational psychology is very helpful in understanding and solving administrative and educational problems being faced from time to time, At present, this is proving to be very useful for educational administrators and managers. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Utility and Importance of Educational Psychology)

Utility for Guardians

Educational psychology has also clarified the role of guardians in the education of children and has clarified the methods of carrying out this role. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Utility and Importance of Educational Psychology)

Its study acquaints the guardians with the growth sequence of the children and they come to know that the specific education of children depends on their own intelligence, aptitude, interest, and attitude, so they should incline their wards towards specific educational fields according to their intelligence, aptitude, interest, and attitude. Its knowledge also helps them to direct their own behavior toward children. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Utility and Importance of Educational Psychology)

Utility for Principals

A principal of any educational institution has to work in many capacities as a manager, an administrator, an organizer, and a teacher as well. The knowledge of educational psychology helps him to work properly in all these capacities. Not only this, he is acquainted with methods of his own activities. A principal, who has learned educational psychology, keeps improving his activities.

Utility for Teachers

At present, educational psychology assists teachers greatly; its knowledge is essential and useful for them, so it becomes incumbent upon us to discuss its utility for teachers in a little detail:

  1. Helpful in Understanding the Concept of Education: Generally, the very concept of education is not clear to teachers, Different philosophers, sociologists, political scientists and economists have explained education in their own unique ways. Educational psychology undertakes its scientific analysis. Once education was considered to be a synonym for knowledge, but educational psychology presented it as an evolutionary process of man’s innate faculties, knowledge, and skills. Its study explains the concept of education to teachers, by which they are able to give the right form to the educational process.
  2. Helpful in Determining Possibilities of Attainment of Aims of Education and deciding their Scope: As far as determining the aims of education is concerned, philosophers, political scientists, and economists are assigned with this task; however, how far and how these aims can be attained and at what level of education, these tasks are undertaken by educational psychology. In this field, educational psychology has undertaken three tasks. First, it has determined the aims of education depending on the learner’s physiological, mental, linguistic, emotional, and social development.

    Second, it has divided these aims into three classes: cognitive, conative (psychomotor), and affective, and thus has given them a definite form. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Utility and Importance of Educational Psychology)
    Third, it has developed the methods for explaining these aims in the form of attainable objectives. All this knowledge helps teachers to determine the aims of education and give them definite and attainable forms of objectives, and ultimately, they succeed to achieve them. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Utility and Importance of Educational Psychology)
  3. Helpful in the Construction of the Curriculum of Education: Educational psychology has developed the principles of curriculum construction. Once the curriculum of education used to be knowledge-oriented; educational psychology stressed making it child-centered and activity-centered and laid stress on making the curriculum for any level on the basis of the previous curriculum. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Utility and Importance of Educational Psychology)
    Its study helps teachers to construct a proper curriculum from the viewpoint of students’ physiological, mental, linguistic, emotional, and social development.
  4. Helpful in the Construction and Selection of Methods of Teaching: Educational psychology has discovered and explained principles, laws, and maxims of teaching-learning. Once teaching was limited to the transmission of knowledge orally, educational psychology caused three major changes to it. First, it has oriented it on the learner’s physiological and mental development. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Utility and Importance of Educational Psychology)
    Second, it has made it activity-centered. And third, it has assigned more importance to students’ activities rather than those of the teachers. On the basis of this knowledge, several methods of teaching have been developed as per children’s levels, such as play-way methods for infants, group methods for children, and problem-solving methods for adolescents.

    The knowledge of educational psychology helps teachers to select methods of teaching as per the learners. Able and research-oriented teachers cause improvement in these methods of teaching on the bases of different principles and laws and also develop novel and effective methods of teaching. At present, teaching work is conducted in groups. Educational psychology studies group psychology and group dynamics too. Its knowledge helps teachers to understand group activities of children and direct them in desirable directions. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Utility and Importance of Educational Psychology)
  5. Helpful in Understanding the Real Form of Discipline and Freedom and technique of their Attainment: Discipline and freedom have their unique significance in the field of education Educational psychology has explained their real significance and has discovered the methods of establishing discipline in the field of education. It has also explained how far students should be given freedom. Once students had to remain under the harsh control of their teachers, and it was considered discipline.
    Then an era emerged when the concept of complete freedom.lt came into the entity. Educational psychology has analyzed the merits and demerits of harsh control and complete freedom. It has emphasized love sympathy and cooperative behavior and controlled freedom in place of the harsh punishment system or complete freedom. Its study helps teachers to understand the concepts of children’s education, discipline, and freedom, developing them further and implementing them in children’s and their own conduct. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Utility and Importance of Educational Psychology)
  6. Helpful in Understanding Themselves: Once teachers occupied the central place in the field of education; the entire educational process depended on them; they were taken as the storehouse of knowledge and transmitters of information. Educational psychology has transformed education to be child-centered. It has replaced teachers’ transmission of knowledge to students by self-learning and has molded teachers into a form in which they can motivate students for gaining knowledge themselves. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Utility and Importance of Educational Psychology)
    Not only this, but educational psychology has also evolved several such methods and techniques by which teachers can measure and evaluate their own activities and conduct. The knowledge of educational psychology helps teachers to understand and improve themselves and their own conduct.
  7. Helpful in Understanding the Students: There was a time when children were accepted as mini-adults, and effort was made to teach them everything. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Utility and Importance of Educational Psychology)
    Educational psychology studied the physiological, mental, linguistic, emotional, and social development of students during infancy, childhood and adolescence, and showed that students’ education at different levels of physiological, mental, linguistic, emotional, and social development influence the level of learning. It has explained that education is subservient to their interests, aptitudes, and needs. It has also developed practical methods of measurement of children’s mental faculties (intelligence, interest, aptitude, creativity, etc.). Their application helps teachers to classify children accordingly and thus provide adequate education for them. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Utility and Importance of Educational Psychology)
    At present, educational psychology also studies exceptional children (backward, mentally-retarded, gifted, handicapped, deprived, maladjusted and delinquent, etc.).

    It also studies the causes of these problems and methods of their eradication. It also studies the method of teaching suitable to them. Due to all this, it has become possible to provide adequate education to them all.
  8. Helpful in School Organisation: From the viewpoint of teachers, the chief tasks are to construct the school timetable, execution of the curricular activity, selection of co-curricular activities, and maintenance of class and school discipline.
    Educational psychology has developed the principles of timetable construction, so chat teachers can construct a timetable that can cause less fatigue while maintaining continuous interest in school work. It has developed specific methods of teaching for various class levels, the application of which helps teachers in successful class teaching. In this context, educational psychology has laid special emphasis on how students can be given adequate opportunities for learning by doing.
    It has helped in the development of workshops and laboratories in place of a mere transmission of knowledge to students. It has also explained the importance of different co-curricular activities as per the levels of students depending on their interests, aptitudes, abilities, and capabilities. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Utility and Importance of Educational Psychology)
    Besides, it has developed principles for organizing these co-curricular activities. All of this assists teachers to select and holding different types of co-curricular activities.
  9. Helpful in Measurement and Evaluation: Educational psychology studies the methods of measurement of mental faculties of students as intelligence, interest, aptitude, attitude, creativity, etc. Its practice helps teachers to classify students and provide adequate education as suited to them. Educational psychology has developed methods of construction of objective, valid and reliable interests, their application helps teachers to construct tests that are objective, valid, and reliable, and can measure students’ educational achievements properly.
  10. Helpful in Students’ Educational and Vocational Guidance: Educational psychology has explained that general education can be imparted to all students commonly; however specific education should be imparted on the bases of their aptitude, interest, and attitude. Besides, it has developed suitable methods of measurement of aptitude, interest, and attitude, by the application of which teachers can ascertain students’ aptitude, interest, and attitude, and accordingly give them educational and vocational guidance. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Utility and Importance of Educational Psychology)
    Educational psychology has also developed diagnostic methods for solving students’ educational, vocational, and adjustment problems. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Utility and Importance of Educational Psychology)
    Their practice helps teachers to ascertain students’ Educational, vocational, and adjustment problems; their causes and then resolve them by guidance and counselling.
  11. Motivation for Educational Research: Though educational psychology has studied human behavior in terms of its factors, motives, and controlling elements minutely, its findings are not ultimate; it lays stress on transforming them as per the changing human behavior as well its relative impact under changing circumstances, and effect changes accordingly. Its study helps teachers to cultivate insight for understanding the problem and finding their solution. It has resulted in research in the educational field. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Utility and Importance of Educational Psychology)

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