Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Adult Education
Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Adult Education: In this post, we will learn about Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Adult Education? In Bed 2nd Year there is one of the most important questions comes from Environment Education. You will learn about Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Adult Education? Teaching is a social and professional activity. It is a process of development. Teaching is a system of actions that induce learning through interpersonal relationships. and all the rest you will study in this Blog.
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Concept of Adult Education
Adult education is wide in scope. The attitude of people regarding adult education had undergone a radical change after independence. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Adult Education)
A conference convened by the Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE) on adult education was held at Allahabad in 1949. Education minister Abdul Kalam Azad while inaugurating the conference said, “Adult education does not mean making people literate but to develop them as healthy citizens able to participate actively in modern democratic and social system.”
After that social education became the comprehensive phase of adult education.
In the words of S.N. Mukherjee, “Social education consists of their main types-(i) to provide literacy to illiterate adults, (ii) to develop an educated mind in the absence of literary education, (iii) to acquaint people with the rights and duties pertaining to citizenship.”
Thus by social education, we mean “the education of the complete man.” This includes his physical, mental, intellectual, moral, social, economic and cultural development. For establishing democracy on sound footing in the country expansion of social education is of paramount importance. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Adult Education)
“The function of adult education in a democracy is to provide every adult citizen with an opportunity for education of the type he wishes and which he should have for his personal enrichment, professional advancement and effective participation in social and political life.” -Recommendation of Kothari Commission (1966)
Objectives of Adult Education
The following are the objectives of adults education:
(i) To acquaint the adults with the rules of health and sanitation, education of culture and recreation and make them literate through functional education. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Adult Education)
(ii) To make them conversant with the rights and duties of citizens.
(iii) To develop a healthy and scientific attitude so as to understand the realities of life and thus enable them to solve the problems of life with courage, conviction and devotion. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Adult Education)
(iv) To arouse a feeling of dignity and respect among individuals for one another and to impart education without discrimination.
(v) To create awareness among the masses and develop an individual’s personality
(vi) To inculcate the ‘live and let live’ ideal of democracy among citizens.
(vii) To motivate people to rise above and work for the general welfare. There is an urgent need to have the main objective of adult education. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Adult Education)
(viii) To provide awareness about environmental pollution and its role by developing environmental consciousness among the adults.
Five-point Programme of Adult Education
The new concept of adult education, i.e., social education should thus consist of a five-point programme. This is very necessary for the all-around development of an adult. In a democratic setup developing healthy citizenship and acquainting individuals with the different facets of life, it is of paramount importance. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Adult Education)
The new concept includes the following:
- Spread of Literacy. The literacy programme should not be confined to the education of three R’s. i.e., reading, writing and arithmetic. As per the needs of the adults, the proper place should be assigned to maths, history, geography, civics, religious and moral education, general knowledge, literature, agriculture, science and cottage industries etc., in the curriculum. Furthermore, activities like debates, talks, lectures, discussions seminars, etc. should also be organised so that adults may be properly educated. The use of magazines, newspapers and other journals would also prove beneficial in this respect.
- Health and Hygiene. Adults should be acquainted with the rules of health and hygiene and habituated to attending to the health of the members of the family. It is their duty to keep their house, neighbour and village neat and clean and thus save it from disease. For leading a happy civic life, good health is of utmost importance. Therefore, adults should have adequate knowledge of it. Under this point, they should be given environmental awareness. The effects of environmental pollution on health should be provided to them. Preventive measures should be suggested to them.
- Cottage Industries. For the economic progress of adults, working knowledge of cottage industries is essential. It is generally said that Indian farmer remains idle for about six months. If we provide him necessary knowledge for starting cottage industries he can make proper use of this leisure time and earn something. This will improve his economic condition and thus raise his standard of living. According to the local needs and circumstances, any cottage industry can be started. This may include activities like sewing, making of ropes, mats, fans, baskets, clay modelling, carpentry, leather and cardboard works, making of candles, chalk, polish, ink, soap and pickles, etc., according to their convenience. These efforts will help to strengthen the economic condition of adults. Thus the programme of adult education should include training in providing various skills.
- Recreational Activities. Getting education through recreation is a modern method of teaching. Like children adults also need recreation, but it should be according to their tastes and interests. The use of radio, cinema, T.V. and arranging of drạma, festivals, national days and organisation of cultural activities, is very necessary at this age. Furthermore, fairs, exhibitions, folk songs and games like wrestling and kabaddi, etc., provide enough recreation and education to adults. They get sufficient knowledge through the organisation of such activities. Some T.V. programming and drama should also be organized related to environmental problems and their effects on human life. Media can be effectively used for this purpose.
- Education of Citizenship. Education for citizenship includes the knowledge of the rights and duties of citizens, ways of acquiring healthy citizenship, rule of the road, good behaviour, social service, shramadan and sanitary drive, etc. Everything pertaining to the democratic principles of equality, liberty, fraternity, justice and development of healthy citizenship, etc., come under its purview. Education for citizenship renders immense help in making adults healthy and efficient citizens. It develops in them the help in making adults healthy and efficient citizens. It develops in them the power of making adults healthy and efficient citizens. It develops in them the power of leadership and enables them to shoulder varied responsibilities in future life.
It is also the prime duty of a good citizen to maintain the quality of the environment. He should have environmental awareness at the local, regional and national levels. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Adult Education)
General awareness of air, water and land pollution should be provided to them.
Some ideas about the food chains and food webs should also be given. There should be some minimum outline of environmental content which directly relates to them. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Adult Education)
Thus, the five points programme of adults-education should be restated and re-organized by incorporating the essential content of the environment. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Adult Education)
Agencies and Adult Education
A large number of agencies are working towards expanding and promoting social education in the country. Some of the agencies of adult education are given below:
(i) Community centers for rural development for specific areas.
(ii) Library, reading-room and Museum. Some mobile libraries are managed for the needs of villages.
(iii) Role of school-rural areas schools are playing important role in social education.
(iv) Role of colleges and universities.
The universities are organizing-distance education programmes, part-time education, extension lectures, and holding camps on N.C.C. cadets and N.S.S. programmes in rural areas. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Adult Education)
(v) Use of Audio-Visual material. The Directorate of audiovisual education is very useful in the expansion and promotion of social education. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Adult Education)
The above agencies of adult education should also include some programmes of environmental education in the form of practical work, literature, and audio-visual material related to environmental pollution. Some programmes should be organized by N.C.C. cadets and N.S.S. students in the rural area for improving the quality of the environment through plantation, and sanitation by putting waste in pits. These agencies of adult education can play a significant role in providing environmental awareness and consciousness among adults. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Adult Education)