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Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Environment

Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Environment

Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Environment

Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Environment: In this post, we will learn about Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Environment. In Bed 2nd Year there is one of the most important questions comes from Environment Education. You will learn about Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Environment. Teaching is a social and professional activity. It is a process of development. Teaching is a system of actions that induce learning through interpersonal relationships. and all the rest you will study in this Blog

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Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Environment
Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Environment

Generally, speaking the environment is equated with nature wherein physical components of the planet earth, viz. land, air, water, etc., support and affect life in the biosphere. A Goudie (1984) in his book “The Nature of the Environment” has, in fact, take the environment as the representative of physical components of the earth wherein man is an important factor affecting the environment. The environment is defined more comprehensively by others as a holistic view of the world as it functions at any point of time, with a multitude of spatial elements and socio-economic systems distinguished by quality and attributes of space and mode of behavior of physical and biological forms. He further remarks, that the definition, and in turn, the scope could be governed by our concerns and priorities. Our immediate concern is the quality of space we live in, the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink, and the resources we draw from the environment to support our economy.” He has also pleaded for the inclusion of only air-Land-water-plant in the concept of environment, thus excluding man and human society from the ambit of the environment.

Definitions of Environment

The environment consists of the sum total of the stimulation that the in receives from conception until death. It covers all those circumstances that assert their influence on the individual from conception to death. What is found around the individual may be covered by the term environment. It has been defined by various psychologists as follows:

“A person’s environment consists of the sum total of the stimulation which receives from his conception until his death.” – Boring

“The environment is everything that affects the individual except his genes” –Anastasi

“The term environment is used to describe, in the aggregate, all the external forces, influences, and conditions, which affect the life, nature, behaviour and the growth, development, and maturity of living organisms.” –Douglass and Holland

The environment consists of various types of forces like physical, intellectual social, moral, economic, political, cultural, and emotional forces. “Environment is the aggregate of all the external forces, influences, and conditions, which affect the life, nature, behaviour, and the growth, development, and maturation of living organisms. A favorable environment caters to the development of native abilities of the child.”

The term mental environment means the atmosphere necessary for the mental development of a person. All the things helpful in the mental development of a child constitute his mental environment. Thus, for a child in school, mental development consists of the libraries, laboratories, recreational, co-curricular as well as curricular activities. If these are properly organized, they would achieve the desired intellectual development. Therefore, teachers should try their best to provide the best mental environment in the schools. Workshops, museums, dramatic and recreational clubs, associations, debates, symposiums, etc., should also be encouraged.

The environment is viewed in different ways from different angles by different groups of people but it may be safely argued that the “environment is an inseparable whole and is constituted by the interacting system of physical, biological and cultural elements which are inter-related individually as well as collectively in myriad ways. Physical elements (space, landforms, water bodies, climate soils, rocks, and minerals) determine the variable character of the human habitat, its opportunities as well as limitations. Biological elements (plants, animals, microorganisms, and man) constitute the biosphere. Cultural elements (economic, social-cultural milieu.” and political) are essentially man-made features which go into the making of the cultural milieu.”

The term ‘Environment’ refers to the surrounding of an organism which e includes both living and non-living components. The word meaning of the environment is to surround and to develop. The words ‘surround and develop raise two basic questions:

  • What is surrounded and developed? The answer is that man and other
  • Man and other living organisms are surrounded by what? The simple answer is that all non-living components-land, water, air, atmospheric pressure, etc., and living components-plants, social, cultural, and economic surroundings.

Thus, the environment includes all the external conditions and influences affecting the life and development of an organism.

Man’s environment consists of natural as well as socio-cultural environments. Man has to improve the quality of his environment because there is environmental pollution or crisis. It is due to overconsumption of natural resources, overpopulation, urbanization, industrialization, and the unscientific attitude of human beings.

Natural resources have been utilized to meet the demand for better living to such an extent that has caused serious ecological and environmental imbalances. Man’s participation is the only way to improve environmental protection. The best insurance for the environment is a commitment to preventing the deterioration of land, water, and air. It requires an introduction to environmental education. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Environment)

Characteristics of Environment

In the above definitions the following characteristics have been emphasized in an environment:

  • The sum total of the stimulation forms his birth until his death.
  • It is everything that affects the individual excluding genes.
  • All the external forces which affect the growth, and development of living organisms
  • It consists of physical, intellectual, social, moral, cultural, emotional, economic, and political forces which affect the life and nature of behaviour.
  • It refers to sum total of conditions that surround man at a given point in space and time.
  • It includes physical (land, air, and water) and biological (plants, animals including man and his several functions, organizations, and institutions). (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Environment)
  • It involves physical, chemical, biological, social, economic, political, and cultural processes.

Kurt Lewin includes biological components under the physical environment. Every person tries to adjust to physical, social, and psychological environments, (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Environment)

  1. Physical Environment. It refers to geographical climate and weather or physical conditions in which an individual lives. The human race is greatly influenced by the climate. The white, and black communities, viz, tropical environment, temperate environment, polar environment, etc., may be further subdivided into smaller but specific divisions. Physical/abiotic and biotic environments fused together form biome environments like the tundra biome, temperate biome, and tropical biome which are further subdivided into second and third-order biomes. In environmental geography, the physical environment is the most outstanding feature and thus should be given more significance than the social or cultural environment. The economic function of man becomes more significant than his other functions as it is more concerned with the functioning of the ecosystem. Thus, the interaction of man through his economic function and hence as an environmental process, with natural and resultant human response to the environment is the function of environmental education.

Relationship of Environment with Study Subjects or Disciplines

The components of the environment are broadly classified into two major categories:

  • Physical components or abiotic components and
  • Biological components or biotic components.

The environment is composed of biotic (biological) and abiotic (physical) components. This can be shown with the help of the chart given in the next process. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Environment)

Thus, the educational process of development occurs in the physical, social, cultural, and psychological environments.

What do you understand by Environment

Environmental education deals with the various problems and principles which govern the relationships between students and their environment which is created by schools and teachers formally and informally. Similarly, Ecology is a new science that deals with the various principles which govern the relationship between organisms and their environment. In cold counties, the people are of white colour and in hot countries, people are of black color. Human working efficiency depends on climatic conditions. The physique of an individual depends on climatic conditions. The individual tries to adjust to his physical environment. Even heredity is also influenced by the physical environment. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Environment)

Relationship of Environment and Education
Relationship between Environment and Education
  1. Social Environment. It refers to the social, cultural, economic, and political conditions of an individual in which he lives. The moral, cultural and emotional forces affect the life and nature of individual behaviour. It may be of two types closed and open society. An open society is very conducive to individual development, whereas a closed society is not very conducive to development. Even the classroom climate should be more open which contributes to the development of individual potentialities. Every individual tries to adjust to his social environment.
  2. Psychological Environment. Kurt Lewin has given the main emphasis to the psychological environment of the individual. The physical and social environment is common to the individual in a specific situation while every individual has his own environment, in which he lives. He has used life space’, topology for explaining the psychological environment. It refers to the definition of personality. The man within man is the personality. The psychological environment is very important to understand the personality of an individual. The person and his goal form the psychological environment. If a person can not achieve his goal, unable to overcome the barriers it may cause frustration or he has to change his goal for a new psychological environment. This mechanism will help the individual with an adjustment.

Structure of Environment

The environment is both a physical and biological concept, it includes both living and non-living components. Thus, on the basis of basic structure, the environment may be divided into two basic types (i) Physical or abiotic environment and (ii) Biological or biotic environment. On the basis of physical characteristics and state, the physical environment is subdivided into three broad categories vie., (i) solid, (ii) liquid, and (iii) gas, which represent the lithosphere (solid Earth), the hydrosphere (water component) and the atmosphere respectively. Thus, the three basic divisions of the physical environment may be termed as) the lithospheric environment, (ii) atmospheric environment, and (iii) hydrospheric environment. These may be further broken into smaller units based on different spatial scales, e.g., mountain environment, plateau environment, plan environment, lake environment, river environment, maritime environment, glacier environment, desert environment, coastal environment, etc.

The biological component of the environment consists of plants (flora) and animals (fauna) including man as an important factor. Thus the biotic environment may be divided into the floral environment and faunal environment. All the organisms work to form their social group and organization levels and thus is formed a social environment wherein the organisms work to derive matter from the physical environment for their substance and development. This process generates an economic environment.

It may be pointed out that of all the organisms man is the most skilled and civilized and hence his social organization is most systematic. It is significant to note that three aspects of man, e.g., physical, social, and economic, have different characteristics and functions in the biotic environment as ‘physical man’ is one of the organismic populations or biological community and thus requires basic elements of the physical environment, viz., habitat (space), air, water, and food like other biology populations and releases waste into the ecosystem; ‘social man’ establish social institutions, forms social organizations, formulates laws, principles and politicize to safeguard his existence, interest, and social welfare and economic man’ derives and utilizes resources from the physical and biotic environments with his skills and technologies. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Environment)

These may be termed as physical, social, and economic functions of man. It is the third function (economic) that makes the man and environmental/geomorphic process as well because it transports matter and energy from one component of the ecosystem to the other. This aspect/ function does not necessarily involve a change in the working of the ecosystem so long as the exploitative functions are in harmony with the natural environment but when these exceed the critical limit, the equilibrium of the environment/ ecosystem is disturbed and several environmental and ecological problems crop of species) in a given ecosystem. up which become detrimental not only to the man himself but to the whole population (of species) in a given ecosystem.

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