Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Environmental Awareness
Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Environmental Awareness: In this post, we will learn about Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Environmental Awareness? In Bed 2nd Year there is one of the most important questions comes from Environment Education. You will learn about Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Environmental Awareness? Teaching is a social and professional activity. It is a process of development. Teaching is a system of actions that induce learning through interpersonal relationships. and all the rest you will study in this Blog.
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Environmental Awareness
The terms environmental education and environmental awareness are used interchangeably for the same meaning but there is a significant difference between these two terms. The study of physical and bioscience, geography, and agriculture provides environmental awareness. But the awareness does not help in developing skills and attitudes toward improving the environment. Therefore, it is essential to understand the concept of environmental awareness and differentiate it from the educational environment.
Environmental Awareness may be defined as helping social groups and individuals to gain a variety of experiences to acquire a basic understanding of the environment and its associated problems. World Educators and Environmental Specialists have repeatedly pointed out that any solution to the environmental crisis will require environmental awareness and understanding to be deeply rooted in the educational system at all levels.
At the Belgrade International Workshop (1975) working documents were provided by the trend papers that described the state of the art of Environmental Education in all parts of the world and provisions to extend and explore Environmental Awareness. It also state-Environmental Awareness may provide power and understanding:
(i) To recognize the interdependence among materials in the physical environment, plant and animal life for survival, growth and development. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Environmental Awareness)
(ii) To take decisions individually and collectively and initiate actions for social, cultural and economic survival, growth and development and for conservation of nature and natural resources.
(iii) To identify human, material, space and time resources in the environment. (iv) To recognize ways of making effective use of environmental resources for social, economic and cultural survival, growth and development.
(v) To take decisions for the effective use of resources, to recognize the special significance of conservation of natural resources and initiate or support community efforts for the purpose.
Developing Environmental Awareness
The United National Conference of Human Environment (Stockholm, June 1971) was a major event for those concerned with the quality of the world’s environment. One of the recommendations of the Conference resulted in the creation of the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) while other recommendations specially constituted the foundation of a framework for cooperative effort in International which states that Environmental Awareness may be developed by:
(i) Identifying; analysing and understanding the needs and problems of personal life including health, vocation, etc.
(ii) Social life at different levels viz., family, caste, community, religion, town or village life, state and country.
(iii) National life including civic, economic, etc.
Environmental awareness may also be developed when we:
(i) Appreciate, promote and use the environment to improve health, vocation and social and national life.
(ii) Interact with government and social agencies and utilise the developmental facilities provided by these agencies in his/her individual capacity and also for organizing certain community activities.
(iii) Development of the aesthetic sense to appreciate the beauty and adopt it in personal and social life. Environmental awareness provides the understanding and competence to recognize environmental resources and interdependence between physical and biological components of the environment for growth and development. The areas and content of environmental awareness have been enumerated in the following para. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Environmental Awareness)
Contents of Environmental Awareness
Awareness of the environment is a horizon-sweeping word and presents the totality of social, biological and psycho-chemical factors individually or collectively that comprise the natural and man-made surroundings. The environment can be classified into basic four components;
(i) Physical Component—water, air, land, light, temperature, humidity etc.
(ii) Biological Components–aquatic and terrestrial flora (plants) and fauna (animals),
(iii) Human Uses– Agricultural, Industrial, Residential, Forestry, Transportation, Water supply, Navigation, Hydropower and Recreation (iv) Human Values– Traditional lifestyle, Religious status, Archaeological and Economic base, Community structure.
Hence the term ‘Environment’ therefore can cover the whole spectrum of science and humanities. Therefore ‘Environmental awareness’ is interrelations and interactions between the living system and life.
Role of Education in Developing Environmental Awareness
Several seminars and conferences have been organized at the national and international levels on the ‘environment’. Most of the experts and scientists of different disciplines have realized the importance of ‘environmental awareness’ but it will not serve the purpose. They also recognize the urgent need for an introduction to ‘environmental education. “ Under the environmental education, theoretical and practical aspects are emphasized.
The awareness confines to the cognitive level whereas the educational environment includes cognitive, psychomotor and affective levels. The involvement and identification with a field study based on affective development i.e., feelings, attitudes and values.
In order to help children grow in knowledge, skills and values, attitudes and awareness relevant to the environment teacher are expected to be not only a dispenser of information and knowledge but also a manager of teaching-learning situations. The ways of classroom organization have also to be drastically changed. For the purpose of profitable utilizing the time and taking care of the interests of children, teachers should resort to group activities and bear with a certain amount of active involvement and talking in the classroom. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Environmental Awareness)
Therefore the concept of discipline in the classroom has also to be changed. This necessarily means that the education officers and other supervisory staff engaged in supervision of classroom activities must also be oriented towards the environmental approach to teaching learning strategies in the classroom. They should look for the positive development in the children rather than the acquisition of bookish information. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Environmental Awareness)
The environment and the experiences of the children outside the school vary from place to place, consequently, the activities provided to them in the school by teachers would also very so that knowledge, attitudes, skills and commitment can be built on a solid foundation of experiences the child draws from the environment.
The teacher can enjoy greater autonomy in organising such experiences by providing them chances to explore their activities in regard to the environment through plantation forest conservation, etc. The teacher should show them documentary films in the school time by time and organise an excursion programme to watch and observe the nature and natural resources and how badly they are crushed and acted upon by their own race monsterly?
The teacher should also suggest the students see. T.V. programmes, to read newspapers and hear the radio news as regard with the environment. He should show environmental teaching aids such as charts, and models of the environment in which it is bitterly going to be polluted and damaged. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Environmental Awareness)
Difference between Environmental Education and Environmental Awareness
Environmental Education (EE) is an effective process to develop an understanding of environmental awareness. Environmental Awareness (EA) is the most important aspect of environmental education but not the whole. These may be differentiated in the following ways:
(i) The EE has the main task of having the production function in order to improve the quality of life and value, whereas EA has the main task of providing the understanding of physical and biological components of the environment and their independence.
(ii) The E.A. provides the understanding of the natural, physical and biological environment of an organism and identifies human, material, space and time resources in the environment, while E.E. includes the awareness of the physical, biological cultural and psychological environment of man. It investigates the methods and techniques for modifying and improving the quality of the man community as a whole. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Environmental Awareness)
(iii) The cultural and psychological environments are crucial in E.E. because the organization, climate and health and health of an institution are governed by the psychological principles and social and emotional climate of classroom psychological principles and the social and emotional climate of classroom teaching is generated by the psychology of the subject teacher, while E.A. provides the knowledge and understanding of the interdependence of physical and biological principles and social components and the ecology of the organism. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Environmental Awareness)
(iv) E.E. plans and generates a conducive environment for desirable changes in man. It manipulates the environment whereas E.A. involves the knowledge of both natural and manipulates environment, but it confines itself only up to the theoretical aspect.
(v) The E.E. provides the opportunities and situations for performing certain tasks and activates at all levels for solving environmental problems while E.A. is limited to the problems and their solutions but does not involve task and activity.
(vi) The difference between E.E and E.A may be summarized pin-pointedly as follows:
(vii) Environmental education is an effective process for developing environmental awareness through classroom interaction between teacher and taught:
(a) Provide sanitary facilities in school
(b) Keeping school, home and surroundings clean
(c) Making provisions for deposition of waiter
(d) Controlling the pollution of air and water
(e) Keeping the body healthy and clean with games and sports facilities in schools. Several types of such activities and programmes are organized in our schools. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Environmental Awareness)