Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Nature of Environmental Education
Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Nature of Environmental Education: In this post, we will learn about Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Nature of Environmental Education. In Bed 2nd Year there is one of the most important questions comes from Environment Education. You will learn about Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Nature of Environmental Education. Teaching is a social and professional activity. It is a process of development. Teaching is a system of actions that induce learning through interpersonal relationships. and all the rest you will study in this Blog
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Nature of Environmental Education
The term environmental education aims at developing in the child an awareness and understanding of the physical and social environment in its totality. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Nature of Environmental Education)
Environmental education is a process of providing learning experiences to obtain knowledge understanding skills and awareness of desirable attitudinal changes about man’s relationships with his natural and manmade surroundings which include the relation of population resource allocation, transportation technology, and urban and rural planning to the total human environment.
The environment has become a focus of our concern today, and providing environmental education to children is now a critical need. Considering the urgency of the situation, the infusion model used earlier (Some environment-related activities or paragraphs are added to chapters in other subjects) has had to be discarded by curriculum planners. Today’s need demands that environmental education should be taught as a separate subject.
The main emphasis of environmental education is to acquaint students with environment-related issues and problems. They must also be able to persue environmental problems, understand modern-day concerns related to the environment, and be able to analyze, evaluate, and equip themselves to resolve these problems. Thus, the environmental education curriculum is based on the following three core aspects (NCERT, 2007]:
- Learning about the environment.
- Learning through the environment implying a systematic exploration through a variety of activities.
- Learning for the environment by developing a genuine concern for, and sensitivity towards its protection and preservation. Environmental education is an effective process for developing environmental awareness through classroom interaction between teachers and taught. There are various terms that are used for environmental studies which are interdisciplinary in nature. The area of Environmental Education is broad-based on physical, biological, social, and cultural environment and also the organization and climate of the school the purpose is to provide the awareness skills, attitudes, and values of consciousness about the environment. The problems of environmental education are interdisciplinary in nature and can be resolved by employing interdisciplinary approaches so its field is interdisciplinary in nature.
Objectives of Environmental Education
- To develop an awareness of the environment and sensitivity (feelings and attitudes) to the total environment and its applied problems. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Nature of Environmental Education)
- To help in acquiring knowledge and a variety of experiences of the environment and associated problems.
- To develop a basic understanding of structure, processes, and problems of the environment; interdependence of environmental components. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Nature of Environmental Education)
- To help in acquiring skills for identifying and solving environmental problems.
- To develop attitudes, a set of feelings of concern for the environment and encouragement or motivation for active participation in protecting Social and improving the environment.
- To provide an opportunity for active participation or practice intercept levels in working for the solution of environmental problems and
- To develop an ability for evaluating environmental components and educational programmes in terms of ecological, economic, social, cultural aesthetic, and educational factors.
Assumptions of Environmental Education
- To consider the environment in its totality (natural, artificial, technological, social, economic, political, moral, cultural, historical )
- To consider a continuous life process (from pre-school to all higher levels formal and non-formal).
- To be interdisciplinary in approach in EE.
- To emphasize active participation in prevention and solution to environmental problems.
- To examine major environmental issues and problems from a local, national, regional, and international point of view.
- To focus on current, potential environmental situations.
- To consider environmental aspects in plans for growth and development.
- To emphasize the complexity of environmental problems and the need to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
- To promote the value and necessity of local, national, and international. co-operation in the prevention and solution of environmental problems. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Nature of Environmental Education)
- To promote the value and necessity of local, national, and need to develop critical thinking and problems.