Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by programmes and agencies of Environmental Education
Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by programmes and agencies of Environmental Education: In this post, we will learn about Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by programmes and agencies of Environmental Education? In Bed 2nd Year there is one of the most important questions comes from Environment Education. You will learn about Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by programmes and agencies of Environmental Education? Teaching is a social and professional activity. It is a process of development. Teaching is a system of actions that induce learning through interpersonal relationships. and all the rest you will study in this Blog.
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Programmes of Environmental Education
It is designed for any age group, working in the social economic and cultural development of the community. They form groups or clubs and arrange exhibitions, public lectures, meetings, and environmental campaigns. The following constitute the main programmes of this education:
- Adult Education. Adults may influence other members for the member for better ways of life. National local language, information packs, posters, slides, audio, audio-visuals etc. may be generated.
- Rural Youth and Non-student Youth. They may organize into groups.
- Tribals/forest Dwellers. The programmes of education can be taken up by involving their community leaders, women and youth. They are important content of our forest wealth.
- Children Activities. This can be ensured through essay competitions for different age groups. Department of Environment with the help of the United School Organisation of India organize such activities. On-the-spot painting, modelling and poster design contests are conducted for children by The National Museum of Natural History (NMNH). Short-term courses are also given by NMNH in environmental education every year.
- Eco-development Camps. They help in sound rural development involving youth. A set of guidelines has been prepared by the Department of Environment (1984). The main objectives are: to create awareness in students and non-student youth about basic ecological principles; to identify the root cause of ecological problems as related to human activities; to take steps to solve local ecological environmental problems, and; to develop a spirit of national integration.
- Non-governmental Organizations. There are over 200 NGOs, of which most are involved in EE and awareness, others in nature conservation, pollution control, afforestation and social forestry, floristic and faunal studies, rural development, wildlife conservation and waste utilization eco-development.
- Public Representatives. India has Environmental Forums for M.Ps and M.L.As to discuss environmental problems facing the country. They may build up sound public opinion and stimulate public interest.
- Training Senior Executive/Administrators. Regular courses should be arranged for various institutes imparting such training. These are general environmental management, industry-specific environmental management, etc.
- Foundation Courses. The courses for the probationers selected for the I.A.S., I.F.S., I.P.S. and cadets of three wings of the Armed Forces need to be supplemented with foundation courses on the environment relevant to their areas of work.
- Research and Development Programme. Such programmes are supported by the Department of Environment in Man and Biosphere and basic and applied environmental problems.
- Centres of Excellence. Department of Environment has established two Centres of Excellence in the country. They generate knowledge and methodology and training in areas of Tropical Ecology (Bengaluru) and Environmental Educational (Ahmedabad).
- Development of Trained Manpower. These must be training programmes for the trainers, professionals, technical personnel and legal experts. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by programmes and agencies of Environmental Education)
- Development of Education Material and Teaching acids. Audio audio-visual materials, materials for media (TV, radio, films, newspapers etc.) mobile exhibitions etc. must be designed by competent manpower, One such centre is the centre of Environment Education, Ahmadabad. (What do you understand by programmes & agencies of Environmental Education)
- World Environment Day. All governments in the States, UTs, academic institutions, universities, colleges, schools and voluntary organizations organize suitably activates on this day (June 5). Department of Environment supports this financially.
- National Environment Awareness Campaign/National Environment Month. Commencing in 1986, to Department of Environment conducts NEAC and NEM; from November 19th to December 18th every year is observed as NEM. Each year is observed as NEM. Each year there is a major environment theme.
Agencies of Environment Education
There is a number of international and national organization agencies and programmes involved in different areas of the environment; foresty, wildlife and other relevant aspects. Some of the important bodies of this type are as follows:
International Environmental Bodies
1. Earth scan. An agency founded by UNEP in 1976 that commissions original articles on environmental matters and sells them as features to newspapers and magazines, especially in developing countries.
2. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). An international forum, whose membership for agreement is open to all countries. For India, the Ministry of Environment and Forests Functions as the nodal agency for participation in international agreements. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by programmes and agencies of Environmental Education)
3. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This is an independent Federal Agency of the U.S. Government established in 1970. It deals with the protection of the environment by air water, solid wastes, radiation, pesticide, noise, etc
4. European Economic Community (EEC). It is a community of 12 European nations, with a sound political, economic and legal base. The community has joined agricultural and scientific programmes. It has programmers of framing and implementation of coordinated polity for environmental improvement and conservation of natural resources. CPCB, India has taken up projects on air quality monitoring with the assistance of EEC.
5. Human Exposure Assessment Location (HEAL). The project is a part of the health Related Monitoring Programme by WHO in cooperation with UNEP. This Project has three components, viz. (i) air monitoring, (ii) water quality monitoring, and (iii) food contamination motivation on a global basis.
6. International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU). A non-government organization, based in Paris that encourages the exchanges of scientific information, initiates programmes that required international scientific cooperation and studies and reports on matters related to social and political responsibilities in the treatment of the scientific community.
7. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). An autonomous body, founded in 1948 with its Headquarters at Morgues, Switzerland, that initiates and promotes scientifically based conservation measures. It also cooperates with the United Nations and other intergovernmental agencies and sister bodies of the World Wild Fund for Nature (WWF).
8. International Marine Consultative Organization (IMCO). It regulates the operation of ships on high seas, from a marine water pollution viewpoint. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by programmes and agencies of Environmental Education)
9. South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme (SACEP). This has been recently set up for the exchange of professional knowledge and expertise on environmental issues among member countries Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iran, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by programmes and agencies of Environmental Education)
10. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). A United Nations agency, found in 1945 to support and implement the efforts of member states to promote education, scientific research and information, and the arts to develop the cultural aspects of world relations. It also holds conferences and seminars, promotes research and exchange of information and provides technical support. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by programmes and agencies of Environmental Education)
Its Headquarters are in Paris. Independently as well as in collaboration with other agencies like UNEP, it supports activities related to environmental quality, human settlements, training for environmental engineers and other socio-cultural programmes relate to the environment. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by programmes and agencies of Environmental Education)
11. United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP). A UN Agency, responsible for cooperation of inter-governmental measures for environmental monitoring and protection. It was set up in 1972. There is a voluntary United Nations Environment Fund (UNEF) to finance environmental projects. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by programmes and agencies of Environmental Education)
There is an Environmental Coordination Board, to coordinate the UNEP programmes. Its Headquarters are in Nairobi, Kenya. UNEP was founded to study and formulate international guidelines for the management of the environment. UNEP is assisting many such programme in India. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by programmes and agencies of Environmental Education)
12. World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED). This is a 23-member commission, set up in 1984 in pursuance of a UN General Assembly resolution in 1983 to re-examine the critical environmental and development issues and formulate proposals for them. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by programmes and agencies of Environmental Education)
This is a call for political action to manage better environmental resources to ensure human progress and survival. The commission makes an assessment of the level of understanding and commitment of individuals, voluntary organizations and governmental bodies on environmental issues. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by programmes and agencies of Environmental Education)
13. Earth Watch Programme (EWP). A worldwide programme was established in 1972 under the terms of the Declaration on the Human Environment. It monitors trends in the environment, based on a series of monitoring stations. Its activities are coordinated by UNEP. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by programmes and agencies of Environmental Education)
14. Project Earth. Developed in collaboration with UNEP to inspire, interest and educate young people worldwide on the crucial issues facing the Earth’s Environment. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by programmes and agencies of Environmental Education)
The project is led by Mr. Robert Swan, UNEP Goodwill Ambassador for youth. He is the only person to have reached the North Pole and the South Pole on foot. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by programmes and agencies of Environmental Education)
15. Earth-Walks. A series of expeditions designed to focus international attention on environmental issues in key geographic areas. The first such walk was taken by R. Swan and six young people were presented by him on 6th June 1992 at NCED, Earth Summit (3-14 June 1992), held in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). There are global 500 awards under UNEP for youth linked to the Earth walk programme. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by programmes and agencies of Environmental Education)
16. Man and Biosphere Programme (MAB). The programme is the outcome of the International Biological Programme (IBP) which has already concluded its activities. MAB was formally launched by UNESCO in 1971. There are 14 project areas under this programme. We shall provide here the details of MAB with special reference to major activities in our own country so far done under the same, and the priority areas for the future. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by programmes and agencies of Environmental Education)