Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Social Forestry
Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Social Forestry: In this post, we will learn about Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Social Forestry? In Bed 2nd Year there is one of the most important questions comes from Environment Education. You will learn about Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Social Forestry? Teaching is a social and professional activity. It is a process of development. Teaching is a system of actions that induce learning through interpersonal relationships. and all the rest you will study in this Blog.
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Social Forestry
The ‘social forestry’ is not a new concept, it is a very old Indian method. All the plans are covered under social forestry. The public has an emotional attachment to social forestry, it provides fodder for animals, wood for fuel, and oxygen for life.
Our government has spent about 400 crores from (1950-80) on social forestry. During 1950-80 about 700 crores were spent on this plan. This plan has been introduced in 13 states of our country by taking a loan of 780 crores from the World Bank. This plan is being implemented with the help of foreign agencies to make it more useful and effective. The efforts are being made to cover 20 lack 30 thousand hectares of land by social forestry. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Social Forestry)
Objectives of Social Forestry
The following are the main objectives of social forestry:
(i) To fulfil the needs and requirements of forest products of rural-urban population.
(ii) To develop the forest area by plantation on the rural and urban boundaries.
(iii) To fulfill the fuel requirements so that the dung of animals can be used for making the soil fertile.
(iv) To check the process of deforestation this will check the soil erosion.
(v) To provide employment for poor and landless villagers.
(vi) To raise the standard of living by economic advantage of social forestry.
(vii) To maintain the ecology of the environment and improve the rural economy.
(viii) To improve the quality of the environment and have balanced development.
Need and importance of Social Forestry
There are various types of environmental problems due to the explosion of human pollution. Deforestation has created the problem of soil erosion and the expansion of desert areas. The forest and forest products are very useful for the needs of the human population and also maintain the ecological balance. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Social Forestry)
Therefore, every member of the society must take advantage of its products, fodder for animals, wood for fuel for the villagers, wood for agricultural tools, straw for huts and fruits, and food for the human population.
It also provides opportunities for employment for poor and landless villagers. It checks the environmental pollution which is the need of the day. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Social Forestry)
Role of Panchayat in Social Forestry
The village panchayats have got the powers, authority, and finance. Therefore panchayat should play a significant role in social forestry and environmental ecology and its balance. The forest and grazing land are under the control of village panchayats. The following steps may be taken by the village panchayat for social forestry:
(i) The village panchayat should take the help of the forest department. Panchayat should hand over temporarily to the forest department for reforestation. There should be some contract between the panchayat and the forest department.
(ii) The forest, the department should advise and suggest a guideline for the plantation according to the soil and climate of the area to the village panchayat. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Social Forestry)
(iii) The village panchayat can take the help of the forest department to the protection of the plants so that plants can develop and grow safely. The animals and villagers may not harm the plants.
(iv) During the period of the development of plantation by the forest department, some products, grass, and other products can be used by the villagers. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Social Forestry)
(v) The forest department should employ the villagers of the same area for plantation and their look after.
Social Forestry on Personal Land
The social forestry cart also is encouraged and developed on personal land. The land can be allotted at the personal level for such programme of social forestry. Two types of social forestry can be organized at the personal level—
(1) Agricultural forestry, and (2) Agriculture of plants.
- Agricultural Forestry. Under the scheme personal land is used for plantation purposes. The forest department encourages villagers for developing nurseries and can supply plants free of cost. The plantation can be done on the boundaries of their fields and also along the drainage system. These are useful for the villagers for fuel, tools, building material, etc.
- Agricultural Plants. The less fertile land can be best utilized for this scheme of the plantation. The agricultural plantation will add to the economy of the village and also improve the quality of the environment. It will check the soil erosion. This scheme should be implemented on hill areas, along the road boundaries and canal side. This scheme should not be used for fertile land, but popular plants are grown along the cops on the boundaries of the fields.
Suggestions for Developing Social Forestry
There is 15% of the land of our country, under forest, while there is a need for 30 to 33% of land for forest so that environmental balance can be maintained in our country. There is 320 lack hectare land of in the country under the desert which is in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh. There is an urgent need for plantations in these states. The following suggestions have been given for developing social forestry in the country:
(i) The awareness and utility of social forestry are essential for rural and urban adults through adult and non-formal education systems.
(ii) The adults of the rural and urban areas should be encouraged to develop a nursery for regional plants with the help of the forest department. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Social Forestry)
(iii) The plantation and development of the nursery are not sufficient programmes, but the basic needs to developing the irrigation facility during the dry season. Some steps have been taken for the desert areas. Rajasthan canal is one of the facilities.
(iv) The adults should be given training for plantation and developing their own nursery. It will and to their economy and employ the adults for the purpose. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Social Forestry)
(v) The interested persons should be given awareness of seeds and their growing seasons. They should be well acquainted with the variety of plants and their utility for the human population.
(vi) The scheme is implemented in different areas of the country. There is a great variation in soils. Therefore, the adults should know the nature of their soil and its suitability for plants. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Social Forestry)
Advantages of Social Forestry
The following are the main advantages of the social forestry scheme:
(i) It will improve the economic status of the rural population.
(ii) It will improve the quality of the environment by maintaining environmental balance.
(iii) It will check the urbanization and individualization of the urban population.
(iv) It will maintain the ecological balance of the environment of the country at the local and regional levels.
(v) It will check the problem of soil erosion in the country.
(vi) The expansion of desert areas can also be checked by the scheme of social forestry.
(vii) It will meet the demands of the rural population, e.g., fuel, tools building material, and fodder for animals.
(viii) It will provide opportunities for employment for poor and landless villagers.
Limitations of Social forestry
This scheme is indeed very useful for the rural population and for maintaining the quality of the environment, but the following are the limitations at the implementation stage:
(i) The World Bank is assisting this scheme in our country. The forest department is not making its proper use except by growing eucalyptus plants which are not very useful. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Social Forestry)
(ii) The economically well-to-do persons of the villages are taking the advantage of the scheme. It is not reaching to the poor and landless villagers. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Social Forestry)
(iii) The plantation is being done on fertile land. (Bed 2nd Year What do you understand by Social Forestry)
(iv) The villagers have no trust or faith in the workers of the forest department as they are not very sincere.