BEd Pedagogy Social Science Study Material Notes
BEd Pedagogy Social Science Study Material Notes: presents Study Material Long Question Answers based on the Latest BEd syllabus for Pedagogy of Social Science. Long Question Answers are one of the major scoring ways as far as the BEd Pedagogy of Social Science Exam is concerned. Here in this post, we are Long Question Answer for the Definition and importance of Social Studies teaching in modern perspective, the Nature and Importance of Social Studies, the main functions of Social Studies, Difference between ‘social studies’ and ‘social science’, position and importance in the school curriculum. If you are preparing for BEd Pedagogy Social Science Examination, this can help you a lot with preparation. At you can find all the study material, question answers, and sample model practice papers in a single place.

Meaning of Social Studies
According to Charles Beard, Social Sciences are a body of knowledge and thought pertaining to human affairs as distinguished from sticks, stones, stars, and physical objects. (BEd Pedagogy Social Science Study Material Notes)
James High defines the Social Sciences as those bodies of learning and study which recognize the simultaneous and mutual action of physical and non-physical stimuli which produce a social reaction.
Thus, the term social sciences may include any disciplined knowledge that deals with people and utilizes a scientific method.
Social Sciences include history, geography, political science anthropology, and sociology which represent man’s fundamental needs: the human record, habitat, political structure, subsistence, human, derivation social organization. Human or cultural geography and psychology humans need acceptance and personal adjustment. (BEd Pedagogy Social Science Study Material Notes)
Social Science includes social biology, ethics, philosophy, jurisprudence, statistics, line and education, and even rhetoric, logic, and grammar. (BEd Pedagogy Social Science Study Material Notes)
Definition of Social Studies by different Organisations and Scholars
(i) “The Social Studies are understood to be those whose subject-matter relates directly to the organization and development of human and to the organization and development of human society and to man as a member of social groups.” -Commission on Reorganization of Secondary Education of Associations, USA.
(ii) “What we study in Social Studies is the life of man in some particular place at some particular time. We, therefore, use every possible ‘subject to help us understand his problems and how he dealt or deals with Man’s struggle with the environment yesterday and today, man’s use or misuse of his powers and resources, his development, the essential unity of civilization-these are the main themes of Social Studies.” – “Social Studies for Schools” Social Studies Committee of Schools Board, Victoria.
(iii) “Social Studies are concerned with man and his interaction with his social and physical environment; they deal with human relationships. The central function of the Social Studies is identical with the central purpose of education the development of democratic citizenship.” – John V. Michaelis
Social Studies includes “Those portions of the Social Sciences selected for instructional purposes” may be applied to include anything pertinent to the immediate purpose of learning and adapted to the level of comprehension of the student, in short, absorption of as much or as little of man’s heritage as may be decided.” – Edgar B. Wesbey
(iv) “Most simply stated the social studies are the school mirror of the scholarly findings of the social sciences. Such data, as Social Scientists may gather, is integrated and simplified to appropriate levels of expression for children in all the grades.” – James High
(v) “The Social Studies are, as the name suggests, studies of society, and their chief aim is to help pupils to understand the world in which have to live, and how it came to be, so that they may become responsible citizens. They aim at promoting critical thinking, encouraging a readiness for social change, creating a disposition for acting on behalf of the general welfare, at an appreciation of other cultures and a realist women of the nation.” other cultures, and a realization of the inter-dependence of man and women of the nation.” – J.F. Forreste
(vi) “Social Studies, as a term, is comparatively new in Indian Education. It is meant to cover the ground traditionally associated with History, Geography, Economics, Civics, etc. If the teaching of these separate subjects only imparts miscellaneous and unrelated information and does not throw any light on or provide insight into social conditions and problems or create the desire to improve the existing state of things, their educative significance will be negligible.
This whole group of studies has, therefore, to be viewed as a compact whole whose object is to adjust the students to their social environment which includes the family, community, state, and nation so that they may be able to understand, how society has come to its present form and interpret intelligently the matrix of social forces and movements in the midst of which they are living.”
(vii). “Social Studies is a field, of study which deals with man, his relations with, other men and his environment. Its content is drawn from severed social sciences but is not determined by the discipline of any one of these. Rather, the content and organization of social studies derive directly from the purposes for which it is taught. Those purposes include an understanding of human relationships, knowledge, of the environment, dedication to the basic principles and values of the society in which it is taught, and a commitment to participate, in the processes through which that society is maintained and improved. These are the most important characteristics of the “Social Studies point of view.”
(viii) “Environmental studies” will include both natural and social environments in classes I and II. It would be more appropriate to use the term Social Studies rather than Social Science at the primary school stage since it represents a broad and composite instructional area. (BEd Pedagogy Social Science Study Material Notes)
(ix) The Secondary Education Commission of the National Education Association, USA has defined Social Studies, in these words “Social Studies are understood to be those whose subject matter relates directly to the organization and development of human society and to man as a member of a social group.”
(x) M.P. Muffatt is of opinion that a person may be learned in Chemistry or Mathematics, he may be a skilled technician, but if he is short-sighted in his attitude to his fellowmen, he is unsocial and perhaps ill-adjusted in many other ways. The art of living is a fine art to which Social Studies contributes understanding. (BEd Pedagogy Social Science Study Material Notes)
(xi) The framers of the Report of Secondary Education Commission in India, realizing the novelty of the subject have clearly stated—“Social Studies, as a term is comparatively new in Indian Education. It is meant to cover the ground, traditionally associated with History, Geography, Economics, Civics, etc. This whole group for studies has, therefore, to be viewed as a compact whole whose object is to adjust, the students to their social environment which includes the family, community, state, and nation so that they may be able to understand how society has come to its present form.” (BEd Pedagogy Social Science Study Material Notes)
(xii) An NCERT publication entitled ‘National Curriculum for Elementary and Secondary Education (1988) has used the term Social Studies. It has been observed, “Social Sciences is perhaps the singular curricular area which can prove to be the most effective tool for providing education the context of all the core components indicated in the NPE (National Policy on Education) 1986.”
The common core envisaged by the NDT comprises- (i) the History of India’s freedom movement, (ii) Constitutional obligations, (iii) Values such as India’s common heritage Egalitarianism, democracy, secularism, (v) Equality of sexes (o Protection of the environment, (vii) Small family norms, etc. (BEd Pedagogy Social Science Study Material Notes)