BEd What do you mean by Correlation of Social Science with Other Subjects
BEd What do you mean by Correlation of Social Science with Other Subjects: a2zntoes provide you best study material for what do you mean by correlation of Social Science with other subjects. In this blog you will learn about Social Science and History, Social Studies and Geography, Social Studies and Economics, history and political science, history details progress of humans, language and social studies, use of Language in Social Studies, Correlation of Social Studies and Language, Social Studies and Art, Social Studies and Science, Social Studies and Literature. These all are the topics which we Cover today.
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Correlation of Social Science with Other Subjects
One of the most significant developments of twentieth-century education is the emphasis on imparting unified, integrated, and meaningful knowledge to the pupils. Imparting fragments of knowledge, say in the form of isolated facts of history, geography, political science, economics, etc., is just obsolete ideology. (BEd What do you mean by Correlation of Social Science with Other Subjects)
It is believed that the child’s mind is an integrated whole that welcomes experiences as a unity and not as a collection of separate unconnected fragments. (BEd What do you mean by Correlation of Social Science with Other Subjects)
The reciprocal relationship which exists among the diversity of subjects needs to be established. This relationship makes studying easier, more interesting, and more natural. (BEd What do you mean by Correlation of Social Science with Other Subjects)
Social Science and History
History provides a rich ground for correlation with different subjects. Vives felt that history is one study that either gives birth or nourishes, develops and cultivates all arts. He further stated in the context of concentration of studies that “…moral philosophy is built upon history, the whole of law flows out of history and a great part of theology is history.” For Ziller and his disciples, history was the central subject around which all other subjects could revolve.
Perhaps a similar view is also expressed by Johnson when he says, “History with or without the name, certainly has been and is a background for other social sciences. History may, indeed, be regarded as the only field in which all other social sciences meet.” Trevelyan goes still further when he says, “History is not a subject at all the house in which all subjects dwell.”
Koerne also says, Occupying, as it does, an intermediate position, between the humanities and the social science and employing both the qualitative approval and the quantitative data of the behaviorist, it serves de which students can learn something of literature and the and politics, economics and social behavior on the other.”
Thus, history not only provides a common meeting of separate art disciplines, but it gives them the best and most fra the natural sciences also. It can, in fact, be treated as temporary which the facts learned in other subjects can be arranged and made
History has a close relationship with social studies is often history course school, and sheltered under the wing of the mom established subject. History plays an important role in the un man in society and thus in the structuring of social studies course
History is concerned primarily either with periods of time or with themes running through centuries. Many historians claim that the function of history is not to enable us to understand society as it is today. This is the main function of social studies and in so doing, it must draw. (BEd What do you mean by Correlation of Social Science with Other Subjects)
Similarly, much of the material children study in social studies involves the concept of the significance of time, which can be used to bring an awareness of the need to see phenomena in terms of their place in a chronological.
Here the best aspects of the historical method can be used. This is certainly a method of teaching children a sense of chronology and a sequence of events Children can be encouraged to organize the material to illustrate growth and Change. Whether this occurs in the short span of plant or human life or the broader historical span of the development of building styles and types in the locality during the past two hundred years or the vast scales needed for the study of rocks, landforms, and evolution.
Tables, maps, sketches, and accounts can all be prepared in a time sequence, thus making a significant contribution to the development of one of the most difficult of concepts. (BEd What do you mean by Correlation of Social Science with Other Subjects)
History provides a basis and perspective to the important topics in social studies such as education, populating, war, trade union movement, towns and cities, customs and social moves, etc. History, as a study of the origins of the present, must be an essential feature of any sound scheme of social studies (BEd What do you mean by Correlation of Social Science with Other Subjects)
History and social studies are interdependent. It is admitted that a study of contemporary society is incomplete without an account of its development in previous ages. Recent history, the immediate origin of the present, is a part of the explanation of the present. But by itself, this picture is incomplete, for an account of the present use of this history is necessary for a balanced and true perspective.
It would be extremely dangerous to attempt a study of recent perspectives of society for an account of the present use of this history is necessary for a bale true perspective. It would be extremely dangerous to attempt a study of history and the origins of the present without adding the studies, that is what is actually happening today.
Social Studies and Geography
Geography and Social Studies are inseparably connected. includes the study of the living conditions of the people of various their mode of living, their occupations, their standard of living very much influenced by the geographical conditions of those locations of the countries also has a great effect on the people countries.
England built a powerful navy and created a great empire, mostly. because of its geographical location. The geographical location and conditions of the country have a tremendous effect on the social life of its people. Thus, Gea and Social Studies are intimately connected. (BEd What do you mean by Correlation of Social Science with Other Subjects)
Social Studies and Economics
Social Studies is incomplete without Economics. Social Studies develop an individual into a good, independent, and competent citizen. not possible without some knowledge of economics which consists integrated part of Social Studies. Economics is a theoretical study, m the college or university students, whereas, Social Studies providing I and functional knowledge, is meant for school students up to the secondary classes. Social Studies draw from Economics on some of the basic needs of human beings, food shelter, clothing, etc. T Social Studies and economics are intimately connected.
Social Studies and Civics
Social Studies, Civics, and Political Science. Civics and Political Se intimately connected with Social Studies. Civics provides knowledge u essential for becoming a useful and proper citizen. It provides knowledge duties and responsibilities of a citizen.
Political Science provides the la of the various forms of government and how states are governed. Knowledge issues like national integration and international understanding are gained without the knowledge of Political Science. Civics and Politic contribute such knowledge to Social Studies. (BEd What do you mean by Correlation of Social Science with Other Subjects)
History and Political Science
History and political science have got a close relationship with Political science is a subject that deals with that branch of history which mainly gives an account of the growth and development of the administrative setup of a country. The relation of the government of the administrative country. (BEd What do you mean by Correlation of Social Science with Other Subjects)
The relationship between government and history is also like the relationship between plants or zoology to animals. It is perhaps for this reason that Fre that history was past politics and present politics is the future hist aptly says “History is really the past tense of a subject of which is the present.”
Johnson also is of the same view when, he says, “ history in schools has, from the beginning, in large part, been a – forms of the government of changes in government and actions in Political science is the science of citizenship. Citizenship in the up involves a good knowledge of local, national, and international knowledge that cannot be obtained without reference to history. “Poli has no fruit,” so well said by John Seeley, Burgess writes, “Separo one becomes a cripple if not a corpse.”
Every political act is an outcome with the history behind it. History reveals the roots. It is the great laboratory scientist who learns not to report the mistake of others. (BEd What do you mean by Correlation of Social Science with Other Subjects)
With foundations, politics tends to become merely speculative. Both political science aim at the welfare of man as a member of society through his own experience and the experiences of others. Experience good citizens in society which, in brief, is the function of political s thus, are inseparable and go hand in hand. (BEd What do you mean by Correlation of Social Science with Other Subjects)
History Details Progress of Human
History details the progress of human ideas and institutions. It is history that provides us with up-to-date knowledge about the progress or decline of some of the social institutions.
Again, as Johnson has said. “Civil government can best be studied as a part of her present of our constitution well one should seek not only when how they develop but also to Show origins and developments. To history, one just sees these movements and knows the results.” It is obvious the relation and the study of one reinforces the others.
Language and Social Studies
Interdependence. Language and social studies go hand in the social studies dealing with man and society, language provides man with expression and communication. Literature shows the way of knowing people, events, and places. Education must build a persuasive bridge between academic studies like social studies and literature.
While social studies contain a record of the deeds of men; literature record the feelings, emotions, imagination, and thoughts of men. Indeed only by bringing the two records together and comparing them, internet one’s feelings in the light of their deeds, and Illustrating their deeds by the sentiments and feelings expressed in literature, the study of both literate and social studies can be made more vital. (BEd What do you mean by Correlation of Social Science with Other Subjects)
Use of Language in Social Studies. Social Studies are very much reinforced by language. Lavishly illustrated books and recordings of famous heroes, recounting events of the past, help children to read and to listen, and to cull out relevant information while teaching social studies, opportunities should be provided to pupils for speaking, discussing, debating, and narrating their experiences verbally as well in writing. (BEd What do you mean by Correlation of Social Science with Other Subjects)
Correlation of Social Studies and Language. Social Studies can be correlated with language work in a number of ways as given below:
Themes from social studies for Essay writing.
(a) Life of people in the Paleolithic Age;
(b) Evolution of temple architecture, coinage system. position of etc.;
(c) India’s Foreign Policy:
(d) Election of Representatives;
Essays Competitions on Social Subjects competition may be on the following topics:
(a) Social Values in Mahabharata;
(b) Our mineral resources;
(c) The Evil of Emergency.
Staging Dramas on Social Subjects. Students can read, scenes from historical novels, plays and poems, drama, and Epics Ramayana and Mahabharata.
Imaginary dialogues on social subjects. These may prove to make social studies interesting. Some examples are as follows:
(a) Dialogue between two citizens during the war.
(b) Dialogue between Dronacharya and his disciples on Government and Philosophy.
(c) Dialogue between European and an Indian showing their respective cultures.
Social Studies and Art
- Inter-dependence. As the firm of social studies is to promote individual and social competence, so is the aim of I art, music, and other aesthetic activities. Art education begins with creative aesthetic activities and leads to the cultivation of discrimination and aesthetic sense, and leads to the cultivation of discrimination and aesthetic sense and the capacity to choose and take up what is beautiful and harmonious, simple, healthy, and pure. This lends grace to character and behavior. It makes the student a finer human being. (BEd What do you mean by Correlation of Social Science with Other Subjects)
- Mutual Reinforcement. Art, music, and other aesthetic activities and social studies reinforce each other. In teaching social studies to students, the teacher uses the contribution of great painters, sculptors, musicians, etc. The great Indian creators of the Taj, the Stupa of Sanchi, Gautam Buddha’s statues, etc. Had knowledge of anatomy, physical balance, the political impact of psychological stimuli, economics, and religion.
They were equally concerned with man and society. Leonardo-da-Vinci, the great painter also designed a submarine and prepared a medical treatise on anatomy. Japanese social history would be pointless without mention of the positional significance in their drama and ceremonies. Southeast Asian and Indian rituals are completely intermixed with the intricacies of dance. (BEd What do you mean by Correlation of Social Science with Other Subjects) - Enrichment of Social Studies. Art, music, and other aesthetic activities enrich Social Studies. They make it interesting. Students are required to draw pictures, graphs, maps, diagrams, timelines, and weather charts, and build models of buildings, projects, dams, costumes, etc. For dramatization through art activities.
On the other hand, Social Studies provide themes for artistic, musical, and other aesthetic activities. Both these core subjects support, supplement and reinforce each another.
Social Studies and Science
History, as we have discussed earlier, is man’s story on this earth. How can this story be intelligible without considering the long chain of discoveries, explorations, and inventions man has achieved since the beginning of the universe?
Gerald Hollen has aptly said, “It is Science that gives us some of the vocabulary, and the methods, the questions, the themes or myths, that to a large extent rule what we do and what we think…Science as thought allows us to understand to control and change that world. These two functions have been realized, in the earliest days. Most important of all, the necessary conceptual foundations of all private and public philosophies as share with science such basic ideas as space, time quantity, motion, force, order, law casualty, reality, and many others.”
Since the dawn of civilization, man has been taking interest in tools, weapons, agriculture, animals, water, fire, and natural phenomena such as rain, thunder, day, night, and seasonal changes. Primitive man was compelled to find ways of discovering and inventing materials and processes in order for his food and clothing. Perhaps the observations of animal inventions were the use of wood, stone, and metal. (BEd What do you mean by Correlation of Social Science with Other Subjects)
Social Studies and Literature
History and literature go hand in hand. Every branch of poetry, plays, fiction, diaries, travel accounts, and sacred literature of historical circumstances. History, there is no denying the ornamental fold of literature. For long it lay in the lap of lit A comfortable sleep. The advent of the scientific spirit, unluckily an of its peaceful abode.
Jacob Grimm complained that the hist two branches of knowledge had created an unnatural gulf. In the garb of scientific study, it (History) becomes concise, abstruse, and thus lost most of the poesy that envelops literature. In doing so it separated from literature. To a great extent, Grimn was right her two afford ample ground for correlation.
The correlation of history means the treatment of history for the sake of literature. It is for reason that history is styled as an epic, a drama, and a song, (BEd What do you mean by Correlation of Social Science with Other Subjects)
History is a record of the deeds of man; literature is the record of emotions, imagination, and thoughts of man. How can one re understood without reading the other also? (BEd What do you mean by Correlation of Social Science with Other Subjects)
Indeed, it is only by bringing records together and comparing them, interpreting one’s feelings in the line of their deeds, and illustrating their deeds by their sentiment and feelings as they are expressed in literature, that the study of either literature or history can made more vital. (BEd What do you mean by Correlation of Social Science with Other Subjects)
History does not stop, of course with man’s deeds literature does not stop, with man’s feelings and thoughts. It habitually takes into purview thoughts and feelings while literature does not hesitate to describe deeds. A considerable part of the literature used in school to illuminate history is indeed almost pure narration of events.