Long Question Answer Study Material Notes MBA 1st Semester For Applications Study Material Notes Sample Model papers Notes Unit wise Chapter Wise Syllabus Solved case studies for practise.

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Q.1. Write the features and scope of ERP. Describe the phases of ERP implementation.
Ans.Features of ERP
The salient features of ERP are:
1. ERP provides quality planning required for ISO 9000 certification to facilitate total quality management
2. ERP software solution provides both multi-lingual and multi-currency capabilities.
3. Managers use ERP for flexible reporting tools to extract the information when required.
4 Integration of new product introductions or changes to existing products fully into the enterprise system is crucial to the enterprise.
5. End-to-end supply chain management is crucial for enterprises having multiple manufacturing units and distribution networks.
Scope of ERP
The scope of ERP includes the following areas:
1. Logistics: It consists of production planning, materials management, quality management, sales and distribution management.
2. Financials: It consists of financial accounting, asset management and enterprise control.
3. Human Resources: It consists of personnel management, training and development and skills inventory.
4 Workflow: It integrates the entire organisation with as cations, positions, jobs, groups or individuals.
phases of ERP Implementation
The different phases of ERP implementation are:
1. Pre-evaluation Screening: The company should do number of packages that are to be evaluated by the committee.
2. Package Evaluation: The evaluation is one of the most important pas because the selected package decides the success or failure of the project.
3. Project Planning Phase. This phase designs the implementation process where deu in go about the implementation are decided and the time schedules etc. arrived at the project plans are developed.
4. Gap Analysis: It is the phase where the organisation
tries to find out the gaps between the company’s existing business practices and those supported by the ERP package. It is the step of negotiation between company requirements and functions of the package
5. Re-engineering: It is the phase in which human factors are considered and it aids in downsizing efforts and model designed and used with success by major ERP consulting firms.
6. Configuration: This is the main functional area of ERP implementation which synchronises existing company practices with ERP package.
7. Implementation Team Training: The implementation team is trained about how to use the system and how to implement it.
8. Testing: This is the phase where one tries to break the system. Test cases are designed to find the weak links of the system and are corrected.
9. End-user Training: This is the phase where the actual users of the system are trained about how to use the system efficiently.
10. Maintenance: This phase is very critical since it is very important for the system to be widely accepted in order to gain the full benefits of the ERP system.
Q.2. Describe the application components and phases of customer relationship management.
Ans. Customer Relationship Management (CRM):
It is referred to as integration of processes cultures and systems to recognise, fifferentiate, service and develop and organisations’ customers.
Application Components of CRM
Some of the major application components of CRM are:
1. Contact and Account Management: CRM software helps sales and marketing pre to capture and track the relevant data about past and contacts with customers. Information is captured from Marketing and fulfilment customer points such as telephone, fax, websites, stores and other personal contacts and is stored by CRM software in a common customer database.
2. Sales: CRM system provides sales with the software tools and company data sources which they require to support and control the activities and carry out the transactions.
3. Marketing and Fulfilment: CRM systems help marketing professionals to accomplish direct marketing by automating the tasks of targeted marketing and tracking direct marketing.
4. Customer Service and Support: CRM helps customer service managers to create, assign and manage service requests and it assists customer service representatives in helping customers by providing them with service data.
5. Retention and Loyalty Programs: CRM systems help a company to identify, reward and market their most loyal and profitable customers using data mining tools which are used to identify profitable and loyal customers. These tools direct and evaluate company’s targeted marketing and other marketing programs.
Phases of Customer Relationship Management
The three phases of CRM are as follows:
1. Acquiring of New Customers: This phase can be achieved by promoting company’s product and service leadership. The value proposition to the customer is the offer of a superior product that is backed by the excellent service.
2. Enhancing the Profitability of the Existing Customers: This is achieved by encouraging excellence in cross-selling and up-selling which deepens and broadens the relationship. The value proposition is an offer of greater convenience at low cost.
3. Retaining Profitable Customers for Life: It focuses on service adaptability about the desire of customers. The value proposition to the customer is an offer of a relationship that works in the customer’s interest.
Q.3. Explain the computer or cyber crime and different forms of computer or cyber crimes.
Or Explain cyber crime and Its different types. Also mention the steps to prevent cyber Information system.
Ans. Computer Crime/Cyber Crime: It is a growing threat to the society that is cau: irresponsible or criminal actions of persons who use computers and Internet. It is a major the ethical use of information technologies that poses threat to the integrity and safety of e-business systems.
Cyber crime generally refers to the criminal activities where a cool for a crime because of unauthorised access of resources, copying of software and release of information.
different forms of cyber crime are as follows:
Hacking: It is the process of achieving access to uthorisation and involves some degree of affect on the privacy of others. It is the practice of modifying computer hardware and software to reach the goal away from the purpose. The professiionals are called as hckers or crackers who cracks the cdodes damaging the privacy.
Hackers and crackers typically are computer dev corporate and government websites. Sometimes they are sa an e-commerce site. Others have more malicious intentions and co disrupting, defacing or even destroying the site.