143. The main objective of packaging is
(1) identification of product
(2) maintaining the quality of product
(3) protection of product
(4) All of the above
Ans. (4) All of the above
144. Product identification involves
(1) branding
(2) packaging
(4) All of these
(3) labelling
Ans. (4) All of these
145. Multiple packaging is
(1) the most expensive type of packaging
(2) the most effective type of packaging
(3) the same as family packaging
(4) likely to increase demand
Ans.(3) the same as family packaging
146. The second stage in the sales forecast is to estimate
(1) market demand
(2) company demand
(3) consumer demand
(4) sales demand
Ans. (2) company demand
147. In jury method of sales forecasting includes
(1) top jury method
(2) percolated jury method
(3) both (1) and (2)
(4) delphi method Ans.(3) both (1) and (2)
148. Micro-forecasting determines
(1) product’s market share
(2) price’s market share
(3) place’s market share
(4) product’s share
Ans. (1) product’s market share
149. Which of the following provides the backone of marketing!
(1) Sales forecasting
(2) Profit forecasting
(3) Market targeting
(4) Market segmentation
Ans. (1) Sales forecasting
150. Which is the branding of bank?
(1) Fixed deposits or term deposits
(2) Mutual fund
(3) Personal loan
(4) All of these –
Ans.(4) All of these
151./Who said, “The marketing is the set of human activities”?
(1) Borch
(2) Philip Kotler
(3) Still
(4) Cundiff
Ans. (2) Philip Kotler
152. Marketing includes
(1) branding
(2) packing
(3) packaging
(4) All of these
Ans. (4) All of these
153. Which is not the objective of sales promotion?
(1) To reduce the effect of off-season sales
(2) To invite competitors
(3) To achieve the predetermined goal of sales
(4) To help middlemen in increasing their sales
Ans. (2) To invite competitors
64. Which statement is correct?
(1) Expenses on advertisement is the wastage of money
(2) Advertisement ever misleads the consumers
(3) Advertisement increases the knowledge of customers
(4) None of the above
Ans. (4) None of the above
165. Sales forecast can be based on which of the following information?
(1) What customers say about the product
(2) What customers are actually doing
(3) What customers have done in the past
(4) All of the above
Ans. (4) All of the above
156. In which year and where the first Ad. agency opened?
(1) Philadelphia in 1841
(2) Washington in 1868
(3) Tokyo in 1892
(4) London in 1902
Ans. (1) Philadelphia in 1841
157. “Personal selling is personal conversation with the prospective customers for making sales.” To what extent this statement is correct?
(1) Perfectly correct
(2) Partially correct
(3) Not correct
(4) None of these
Ans. (1) Perfectly correct

158. Which of the following is a financial method of motivating salesmen?
(1) Promotion
(2) Bonus
(3) Recognition
(4) Participation
Ans. (2) Bonus
159. Who is the founder of Group Interview method?
(1) Milton N. Mandell
(2) E.F. Wonderlic
(3) Robert N. Memarry
(4) McFurland
Ans. (3) Robert N. Mcmarry
160. The component of sales forecast is/are
(1) sales target
(2) sales budget
(3) both (1) and (2)
(4) sales volume
Ans.(3) both (1) and (2)
161. The analytical and statistical method of sales forecasting include
(1) extrapolation method
(2) moving average method
(3) time series analysis
(4) All of these
Ans. (4) All of these
162. The type of forecasting is selected on the basis of
(1) degree of accuracy
(3) time horizon
(2) availability of data
(4) All of these
Ans. (4) All of these
163. There are ……….. major types of sales forecasting.
(1) two
(2) three
(3) four
(4) five
Ans. (1) two
164, Demonstration is an exercise to
(1) attractively pack and display the goods
(2) prove the characteristic of the product
(3) both (1) and (2)
(4) only (1)
Ans.(2) prove the characteristic of the product
165. Time series can be useful forecasting method at the .. stage of product life-cycle.
(1) introduction
(2) growth
(3) maturity
(4) decline
Ans. (1) introduction
166. Which of the following is/are instrument of sales contr
(1) Sales targets and sales report
(2) Sales expenditure bud
(3) Sales conferences
(4) Travel plans
(5) All of the above
Ans. (5) All of the above
167. Which of the following are included in sales forecastin
(1) Sales pricing
(2) Sales planning
(3) Distribution channels
(4) All of these
Ans. (4) All of these
168. Which of the following is not a ‘post testing technique advertisement?
(1) Sales test
(2) Focus group
(3) Enquiry test
(4) Attitude test
Ans.(4) Attitude test
169. Which of the following is an instrument of sales contro
(1) Producing quality product
(2) Selecting the best distribution channel
(3) Pricing
(4) Sales conferences
Ans.(4) Sales conferences
170. Which of the following is/are the aims of sales training
(1) Increasing sales
(2) Improving sales presentation
(3) Sharpening sales skills
(4) All of the above
Ans. (4) All of the above
171. Which of the following is the form of sales organisation?
(1) Functional organisation
(2) Line type sales organisation
(3) Line and staff
(4) All of these
Ans. (4) All of these
172. Which of the following is the element of sales management?
(1) Selling
(2) Maximisation of sales
(3) Management of sales force
(4) All of these
Ans.(4) All of these
173. The sources of salesman recruitment includes
(1) from the inside of business
(2) employment exchange
(3) employees of customers
(4) All of these
Ans. (4) All of these
174. A conference is a meeting for the purposes of dicussion”. Who said?
(1) K.B. Hass
(2) J.S.K. Patel
(3) J.R. Danbman
(4) Harold Whitehead
Ans. (1) Accountant or clerk of sales department
175. Which of the following is the part of sales department?
(1) Accountant or clerk of sales department
(2) Production manager
(3) Purchase manager
(4) HRM manager
Ans. (1) Accountant or clerk of sales department
176. Which of the following is the factors of sales organisation?
(1) Marketing area
(2) Sales policy
(3) Price of the product
(4) All of these
Ans. (4) All of these
177. Psychological factors of a successful ad. are–
(1) Creating desire
(2) Creating taste
(3) Attracting attention
(4) All of these
Ans. (4) All of these
178. In personal selling ………. tries to influence the customer.
(1) Manufacturer
(2) Salesman
(3) Wholesaler
(4) None of these
Ans. (2) Salesman
179. ¥Motivation is a willingness to expand energy to achieve a goal or reward.” Who said? |
(1) Dalton E. Mc Farland
(2) Berelson
(3) Dale S. Beach
(4) Haring
Ans. (2) Berelson
180. Match the following
1. Increase in B. Sales
2. Satisfy the A. Customers
3. Creation of C. Utility
189. Which of the following is ………. the type of organisation!
(1) Line and staff type sales organisation
(2) Retailer
(3) Quota sales
(4) Agent
Ans.(1) Line and staff type sales organisation
190. Which of the following is/are right of consumer?
(1) Right to safety
(2) Right to choose
(3) Right to be informed
(4) All of these
Ans.(4) All of these
191. Which of the following acts come under the legislative measures?
(1) Drug control act
(2) Industries act
(3) Ago products act
(4) All of these
Ans. (4) All of these
192. Under which of the following rights the consumer must be provided the quality detail of product?
(1) Right to safety
(2) Right to be informed
(3) Right to choose
(4) Right to education
Ans. (2) Right to be informed
193. Which of the following day is celebrated as world consumer right day?
(1) 15 March
(2) 20 March
(3) 15 April
(4) 20 April
Ans. (1) 15 March
194. Consumer is
(1) who buy goods
(2) who hires services
(3) who produces goods.
(4) both (1) and (2)
Ans. (4) both (1) and (2)
195. Not included in personal selling?
(1) Demonstration of product
(2) Description of product
(3) Advertisement
(4) Remedies for objections
Ans. (3) Advertisement
196. Which of the following is not a buying motive?
(1) Self Security
(2) Fashion
(3) Habit
(4) Seller’s pressure
Ans. (4) Seller’s pressure
197. Which of the following is not right in SWOT analysis?
(1) S-Strength
(2) W-Weakness
(3) O-Opportunities
(4) T-Tears
Ans. (4) T-Tears
198. A”If you stop adding new clients you start bleeding to death who said?
(1) C.L. Boiling
(2) C. Robert Patty
(3) David Ogilvy
(4) Dale Yoder
Ans. (4) Dale Yoder
199. In case goods are purchased for resale, these goode, the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 are
(1) for business
(2) for commercial purpose
(3) for sale
(4) All of these
Ans.(2) for commercial purpose
200. Consumer Protection Act came into existence in
(1) 1946
(2) 1966
(3) 1976
(4) 1988
Ans. (4) 1988