M Com 2nd year Advertising Sales Management Question Answer Paper

301. PIL stands for
(1) Public Interest Litigation
(2) Public Information La
(3) Primary Insurance Law
(4) Patient of International
Ans.(1) Public Interest Litigation
302. Which of the following day is celebrated as natio consumer day?
(1) 10 December
(2) 24 January
(3) 24 December
(4) 15 March
Ans.(3) 24 December
303. Consumer protection means
(1) safeguarding interest of consumers
(2) safeguarding rights of consumers
(3) protect ion against unethical malpractices
(4) All of the above
Ans.(4) All of the above
304. Which of the following is/are the means of consum protection?
(1) Lokadalat
(2) PIL
(3) Awareness programme
(4) All of these
Ans. (4) All of these
305. Which of the following can play an important role forti right to consumer education?
(1) Consumer association
(3) Policy makers
(4) All of these
Ans. (4) All of these
306. The most common business malpractice leading consumer exploitation include
(1) sales of duplicate goods
(2) sale of substandard goods
(3) hoarding and black-marketing
(4) All of the above
Ans. (4) All of the above
307. The best media of local advertisement is
(1) Television
(2) National magazine
(3) Local newspaper
(4) Internet
Ans.(3) Local newspaper
308. Which of the following statement is not true?
(1) Sales forecasting is base of Marketing planning
(2) Advertising is waste
(3) Trend method is not of sales forecasting
(4) Sales Budget is relates to purchases
Ans.(1) Sales forecasting is base of Marketing planning
309. A motive becomes buying motive when the individual seeks satisfaction through the purchase of something.” Who said?
(1) WJ. Stanton
(2) George R. Terry
(3) H.H. Maynard
(4) J.H. Davis
Ans.(1) W.J. Stanton
310. Which of the following is not a function of sales forecasting?
(1) Purchase Planning
(2) Inventory Planning
(3) Production Planning
(4) Transport Planning
Ans.(4) Transport Planning
311. Salesmen’s performance can be evaluated by
(1) report on future activities
(2) report on lost business
(3) report on expenses
(4) All of these
Ans. (4) All of these
312. Sales control involves–
(1) selling expenses activities
(2) volume of sale
(3) cost of sale
(4) All of these
Ans.(4) All of these
313. Marketing inanagement is a separate branch from
(1) product mix
(2) branding
(3) advertising
(4) sales management
Ans. (4) sales management
314. For sales planning we frame
(1) Purchase programme
(2) Sales programme
(3) Advertisement programme
(4) Budget programme
Ans. (2) Sales programme
315. Method to remove objections of customers is
(1) Product replacement
(2) Compensation
(3) Questionnaire Method
(4) All of these
Ans. (4) All of these
316. Sales forecasting is the key to integrated management.” Who said?
(1) John D. Luth
(2) Houget
(3) Davis
(4) Lazer and Kelly
Ans. (4) Lazer and Kelly
317. Match the following
(1) World lever sales forecast (a) C.S.O.
(2) National level sales (b) World Bank
(3) Industry level sales forecast (c) Related ministry
(1) 1-B, 2-A, 3-C
(2) 1-A 2-B, 3-C
(3) 1-C, 2-B, 3-A
(4) 1-A, 2-C, 3-B
Ans.(2) 1-A, 2-B, 3-C
318. Meaning of performance appraisal is
(1) Appraisal of capacity
(2) Appraisal of abilit
(3) Appraisal of responsibility
(4) All of these
Ans. (4) All of these
319, Which of the following is the type of V-interview
(1) Final interview-rating basis
(2) Group interview
(3) Stress interview
(4) All of these
Ans.(4) All of these
320. Which of the following is the department of a sol organisation?
(1) Sales promotion department
(2) Training department
(3) Credit department
(4) All of these
Ans. (4) All of these
321. The department of sales is
(1) retailing sales department
(2) wholesale sales department
(3) export department
(4) All of these
Ans. (4) All of these
322. Which of the following is group training?
(1) Sales training conferences
(2) Sales demonstration
(3) Sales dramatisation
(4) All of these
Ans.(4) All of these
323. In which type of sales organisation all the powers are centred in?
(1) High class authority
(2) Manager
(3) Customer and employee
(4) Staff
Ans. (1) High class authority
324. The departmentalization of a sales organisation
(1) accounts department
(2) sales department
(3) wage
(4) cost
Ans. (2) sales department
325. Sales quota is a–
(1) control activity of sales management
(2) product
(3) service
(4) department
Ans. (1) control activity of sales management
326. Which of the following is not in the right sequence in a line sales organisation?
(1) General Sales Manager
(2) Salesman
(3) Regional Sales Manager
(4) Sales Supervisor
Ans. (2) Salesraan
327. Increase in sales cost, shortage of experienced salesmen And difficulty in contacting prospective customers at their convenience are the main ………. of personal selling.
(1) Merits
(2) Demerits
(3) Qualities
(4) None of these
Ans. (2) Demerits
328. Which of the following is a best method of remuneration of salesmen?
(1) Straight salary plan
(2) Straight commission plan
(3) Salary and commission plan
(4) Bonus method
Ans.(3) Salary and commission plan B
329.”Good Salesmen are not born but made by properly organised and directed sales training programme.” Who said?
(1) George R. Collins
(2) Lopes
(3) B.R. Canfield
(4) Heggarty
Ans. (3) B.R. Canfield
330. Sales forecasting involves
(1) sales pricing
(2) sales planning
(3) distribution channels
(4) All of these
Ans.(4) All of these
331. Which of the following is a valuable tool that gives a direction to a company with regard to its targeted sales?
(1) Sales budget
(2) Sales forecast
(3) Sales quota
(4) Sales volume
Ans. (1) Sales budget
332. A sales territory is a ………. grouping of customers.
(1) geographical
(2) physical
(3) chemical
(4) hypothetical
Ans. (1) geographical
333. Sales forecasting means
(1) to sale product
(2) to storage product
(3) the quantity of sales that to be sold in future
(4) All of the above
Ans. (3) the quantity of sales that to be sold in future
334. Sales forecast implies–
(1) an estimate of the maximum possible sales opportunities present in a particular market segment
(2) an estimate of sales, in physical units in a future period
(3) both (1) and (2)
(4) Only (1)
Ans. (3) both (1) and (2)
335. Sales quotes may be expressed as in
(2) volume terms
(1) monetary terms
(4) physical term
(3) both (1) and (2)
Ans.(3) both (1) and (2)
336. ……… translates the marketing plan into marko. performance.
(2) Accounting management
(1) Marketing management
(3) Finance management
(4) Sales management
Ans. (4) Sales management
337.) “Successful salesmanship is often said to be 90% preso Preparation and 10% presentation.” Who said?
(1) Canfield
(2) Heron
(3) Simon Majaro
(4) W.M. Thompson
Ans.(1) Canfield
338. Conversation with customers, demonstration of goods, removal of customer’s doubts etc. are the part of …….
(1) Sates Promotion
(2) Advertisement
(3) Personal selling
(4) After-sales-service
Ans.(3) Personal selling
339. Need of sales force control is to
(1) Achieve sales goals
(2) Get maximum sales at minimum cost
(3) Improve conditions
(4) All of the above
Ans. (4) All of the above
340. Which of the following is not a group training method?
(1) Group discussion
(2) On the job training
(3) Sales conference
(4) Special courses
Ans. (1) Group discussion
341 Recruitment is the active search for the best available candidates for sales position.” Who said?
(1) Edwin B. Flippo
(2) Viktor P. Buell
(3) Michael J. Jucius
(4) Dale Yoder
Ans. (2) Viktor P. Buell
342. The market demand for a product is also known as
(1) market demand line
(2) market demand circle
(3) market demand arc
(4) market demand curve
Ans. (4) market demand curve
343. Which of the following is/are the type of sales forecast the basis of time frame?
(1) Short-range
(2) Long-range
(3) Perspective planning forecast
(4) All wose
Ans. (4) All of these
14. Macro-forecasting is concerned with forecasting markets in
(1) fragmentation
(2) segmentation
(3) totality
(4) partiality
Ans.(3) totality
345. A common method of preparing sales forecast consists of –
(1) prepare a macro-economic forecast
(2) prepare on industry sales forecast
(3) prepare a company sales forecast
(4) All of the above
Ans.(4) All of the above
346. The first stage in creating the sales forecast is to estimate
(1) market demand
(2) profit
(3) wealth
(4) prospect
Ans. (1) market demand
347. On the basis of time frame of the forecastsales forecast can be grouped into ………. types.
(1) two
(2) three
(3) four
(4) five
Ans. (2) three
348. The types of sales forecasting include
(1) micro-forecasting
(2) macro-forecasting
(3) both (1) and (2)
(4) minor-forecasting
Ans.(3) both (1) and (2)
349. Competition involves
(1) quality of product or service
(2) price level
(3) marketing policy
(4) None of these
Ans. (4) None of these