543. Who is the writer of “The International Economy”?
(a) P.T. Elserth
(b) Semeulson
(c) Crowther
(d) McCarthy
Ans.(a) P.T. Elserth
544. When an international seller sells a plant, equipment or technology to another country and agrees to take payment in resufting products called
(a) Barter
(b) Buy back
(C) Counter purchase
(d) Like-value exchange
Ans. (b) Buy back
545. Which one of the following is not the part of Cultural Environments
(a) Customs
(b) Fashion and Fad
(c) Knowledge and Belief
(d) Social Status
Ans. (d) Social Status
546. Market research is needed for
(a) Deciding the market area
(b) Deciding the right product to be sold
(c) Making proper marketing decisions
(d) Deciding right time to sell
Ans.(c) Making proper marketing decisions
547. Pricing policy may be
(a) Skimming
(b) Market Penetrations pricing syste
(c) Product group pricing
(d) All of these
Ans. (d) All of these
548. What is full name of FOB?
(a) Free on Board
(b) Freight on Board
(c) Free on Buy
(d) None of these
Ans.(a) Free on Board
549. Cost that does not vary with production or sales level is called-
(a) Fixed Cost
(b) Variable Cost
(c) Standard Cost
(d) Independent Cost
Ans.(a) Fixed Cost
550. The business association accept the following except–
(a) Work improvement
(b) Quality improvement
(C) Element improvement
(d) Market expansion
Ans.(a) Work improvement
551. Which of the following is not recognised as a factor deciding the marke line?
(a) Demographic charge
(b) Mental capacity
(c) Behaviour
(d) None of these
Ans. (c) Behaviour
552. Export credit guarantee corporation was established in?
(a) 1950
(b) 1957
(c) 1956
(d) 1954
Ans. (b) 1957
553. “Push” style of selling is effective because
(a) “Push” is the only style of selling
(b) It motivates the sales person
(c) It “pushes” the customers to buy the products
(d) It helps in quicker conversion
Ans.(c) It “pushes” the customers to buy the products
554. Penetrations pricing system should the adopted when
(a) Profits are desired at present
(b) Less profits are expected at present level
(c) More profits are desired to be earned in future
(d) None of the above
Ans.(C) More profits are desired to be earned in future
655. Skimming price of product is-
(a) High starting price
(b) Moderate price
(c) Average price
(d) Low starting pri
Ans.(a) High starting price
556. Which of the following factors affect the international business proces of the business combination?
(a) Controllable factors
(b) Non-controllable factors
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
Ans.(a) Controllable factors
557. What are these factors affecting choice of distribution channels?
(a) Manufacturing consideration .
(b) Product consideration
(c) Market consideration
(d) All of these
Ans. (d) All of these

558. Which are the following are examples of traditional marketing control methods?
1. Strategic control 2. Efficiency control
3. Financial control 4. Communication control.
(a): 1, 2 and 3
(b) 1, 3 and 4
(c) 2, 3 and 4
(d) All of these
Ans.(a) 1, 2 and 3
559. The function of international marketing medium are
(a) Selection
(b) Collection
(c) Distribution
(d) All of these
Ans. (d) All of these
560. Because of international marketing, inflation-
(a) Increases
(b) Decreases
(d) Disappears
(c) Moderates
Ans.(c) Moderates
561. Which commodity imported in India in greater quantity? is
(a) Gold
(b) Coal
(c) Copper
(d) Silver
Ans.(a) Gold
562. The central point of the sales concept is
(a) Concentration sales
(b) Customer satisfaction
(c) Marketing mix
(d) Strengthening on the quality of the products
Ans.(a). Concentration sales
563. The stage is the product life-cycle that focuses on expanding and creating product –awareness and trial is the
(a) Decline stage
(b) Introduction stage
(c) Growth stage
(d) Maturity stage
Ans. (b) Introduction stage
564. Govt. of India establishment its first Export Processing zone at ……….in 1965?
(a) Bombay
(b) Kandia (c) Goa
(d) Andaman
Ans. (b) Kandla
565. Which statement is correct with reference to price determination?
(a) Demand analysis having high presence on price determination
(b) Cost analysis having low pressure on price determination
(c) Competition analysis
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d) All of the above
566. Goods destined for use by ultimate consumer in such form that can be used without commercial processing is called-
(a) Consumer Goods
(b) Convenient Goods
(c) Industrial Goods
(d) Shopping Goods
Ans.(a) Consumer Goods
567. Which is not the barrier of “advertising standardization”?
(a) Consumer literacy level
(b) Legal restrictions
(c) Attitude towards product
(d) Size of product
Ans. (d) Size of product
568. Market segmentation means-
(a) Distribution the market is different categories
(b) Distribution based on age
(c) Distribution based on acceptance
(d) Geographical distribution
Ans.(a) Distribution the market is different categories
569. Who issued the SDR?
(a) IMF
(b) World Bank
(c) IFCI
(d) RBI
Ans.(a) IMF
570. Good marketing requires
(a) Good plans
(b) Good team work
(c) Effective communication
(d) All of these
Ans.(d) All of these
571. Which of the following is/are commercial document?
(a) Order or Indent
(b) Shipping order
(c) Commercial Invoice
(d) All of these
Ans. (d) All of these
572. Which of the following is not the alternative for brand selection?
(a) Brand vs. No Brand option
(b) Manufacturing brand vs. own brand option
(c) Global branding vs. domestic branding option (d) Top branding
Ans.(a) Brand vs. No Brand option
573. When a company enters a new product category for which its brand names are not appropriate, it will likely follow which following brand strategies?
(a) Product extensions
(b) Line extensions
(c) Brand extensions
(d) New brands
Ans. (d) New brands
574. The typical method of retail operation used by super markets catalog show-rooms is called
(a) Self service retailing
(b) Limited service retailing
(c) Full-service retailing
(d) Service-merchandiser
Ans.(a) Self service retailing
575. Which of the following factors affects the export prices?
(a) Nature of the product
(b) Price objective
(c) Form of the currency
(d) All of these
Ans.(d) All of these
576. What is full name of BOP?
(a) Business Process Outsourcing
(b) Business Process Orientation
(c) Budgeting Process Outsourcing
(d) All of these
Ans.(a) Business Process Outsourcing
577. When producer, wholesalers and retailers act as a unified system, they comprise-
(a) Conventional marketing system
(b) Power-based marketing system
(c) Horizontal marketing system
(d) Vertical marketing system
Ans. (d) Vertical marketing system
578. Effective marketing helps in
(a) Sales promotion
(b) Increase in purchase
(c) Increasing the demand and supply
(d) All of these
Ans. (d) All of these
579. Which one of the foreign entry method has maximum risk but maximum potential reward?
(a) Indirect Exporting
(b) Licensing
(c) FDI
(d) Direct Exporting
Ans.(c) FDI
580. Marketers are sometimes accused of deceptive practices that lead consumer to believe they will get more value than the actually do……….. includes practices such as falsely advertising “factory” or “whole sale” prices or a large price reduction from a phony high retail price.
(a) Deceptive promotion
(b) Deceptive packaging
(c) Deceptive pricing
(d) Deceptive cost structure
Ans.(c) Deceptive pricing
581. Who is the writer of “The Principle of Political Economy”?
(a) Jacob Vinner
(b) David Ricardo
(c) Adam Smith
(d) Beste bal
Ans. (b) David Ricardo
582. The Government of India has established ‘Brand Acquisition Fund’ to help Indian Companies to acquire brands available for sale, in-
(a) In 1995
(b) In 1996
(c) In 1997
(d) In 1998
Ans. (b) In 1996
583. When the consumer is directly related to the brand of the specific product, he represents
(a) Weakness of the brand
(b) Missing the brand
(c) Brand testing
(d) None of these
Ans. (b) Missing the brand
584. Foreign Exchange Management (export of goods and services) Act. (FEMA) is related to which year?
(a) 2011
(b) 2000
(c) 2004
(d) 2008
Ans. (b) 2000
585. To which of the following relates the form of the multinational corporation?
(a). International marketing
(b) Domestic marketing
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
Ans. (a) International marketing
586. The objective of successful marketing includes
(a) Increasing the sales
(b) Increasing the profit
(c) Increasing the services
(d) All of these
Ans. (d) All of these
587. According to United Nation (U.N) how many multinational corporation are recognised as world wide?
(a). 8100
(b) 8500
(c) 7000
(d) 8200
Ans. (a) 8100
588. “Skimming the Cream” Strategy is also known as,
(a) High Price Strategy
(b) Odd Price Strategy
(c) Customary Price Strategy
(d) Low Price Strategy
Ans. (a) High Price Strategy
(589). Where was first Ministerial meeting of World Trade Organisation held?
(a) Geneva
(b) Doha
(C) Singapore
(d) Mexico
Ans. (c) Singapore
590. Non-callable factors of marketing environment include
(a) Social factors
(b) Market factors
(c) Economic factors
(d) All of these
Ans. (d) All of these
591. Which of the following factors is necessarily taken into consideration while deciding the factors affecting the marketing in society and sus distribution of the market?
(a) Environmental factors
(b) Social factors
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
Ans. (b) Social factors
592. At present the base for trade is
(a) Sales promoters
(b) Prices
(c) Profit
(d) Markeun
Ans.(d) Marketing
593. Which of the following is include in the list of international advertising media?
(a) Newspaper advertising
(b) Postal advertising
(c) T.V. advertising
(d) All of these
Ans.(d) All of these
594. In India trade mark registration is done under which act?
(a) Trademark and Merchardise Act 1952
(b) Trademark and Merchandise Act 1971
(c) Trademark and Merchandise Act 1958
(d) Trademark and Merchandise Act 1970
Ans.(C) Trademark and Merchandise Act 1958
695. is not the objective of GSP (Generalised System of Preference)?
(a) To Increase export of developing countries
(b) To accelerate Growth rate of developing countries
(c). To provide guarantee of developing countries –
(d) To promote industrialisation of developing countries
Ans.(c) To provide guarantee of developing countries
596. Which one of the following is not basic needs according to ‘Maslow?
(a) Physiological Need
(b) Self-actualisation
(c) Image
(d) Safety
Ans. (b) Self-actualisation
597. Agreement on Clearing Account Charter is
(a) Between the Commercial Bank of both countries
(b) Between the Industrialist of both countries
(c) Between the Central Banks of both countries
(d) Between the firms of both countries
Ans. (c) Between the Central Banks of both countries
598. What factors should be taken into consideration when deciding adaptation strategy?
(a) Financial positive of the firm
(b) Objective of the firm
(c) Market analysis of product
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d) All of the above
599. Nature of international trade include-
(a) Wide area
(b) Risk
(c) Competition
(d) All of these
Ans. (d) All of these
600. Which problem appears while preparing global market plans?
(a) Political risk
(b) Market risk
(c) Capital risk
(d) All of these
Ans. (d) All of these