126. Which of the following factors helps in reducing the cost of the product?
(a) Personal expenses of the owner
(b) Restriction on marketing cost
(c) Misuse of recourses
(d). Both (b) and (c)
Ans. (d) Both (b) and (c)
127. Which among the following is included in Marketing decision?
(a) Promotion decision
(b) Project cost decision
(c) Finance decision
(d) None of these
Ans.(a) Promotion decision
128. Who is the writer of “The ABC of Foreign Exchange”?
(a) Crowther
(b) Normin Kramp
(c) Walter Kruse
(d) R.S. Saiyers
Ans.(a) Crowther
129. Successful ……… depends on how well a company blends its people, organisational structure, decision and reward systems and company culture into a cohesive program that supports its strategies.
(a) Marketing strategies
(b) Marketing control
(c) Marketing analysis
(d) Marketing implementation
Ans. (d) Marketing implementation
130. The export and import Bank of India is a financial institution which was established on-
(a) I January, 1982
(b) 12 Aug, 1983
(c) 23 March 1985
(d) 5 October 1986
Ans.(a) 1 January, 1982
131. Market Survey means
(a) Market research
(b) Market planning
(c) Market Strategies
(d) Market monitoring
Ans.(a) Market research
132. The elements of present promotion mix are
(a). On line marketing
(b) Direct sales
(c) Tally marketing
(d) All of these
Ans. (d) All of these
133. Things of Imports in India are
(a) Coffee
(b) Tea or Mat
(c) Khell (Oil cake)
(d) All of these
Ans. (d) All of these
134. What is the correct sequences of Adaption process of an internation product? 1. Awareness 2. Knowledge 3. Evaluation 4. Adaptation
(b) 4,2,3,1 (c) 3, 4, 2,1
(d) 1, 2, 3, 4 Ans. (d) 1, 2, 3, 4 135. Which one of the following is not ‘Paper Gold
(a) Dollar
(b) Yen
(C) Yuro
(d) All of these
Ans. (d) All of these
136. Target group means
(a) Sales staff
(b) Selected group
(c) Domestic employees
(d) Future customers
Ans. (d) Future customers
(137) Assertion A : “Hit, list, Super 301”
Reason R : Prohibit U.S. access to their markets.
(a) Both A and Rare true. R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and Rare not relevant.
(c) Ais true. R is not the correct meaning of A.
(d) A is false. R is not the explanation of A.
Ans.(a) Both A and Rare true. R is the correct explanation of A.
M Com 2nd Year International Marketing Multiple Choice Question Answer
138. Which of the following is not the domestic traders?
(a) Export trader
(b) Desk Jobber
(c) Export distributor
(d) Web association
Ans. (b) Desk Jobber
139. Out of the following ail the elements except one denote the stages of branding
(a) Price
(b) Benefits
(c) Culture
(d) Life style
Ans. (d) Life style
140. King of the market is
(a) Seller
(b) Producer
(c) Middleman
(d) Consumer
Ans. (d) Consumer
141. Indirect export moans
(a) * Selling the goods by the producer in other countries (b) Selling the goods in other countries
(c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
(d) None of these
Ans.(b) Selling the goods in other countries
(142) Since marketing is a universal activity, consumers in all parts of world can be satisfied in exactly the same way.
(a) True
(b) False
(c) Doubtful
(d) None of these
Ans. (b) False
(143.) ………. is quoted as saying that “everyone lives by selling something”.
(a) Bill Gates
(b) Robert Louis Stevenson
(c) Arthur Miller
(d) Henry Ford
Ans. (b) Robert Louis Stevenson
144. Which Statement is not true?
(a) Physical distribution system creates time utility
(b) Physical distribution system creates place utility
(c) Physical distribution system creates time and place utility
(d) Physical distribution system does not creates time and place utility
Ans. (d) Physical distribution system does not creates time and place utility