645. What is the full form of DDP?
(a) Delivery Duty Paid
(b) Duty Delivery Paid
(c) Depreciation Duty Paid
(d) None of these
Ans.(a) Delivery Duty Paid
646. Which of the following factors should be taken into consideration while determining the prices in domestic market?
(a) Product analysis
(b) Demand analysis
(c) Price objective
(d) All of these
Ans. (d) All of these
647, The process of deciding by the manufacturing unit to manufacture single product in place of several products is called-
(a) Product simplification
(b) Product commercialization
(c) Product multiplication
(d) Product specialization
Ans.(a) Product simplification
648………. factors are more popular bases for segmenting customer groups
(a) Geographic
(b) Demographic
(c) Psychographic
(d) Behavioural
Ans. (b) Demographic
649. When international and domestic company work together it is called –
(a) Joint venture
(b) Foreign renture
(c) State enterprise
(d) Both (b) and
Ans.(c) ‘State enterprise
650. Criteria for eliminating markets from the list while s acting markets-
a Banned countries should be dropped
b. Shipping cast may be too high
c. Having foreign exchange short in the country
d. GNP is so high
(a) a, b, c
(b) a, d, c.
(c) b, c, d
(d) ad
Ans.(a) a, b, c
651. Which is not included in SWOT for Multinational Companies?
(a) Strength
(b) Weakness
(c) Opportunity
(d) Threats
Ans. (d) Threats
652. Methods of allocating advertising budget for international firm are give below Which one of the following is not method of budget?
(a) Affordable Method
(b) Parcentage of Sales Method
(c) Competitive Parity Method
(d) Strategic Parity Method
Ans.(d) Strategic Parity Method
653. The organisation whose primary purpose is to provide financial and chnical assistance for the development of poorer countries is the-
(a) International Monetary fund
(b) World Bank
(c) International Development Association
(d) World trade Association Ins.
Ans. (b) World Bank
654. Packaging is an important part of International marketing. It has several Problem. Which one is not the problem of packaging?
(a) Weight
(b) Breakage
(c) Moisture and Temperature
(d) Water
Ans.(a) Weight
655. Marketing principles are likely to be more universal than man Strategies?
(a) True
(b) False
(c) Doubtful
(d) None of these
Ans.(a) True
656. At present, how many export promotion council India have
(a) 18 Counsels
(b) 19 Counsels
(c) 20 Counsels
(d) 21 Counsels Ins.
Ans. (c) 20 Counsels
657. Method measure in the effectiveness of advertising is foreign countries Is-
(a) Testing effects of exports
(b) Remembering the advertisement
(c) Surveying the effects
(d) All of these
Ans. (d) All of these
658. which out of the following ‘P’ is not related to marketing mix?
(a) Product
(b) Prize
(c) Process
(d) Promotion to do Ins.
Ans.(c) Process
659. The elements of international marketing environment include-
(a) Economic Factors
(b) Physical Factors
(c) Population Factors
(d) All of these
Ans. (d) All of these
660. which intermediary is related to direct distribution channel?
(a) Domestic retailers
(b) Domestic trader
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
Ans. (a) Domestic retailers
661. When the manufacturing company directly deals with the foreign stomers it is called-
(a) Indirect route for distribution
(b). Direct route for distribution
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
Ans. (b) Direct route for distribution
662. Which of the following is the characteristic of powerful branding?
(a) Clarity
(b). Confidence
(c) Desire
(d) All of these
Ans. (a) Clarity
M.Com 2nd Year International Marketing Practice Paper Question Answer
663. full form of EOU
(a) Expert-oriented Unit
(b) Import-oriented Unit
(c) Export-oriented Unit
(d) None of these
Ans. (c) Import-oriented Units
664. The total number of items that the company carries within its product lines refers to ……….. of the product mix.
(a) Width
(b) Depth
(c) Length
(d) Consistency
Ans.(c) Length
665. The indication of political risk in international marketing included-
(a) Nationalization concept
(b) Weak Political instability
(c) Delay due to weak administration
(d) All of these
Ans.(d) All of these

666. The best means of publicity in market is
(a) E-promotion
(b) Public relation
(c) Advertisement
(d) Viral marketing
Ans.(c) Advertisement
667. In which adaptation category most of the popular leaders are exclu
(a) Innovators a romas
(b) Early adapters om
(c) Early majority
(d). All of these
Ans. (d) All of these