M.COM Examination Advertising And Sales Management Sample Paper Question Answer

M.Com. (Part II) Examination,
Advertising and Sales Management
1. Advertising is the mirror of:
(a) Life-style
(b) Economic prosperity
(c) Level of saving
(d) Level of expenditure
2. The qualities oi sales manager may be categorized under the following heads :
(a) Physical
(b) Psychological
(c) Intellectual
(d) All of these
3. Advertisements done inside and outside ‘Shopping Malls’ are called :
(a) Shopping Malls Advertising
(b) Point of Purchase Advertising)
(c) Point of Sales Advertising
(d) Customer-alluring Advertising
4. Advertising Campaign is ………. process.
(a) Time bound
(b) Systematic
(c) Scientific
(d) All of these
5. The experienced salesman knows the way how to ………. the sales.
(a) Start
(b) Close
(c) Start and close
(d) None of these
6. A plan for the approach to prospective consumers is know as the
(a) Per-approach
(b) Post-approach
(c) Final-approach
(d) None of these
7. Where was the first Indian Advertising Agency started in India?
(a) Bangalore
(b) Hyderabad
(c) Chandigarh
(d) Mumbai
8. Advertisements should not be against the……
(a) Laws of the Country
(b) Social Ethics
(c) Religious Ethics
(d) All of these
M.COM Examination Advertising And Sales Management Sample Paper Question Answer
9. ………. is the basis of all business.
(a) Relationship
(b) Salesmanship
(c) Citizenship
(d) Friendship
10. Advertising Agency is a good clinic where a team of various experts work together for making….
(a) Sales plan
(b) Production plan
(c) Advertisement plan
(d) Marketing plan
11. ………. is that shares of goals which have been assigned to a particular sales unit or territory.
(a) Sales Volume
(b) Sales quota
(c) Sales area
(d) Sales value
12. The advertisements given by Banks are called :
(a) Commercial Advertisements
(b) Trade Advertisements
(c) Individual Advertisements
(d) Financial Advertisements
13. What are the responsibilities of a sales manager?
(a) Responsibilities towards organization
(b) Responsibilities towards customers
(c) Responsibilities towards sales persons
(d) All the above
14. What is the full name of C.P.A.?
(a) Customer Protection Act
(b) Consumer Protection Act
(c) Collective Protection Activity
(d) Combined Protection Activitu
15. Advertising budget is prepared …………
(a) For 3 months
(b) For one Year
(c) For unlimited period
(d) According to advertisement plom
16. Demonstration should be made according to the ………. of the customer.
(a) Paying capacity
(b) Buying capacity
(c) Carrying capacity
(d) None of these
17. In the present era consumer is
(a) Black Sheep
(b) Black Horse
(c) White Elephant
(d) King of the market
18.”Salesmanship is a science in the sense the one human mind influences another human mind.” How far do you agree with this statement?
(a) Fully agreed )
(b) Partially agreed
(c) Not agreed
(d) Statement is confusing
19. Who propounded emotional and rational buying motives?
(a) R.S Davar
(b) M.T. Copeland
(c) J. Kurian
(d) R.C. Davis
20. Who said “Sales forecasting is the focus of integrative planning.”
(a) William Lazer
(b) Philip Kotler
(c) Cundiff and Still
(d) C.E. Sultan
21. Which of the following is not a psychological factor affecting consumer’s behaviour?
(a) Basic needs
(b) Family income
(c) Learning theory
(d) Image
22. Advertising does liasioning task between
(a) Manufactures and Distributors
(b) Consumers and Consumers
(c) Manufacturers and Consumers
(d) Middlemen and Advertising Agencies
23. Complete knowledge about the product is essential to be a Salesman.
(a) Educated
(b) Qualified
(c) Successful
(d) Laborious
24. Brand Image’ is created by whom?
(a) Sellers’ efforts
(b) Consumers’ Behaviour
(c) Effective Advertisement
(d) Price of products
25. Co-operation is a feature of ……… of a salesman
(a) Character Quality
(b) Mental ability
(c) Physical quality
(d) None of these
26. Salesmanship is the power of ability to influence people hat we have.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
(a) Fully agreed
(b) Partially agreed
(c) Not agreed
(d) Can’t say –
27. Salesmanship helps in establishing cordial relationship between…
(a) Salesman and customers
(b) Manufacturers and middlemen
(c) Wholesalers and retailers
(d) None of these
28. The obiective of sales organization is to :
(a) Appoint the consumers
(b) Appoint the salesmen
(c) Appoint the producers
(d) Appoint the wholesalers
29. Salesmanship raises the ………. of consumers.
(a) Economic status
(b) Income level
(c) (Standard of living
(d) Educational level
30. While making Advertising Plan the strategy of …….. should be considered property.
(a) Manufacturers
(b) Marketers
(c) Competitors ?
(d) Consumers
31. Advertising is an ……… source of recruitment.
(a) Internal
(b) External
(c) Fundamental
(d) None of these
32. Who give the following statement? “Advertisement is an art to transmit a view from one person to another
(a) Leach
(b) Rozer Rivaz
(c) Frenk Jaifkin
(d) Luskar
M.COM Examination Advertising And Sales Management Sample Paper Question Answer
33. Direct Mail System of advertisement is suitable for :
(a) Industrial goods
(b) Consumer goods
(c) Durable goods
(d) Perishable goods
34. Local Peddler is a form of:
(a) Buyer
(b) Vendor
(c) Producer
(d) Stockiest
35. Advertisement enhances ……… of a firm.
(a) Goodwill
(b) Sales Area
(c) Sales Volume
(d) All of these
36. Pre-approach means meeting the ……… face-to-face.
(a) Sales Manager
(b) Perspective consumers
(c) Sales Person
(d) Sales Administrator
37. The size of advertising budget should be fixed at a point where :
(a) Marginal Revenue = Marginal Selling + Advertising Cost
(b) Marginal Selling = Marginal Revenue + Advertising Cost
(c) Advertising Cost = Marginal Revenue + Marginal Selling
(d) Marginal Revenue = Marginal Selling – Advertising Cost
38. Sales Control is an integral part of:
(a) Production Management Process
(b) Sales Management Process
(c) Marketing Management Process
(d) None of the above
39. Which is not the advantage of advertisement?
(a) Creation of demand
(b) Increase the knowledge of consumers
(c) Improvement in the quality of the product,
(d) Helpful for salesman
40. “Salesmen are not required in case of monopoly.” How far do you agree with this statement?
(a) Statement is correct
(b) Statement is not correct
(c) Statement is partially correct
(d) Statement is confusing
41. An effective sales-personnel planning helps in :
(a) Reducing selling cost
(b) Increasing sales
(c) Increasing the number of customers
(d) All of these
42. Advertisement can be given by :
(a) Business concerns
(b) Service providing concerns
(c) Non-profit organizations
(d) All of these
43. Advertising Budget is :
(a) Financial Statement of Income and Expenditure of the firm
(b) Forecasting of advertising expenditures through budget
(c) Financial Statement of expenditure on advertisement and estimated income from advertisement during the same period
(d) Forecasting of sales revenue through budget
44. Who is the author of the following definition? “Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promoting of ideas or services by business firms identified in the advertising message intended to a sale immediately or eventually.”
(a) American Marketing Association
(b) William J. Stanton
(c) Philip Kotler
(d) Richard Buskirk
45. The main objective of establishing sales territory is to ..
(a) Prepare separate plan for different territories
(b) Prepare separate marketing programme for different territories
(c) Implement marketing programme separately in different territories
(d) All of the above 7
46. ………. given by salesman prove helpful in convincing the buyer.
(a) Product
(b) Service
(c) Guarantee
(d) Both the service and guarantee
47. Sales budget is a forecasting of ………. of a product.
(a) Expected sales
(b). Total Sales
(c) Maximum Sales
(d) Minimum sales
48. A good advertisement ultimately reduces the ………. of the product.
(a) Cost and Price
(b) Demand and Sales
(c) Use and Utility
(d) None of these
49. When the salesman and customer meet and sales dialogue take place, it is called ……
(a) Sales function
(b) Sales talk
(c) Sales promotion
(d) None of these
50. When was ‘Indian Advertising Committee’ established?
(a) 1907
(b) 1909
(c) 1917
(d) 1952
51. Who pay for the advertising cost?
(a) Producer
(b) Consumer
(c) Agent CO
(d) All of these