MBA 1st Semester Management Concepts And Applications Mock Paper 1 Questions Answers In this post you will find MBA 1st semester related mock papers all-important Question Answers Management Concepts And applications All topic wise chapter wise Question Answers.

Mock Paper-1
MBA 1st Semester Management Concepts And Applications Mock Paper 1 Questions Answers
Time:3 hours [Maximum Marks: 100
Note: The question paper contains three sections. Attempt all sections.
Section A
Note: Attempt all questions of the following: (2×10=20)
(a) What are the four importances of management?
(b) Define Management By Objective (MBO).
(c) What do you mean by executive management?
(d) Mention the different tools of control.
(e) What is Kaizen?
(f) Give the main principles of recruitment and selection.
(g) What do you mean by direction? Give its characteristics.
(h) ‘Coordination is the essence of management. Discuss.
(i) Explain total quality management.
(j) Explain the benchmarking process.
Section B
Note: Attempt any five questions of the following: (10×5=50)
2. Elaborate Henri Fayal’s contribution to the principles of management.
3. The business environment is very dynamic and changes take place very often, requiring quick
transformations at the workplace.’ In light of the given statement, critically appraise the challenges
faced by the organization to keep pace with the changing environment.
4. Discuss the classification of planning. Also, explain the process of planning.
5. What do you understand by the understand by the term decision-making? Discuss the various techniques of decision-making.
6. What are the important factors determining u place?
7. Planning and organization lay the foundation for the organization structure while directing initiates actions. Comment upon this statement.
8. Explain the principles of total quality management.
9. What are quality management tools?
Section C
10. Read the following case and answer the following questions given at the end of the case: (10×3=30)
Mr. Sachin appointed as general manager, administration in Phoenix Industries Limited. He joined the company only about two years back. Prior to joining this company, he served another company for two years. He did his M.B.A. from a reputed institution. He considered himself as a high flier after getting promotion as general manager, the administration he felt quite excited and was quite enthusiastic about his new job. The post of general manager was sufficiently at a high level. However, because of young age and lack of adequate experience, Mr. Sachin was considered as a junior executive by most of his subordinates.
The administration department of the company had four major sub-units purchasing record maintenance, printing, and secretarial services. Each sub-unit was headed by a manager. These four managers were directly reporting to Mr. Sachin. They had combined over 80 years with an average of 45 years. Most of them had been with the company for a fairly long period of time and that too with their present units. Since Mr. Sachin was quite less experienced and young, these four managers viewed his appointment with hesitancy and suspicion. Also, they had a liking for the previous general manager and were sorry to see him leave the company.
The new general manager, Mr. Sachin started holding weekly meetings of the department. However, he noticed that the managers were hesitant to speak in the meetings, he was the only one to speak. He made some changes in the operating procedures that he felt would increase efficiency and announced them in a weekly departmental meeting. There were no reactions to the changes, but later he noticed that the managers continued to follow the old procedure. He talked to them individually but felt dial they were not opening up to him. The problem continued.
After about two months, Mr. Sachin started receiving complaints from other departments about the services they received from the administration department. This complaint is mostly related to printing and purchasing. Sachin believed that his department should provide the best possible, services are therefore admonished his managers in a weekly departmental meeting. He still received little response from them. He continued to receive complaints and was becoming increasingly frustrated. On one day he became very upset at the third complaint that week over jobs done in the printing unit. He stormed out of his office down to the printing unit. The manager of the printing unit was out. Sachin called over the chief print operator, chewed him out, and told him to redo the job on the same day. When the printing unit manager returned and learned what happened. He immediately called a meeting, with the three other managers and described events to them. On this, said the manager purchasing unit, ‘we have to do something. Sachin is too young, incompetent and is a tyrant’ ‘I agree he dictates to us in departmental meeting and now he goes behind our back to our employees. He shows no confidence in as I am fed up with this situation’ said manager secretarial service. Finally, the manager maintenance deemed in I don’t think, we have many choices. Sachin is regarded high by top-level management. We can’t talk to him and higher up and if we continue doing things this way, our careers will be ruined. Therefore, I think that we should look for some other job opportunities. They all reluctantly agreed with this statement and the meeting ended.
(i) Describe the nature of the problems in this case.
(ii) Why did Sachin feel irritated?
(iii) Explain what could have been done to prevent the problems?