MBA 1st Year Apple Computers Case Study 1 Study Notes Question Answer Study Notes Sample Model Practise Papers 3 Mock papers for self Assessment Solved case studies for practise

Case Studies
Case Study 1
Apple computer
MBA Topic Chapter Semester Wise Sample Model Practice Question Answer Papers
Apple computer is an American Multinational Corporation with a focus on designing and manufacturing consumer electronics and even develops software products. It was confounded by Steve Wozniak and Steve jobs. Steve Wozniak met Steve jobs while he was working at Hewlett Packard. Steve jobs worked part time, where he would finish up games that they designed in Grass Valley.
In 1975, the first personal computer kit, the Alistair 8800 was announced. Since, Steve Wozniak could not afford an Alistair 8800 he decided to build his own personal computer by using cheaper handled on marketing it while Wozniak continued to improve it. By 1977, W more than Alistair. He and Steve Jobs called it Apple I. Jobozniak had built apple I. jobs handled on marketing it while Wozniak continued to improve it. By 19977, Wozniak had built apple II, then he and jobs decided to form Apple Computer Inc. when it went public on 1980, its stock vale was $117 million, three years later it was $985 million.
Steve Wozniak is determined that he will develop a computer even if he was still a child. ACCOM ing to Wozniak, if we try to start our own company, we must have the highest ethics and be open and truthful about things, not hide them. We must not lead people. Know in your heart that you are a good person with good goals because it will carry-over to our own self-confidence-make our own product better that the average person would.
Apple computers were pioneers when it comes to the GUI which was later picked-up by Microsoft. The first DTP work was also done in Apple computers.
During the beginning of this century, Microsoft and Intel based products dominated the market share. However the introduction of iPod put the Apple back into the business. The world was crazy when the iPods were introduced by Apple.
Q.1. What is the basic philosophy of Apple computers?
Ans. Basic Philosophy of Apple Computers: Apple has long had a philosophy of focusing mainly on the user interfaces are also well-researched and tested to ensure that in custom colors and designs. Their user interfaces are also well-researched and tested to ensure that users will not have difficulty in learning how to operate them. In this way, they stay competitive with the other digital devices in the market. Most especially, they point to their integrated technology as and advantage of being both hardware and a software company, as opposed to the rest of the desktop personal computer market where the hardware is assembled piecemeal from numerous vendors an the software comes from many companies which may only have a passing familiarity with the intended hardware platform.
Amole has the majority of its customer base or number of customers in the high end – use r market, most especially with artists and creators in many industries. Apple’s marketing frequently plays to this culture, with ads featuring famous off-beat heroes of history, cultural references and an undercurrent of reputation as a rebel smashing down the barriers of a crushing monotony.
Q.2. Who are the competitors of Apple computers and what is the product range?
Ans. Hewlett-Packard (HP), Intel and Microsoft are the competitors of Apple computers. The product range are computers and iPods.
Q.3. What are the characteristics of Apple computers?
Ans. Characteristics of Apple Computers: Apple computers have many distinct features that set them apart or separated from the rest of the computer industry. The main characenisu Ol Apple computers are illustrated below:
1. Apple Macintosh offers the simplest OS functionality as compared to all the other leading brands. The experts at Apple have specifically designed Macintosh and all its versions so as to make things easier for the user.
2. Special hardware is designed for Apple computers that provide far superior performance than other brands that can be used on other hardware Macintosh OS When used on apply hardware performs with incredible speed and system runs faster.
3. Special attention is paid to the appearance of all models which have been release apple, The simplistic nature of all Apple products has found many admirers all over the world.
4. One of the distinctive features of Apple computers is a piece of software called me Dock is a sort of easily available menu with big icons that spawn your most frequently used programs. Docks also can run small programs or docklets that can do things like display a clock or show you the weather. Docks also can be configured to display running programs that have been minimised in a mini window.
5. With fourth generation Intel core processors, Mac mini keeps up with computers twice its size.
6. Each iMac sports a built in face time HD camera for video conferencing and chat. The Apple computer continues a tradition that goes back to the first Macintosh packaging the computer and display as a single unit.