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- What do you mean by curriculum vitae? When it is used?
Or What do you know about curriculum vitae? (2009-10)(2011-12)
Ans. Curriculum Vitae: A Curriculum Vitae (CV provides an overview of a person’s potent employer encounters regarding the job seeker and is typically used to screen applicants followed by and interview.
CV is a latin expression which can be translated as course of life. In current usage, cum less marked as a foreign loan word.
Nevertheless, in English, the plural of the full expression CV is seldom used, the plural of curriculum on its own is usually written as ‘Curriculums rather than the traditional curricula.
Use of Curriculum Vitae
A CV is short and contains only a summary of the job seeker’s employment history, quam cations and some personal information in United Kingdom. It is often updated to change the emphasis of the information according to the particular position for which the job seeker is applying. Many CVs contain keywords that potential employers might pick up on and display the content in the most flattering manner, brushing over information like poor grades. A CV can also be extended to include an extra page for the job seeker’s publications if these are important for the job.
In the United States and Canada, a CV is used in academic circles and medical careers as a replacement for a resume and is far comprehensive. The term resume is used for most recruitment campaigns. ACV elaborates education to a greater degree than a resume and is expected to include a comprehensive listing of professional history including every term of employment, academic, credential, publication, contribution or significant achievement. Many executives and professionals choose to use short CVs that highlight the focus of their lives and not necessarily their employment and education.
In the European Union, a standardised CV format was developed called Europass. The Europass CV system is meant to be just as helpful to employers and education providers as it is to students and job seekers. It was designed to help them understand what people have to offer while overcoming linguistic barriers.
Q.2. Define interview and also explain the various kinds of interview being conducted? How would you prepare for an interview as a candidate?(2011-12)
Or What do you understand by the term interview? What are its different types?
Ans. Interview : An interview is a conversation between two people (the interviewer and the interviewee where questions are asked by the interviewer to obtain information from the interviewee In other words, it is a formal discussion His formal discussion between a hirer and an applicant or candidate, typically in person, in which information is exchanged, with the intention of establishing the applicant’s suitability for a position.
‘An interview is a professional meeting in which a series of questions are asked to determine eligibility and discover information. Interviews are used when hiring employees. Interview is the most Important element for every job seeker, finding a job is not a difficult task but to find a right job of your choice) is quite difficult. Interview, you can say is a skill, so in order to enhance it, preparation and practice is the only solution. Preparation can define the difference between getting an offer and rejecting with open hands.
Preparing for Interview as a Candidate: Before going for interview one must do self-assessme about your skills, talents, abilities, strengths, weakness, interest, re-examine accomplishments and achievements.
Updating your Resume: Resume must be up-to-date and contain all relevant information.
Interview is an opportunity for both the employer and the applicant to gather information. The employer wants to know if you, the applicant, have the skills, knowledge, self-confidence and motivation necessary for the job. At this point you can be confident that the employer saw something of interest in your resume. He or she also wants to determine whether or not you will fit in with the organisation’s current employees and philosophy. Similarly, you will want to evaluate the position in the organisation, and determine if they will fit into your carrier plans. The interview is a two-way exchange of information. It is an opportunity for both parties to market themselves. The employer is selling the organisation to you and you are marketing your skills, knowledge and personality to the employer.
Types of Interviews
All job interviews have the same objective, but employers reach that objective in a variety of ways. You might enter the room expecting to tell stories about your professional successes and instead find yourself selling the interviewer a bridge or editing code at a computer. One strategy for performing your best during an interview is to know the rules of the particular game you are playing when you walk through the door.
1. Traditional One on One Job Interview: The traditional one on one job interview is that where you are interviewed by one representative of the company, most likely the manager of the position you are applying for. Because you will be working with this person directly if you get the job, he/she will want to get a feel for who you are and whether your skills match those of the job requirements.
In this type, interviewer may ask questions such as ‘Why would you be good for this job?’ or ‘Tell me about yourself. The one on one interview is by far, one of the most common types of job interviews.
2. Panel Interview: In a panel interview, you will be interviewed by a panel of interviewers. The panel may consist of different representatives of the company such as human resources, management and employees. The reason why some companies conduct panel interviews is to save time or to get the collective opinion of panel regarding the candidate. Each member of the panel may be responsible for asking you questions that represent relevancy from their position.
3. Behavioural Interview: In a behavioural interview, the interviewer will ask you questions based on common situations of the job you are applying for. The logic behind the adae behavioural interview is that your future performance will be based on past performance of a similar situation. You should expect questions Effective Sy that enquire about what you did when you were in XXX situation planning is essential if an and how did you dealt with it. In a behavioural interview, the interview is to be successful. interviewer wants to see how you deal with certain problems and what you do to solve them.
MBA 1st Year Employment Communication Long Question Answers Notes
4. Group Interview: Many times companies will conduct a group interview to quickly pre-screen candidates for the job opening as well as give the candidates, the chance to quickly learn about the company to see if they want to work there. Many times, a group interview will begin with a short presentation about the company. After that, they may speak to each candidate individually and ask them a few questions.
One of the most important things the employer is observing during a group interview, is how you interact with the other candidates. Are you emerging as a leader or are you more likely to complete tasks that are asked from you? Neither is necessarily better than the other, it just depends on what type of personality works best for the position that needs to be filled.
5. Telephonic Interview: A phone interview may be for a position where the candidate is not local or for an initial prescreening call to see if they want to invite you in for an in-person interview. You may be asked typical questions or behavioral questions.
Most of the time, you will schedule an appointment for a phone interview. If the interviewer calls unexpectedly, it’s of to ask them politely to schedule and appointment. On a phone interview, make sure your call waiting is turned off, you are in a quiet room and you are not eating, drinking or chewing gum.
6. Lunch Interview: Many times lunch interviews are conducted as a second interview. The company will invite you to lunch with additional embers of the team to further get to know you and see how you fit in. This is a great time to ask any question you may have about the company or position as well, so make sure you prepare your questions in advance.
2. Addressing the Candidates: The number plates/placards or number tags are used to addre the fellow participants. This numbering helps the recruiting body note down their observations about your performance and conduct during the discussion.
3. Panel’s Role: The panel consists of technical executives, human resource executives of company and the subject experts. They observe you directly or from behind a screen. It is the pare that specifies the time limit in the beginning, it may cut short or extend the time limit.
4. Participant’s Role: Participants can play either positive or negative roles, Positive roles help stand out in the group and earn more points and negative roles lead to immediate elimination.
5. Selection of Topic: The panel provides you the topics and candidates have to select one ana discuss. The topic must be chosen within a couple of minutes itself so that the debate on what should be the topic will not destroy the precious time.
6. Opening the Group Discussion: One who succeeds in opening the discussion surely gets selected or gets better marks. You should think of opening the discussion when you have enough points to throw in. The beginning of the topic should be introductory in nature, specific in its approach and engaging in discussion.
7. Closing the Group Discussion: A group discussion must not end abruptly. If the discussion is about to come to an end, one can interrupt and suggest the members to stress on all the points discussed and weigh them so as to decide the choice of majority of the members what they feel.
Q.5. Indusind Bank has given the following newspaper advertisement recently.

Prepare a resume to be sent against this advertisement.
Ans. Resume
Satbir Singh
23, Sai Sadan,
Dr. Ambedkar Road,
Meerut-250001 Ph. 9336384452

Career Objective
1. To capitalise my hardwork and potential so as to maximise the best of available resources.
2. To achieve the target with dedication and team orientation.
3. Obtain a respective career in management position in the organisation.
Educational Background
- Achieved Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration year of 2011 at Marketing Management as the major wit consumer orientation, finance as well as marketing
- Secured first division marks in intermediate from U.P. Board in 2008.
- Secured first division marks in high school from U.P. Board in 2006.
Professional Education
MBA from U.P. Technical University in the year 2014, Professional Excellence Summary
- Two years experience as a Sales Manager, at Soviya Soltware Pvt. Ltd., Ghaziabad.
2. One year experience as a Marketing Manager in Country Club India Ltd., Lucknow.
Computer Skills
1. Known graphic tools like Macromedia Flash, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Pagemaker, 3D Max.
- Known office packages like MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access, MS Outlook Express.
- Known Operating systems like Windows 9x, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Linux, MS DOS.
Extra-curricular Activities
1. Won state level shooting championship in the year 2006 and 2007,
2. Participated in Commonwealth games organised at Delhi in the year 2011
Personal Details
Father’s Name : Mr. Raghuveer Singh
Mother’s Name : Mrs. Urmila Devi
Date of Birth : 16/9/1987
Gender : Male
Nationality : Indian
Marital Status : Single
I, hereby, declare that all the details given above are true to the best of my knowledge
Date : 13th July, 2015.
Place : Meerut