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MBA 1st Year Employment Communication Short Question Answers Notes

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MBA 1st Year Employment Communication Short Question Answers Notes
MBA 1st Year Employment Communication Short Question Answers Notes

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Q.1. Give tips for writing CV. Or What to do and what not to do while preparing CV? 

Ans. CV Writing Tips: These are as follows:

1. Keep your curriculum vitae simple. 

2. Your curriculum vitae must be concise. 

3. Your curriculum vitae must be easy to read. 

4. Your curriculum vitae must be impressive enough to attract others. 

5. Your curriculum vitae must be tailored to what the reader is looking for. 

6. ACV does not have to be a text document. It can be a video. If a picture tells a thousand words, imagine what moving pictures can convey about you. 

7. Include your most recent employment history as it’s not usually relevant what you did over 20 years ago. 

8. Emphasize what you’ve managed to achieve as well as your tasks. 

9. You need to ensure you can be easily contacted so always include your phone numbers, e-mail address and even your home address. 

10. Do include relevant training courses and awards you may have, especially if you’re applying for permanent roles. Employers like to see that you have an ability to learn and some sort of career development also.

Q.2. What is meant by interview? Discuss its advantages.(2012-13

Ans. Interview: An interview is a face-to-face interaction between the interviewer and the candidate so as to obtain desired information from him. It can also be defined as a way of exchanging meanings between individuals by using a common set of symbols. Interviews generally need a preparation

A job interview is a process in which a potential employee is evaluated by an employer for prospective employment in their company, organisation or firm. During this process, the employer hopes to determine whether or not the applicant is suitable for the job.

Advantages of Interview

The advantages of interview are as follows:

1. The greatest value is the depth and detail of information that can be secured.

2. The interviewer can do more to improve the percentage of responses and quality of information.

3. Interview is flexible and adaptable to individual situations.

4. The interviewer can gather other supplemental information through observation of respondent’s environment.

5. The accuracy and dependability of answers can be checked by observation and probing,

Q.3. Give detailed notes on: “Candidate’s preparation vs Interviewer’s preparation.’

Give some tips for interview preparation.

Ans. Candidate’s Preparation vs Interviewer Preparation: Interviews are always nerve-racking, not only for the applicant, but also for the interviewer. Preparing to interview a job candidate is the first important step in the hiring process. Making sure you are prepared and familiar with the job and candidate can be crucial in selecting the right person, it is always difficult to carve out preparation time but doing so can have a significant impact on the final outcome of the interview process.

Steps to Prepare for the Interview

Following are the steps to prepare for the interview:

1. Spend time reviewing the job description and specific skills that are required to perform the job being interviewed for.

2 Take time to think about the person vacating the job and what characteristics they had that helped the performance management or took away from achieving emplovee goals

3. Study the candidate’s application and resume so you can ask specific questions about work history and job skills.

4. If the person will be answering the telephone, a phone interview might be appropriate to test how well the candidate demonstrates good customer service skills on the phone

5. Select interview questions that are appropriate for the level and job of the candidate. You will obviously ask a manager different questions than you would as an entry level employee.

6. Set an agenda. Use an interview guide to help keep you focused. Tell the candidate what to expect so there are no surprises.

Interviewer’s Preparation for Interview

Interviewers can prepare for the interview using following steps:

1. Be aware that how an applicant responds and behaves in an interview does not necessarily

translate into the kind of behaviour you would be looking for on the job.

2 Don’t focus too much on what the candidate knows but seek out specific accomplishments and how they added value to a prior employer.

3. Someone with good people skills may have the potential to talk too much.

4. In the same way, someone who is detail oriented could have difficulty seeing the big pictures

5. Be realistic and understand that most candidates stretch the truth or exaggerate a little bit, so you should filter answers accordingly.

6. Interviews are uncomfortable. so do your best to make the candidate feel welcomed and relaxed. The more comfortable they are, the more likely they will be to let their guard dow and have an honest conversation. This is what you are striving for.

7. Remember, skills can be taught but personality and social style cannot.

8. Start with the beginning of their work history and go through their current position. Try to find out why they left other jobs.

9. Look for how long they stayed with an organisation. Job hopping every couple of years is an indication of instability and that you may lose them after a short period of time. What you’re looking for, are patterns of behaviour.

MBA 1st Year Employment Communication Short Question Answers Notes
MBA 1st Year Employment Communication Short Question Answers Notes

Q.4. Give detailed note on-Tips for interview preparation.

Ans. Interview Preparation: Interview preparation should be done methodically. You have to be prepared to discuss anything on your resume. You may also need to answer questions or issues you really don’t want to answer, such as your lack of related experience, greatest weakness, low GPA, or lack of leadership experience or your record of switching jobs. During interviews, you have to select appropriate attire. You can choose it long before the interview day. If you are in doubt, then a business suit is always acceptable.

Interview Preparation Tips

The tips to prepare for the interview are:

1. Communication Skills: While communicating with interviewer you must be confident in making eye contact, firm handshakes. As you know, first impression always makes a huge impact.

2. Listen: Listening is the best habit. Before the interview your interviewer give information, you must hear it carefully, otherwise you may lose some  important points. Communication skills not only include speaking it but also include listening. A good listener is always a winner.

3. Confidence: Whatever you speak, speak with confidence, as to those applications who confidence is the key to cross every barrier of life.

4. Drece Properly: As first impression is the last impression, which come across in the way your dress makes the first impression, so wear some formal clothes

of selection process. or a business suit.

5. Use Proper Language: Use proper professional language during the interview. Don’t use any Inappropriate slang words regaraing references to age,race, religion, politics or sexual orientation.

6.Talk up to the point: Telling the interviewer more than he want to know could be a fatal mistake. Answer only those questions what he asked and reply up to point.

Interview Rules                                                

The rules followed for interview are:

1. Punctuality: Be on time for your interview. If possible, reach the venue 15 to 20 minutes before the scheduled time.

2. Research: Research about the company before going for interview. You must know about the services, work culture, clients, domains, products, customers, about CEO of company, etc. Interviewer can ask questions why you want to join this company? In that case, information about company is useful.

3. Enthusiasm: When you enter in the room, handshake with the interviewer and eye contact describe your confidence.

4. Prenared: Bring all the copies of your certificates extra copies  of your resume. You should also have questions prepared to ask at the end of the interview.

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