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Q.1. What do you mean by meeting? What are its different types? Also explain, what is minutes of meeting?
Ans. Meeting: Formal or informal deliberative assembly of individuals called to debate certain issues and problems and to take decisions. Formal meetings are held at definite times, at a definite place and usually for a definite duration to follow an agreed upon agenda.
A meeting is typically headed by a chairperson and its deliberations are recorded in a written form called minutes. Under corporate legislation, two main types of meetings are general meetings and special or extraordinary meetings. Such meetings must have a minimum number of members (called quorum) present to make legally operative. Decisions (called resolutions) are made on the basis of number of votes the assenting and dissenting parties can muster. Under the doctrine of collective responsibility, decisions taken at these meetings bind all members whether present or not. However, a dissenting minority may apply to a court to have an already adopted resolution set aside if it is deemed illegal, iniquitous, or ultra vires. Common types of meetings include:
1. Investigative meeting, generally when conducting a pre-interview, exit interview or a meeting among the investigators and representatives.
2. Work meeting, which produces a product or intangible result such as a decision.
3. Staff meeting, typically a meeting between a manager and those that report to the manager.
4. Team meeting, a meeting among colleagues working on various aspects of a team project.
5. Ad-hoc meeting, a meeting called for a special purpose.
6. Management meeting, a meeting among managers.
7. Board meeting, a meeting of the board of directors of an organisation.
8. One-on-one meeting, between two individuals.
9. Off-site meeting, also called ‘Offsite retreat’ and known as an away day meeting in the UK.
10. Kickoff, the first meeting with the project team and the client of the project to discuss the role of each team member.
11. Pre-bid meeting a meeting of various competitors and contractors to visually inspect a job site for a future project. The meeting is normally hosted by the future customer or engine who wrote the project specification to ensure that all bidders are aware of the details services expected of them. Attendance at the pre-bid meeting may be mandatory Failure to attend usually results in a rejected bid.
Minutes of Meeting
Minutes also known as protocols, are the instant written record of a meeting or hearing Thas ledge typically describe the events of the meeting, starting with a list attendees, a statement of the issues Minutes may be created during the meeting by a typist or courst recorder, who may use shorthand notation and then prepare the minutes and issue them to the participants afterwards. Alternatively, the meeting can be audio recorded or a group appointed or informally assigned. Secretary may take notes, with minutes prepared later.
It is usually important for the minutes to be terse and only include a summary of discussion and decisions. A verbatim report is typically not useful. The minutes of certain groups, such as a corporate board of directors, must be kept on file and are important legal documents.
Generally, minutes begin with the name of the body (e.g. a committee) holding the meeting, place, date, list of people present and the time that the chair called the meeting to order. The minutes then record what was actually said at the meeting, either in the order that it was actually said or in a more coherent order, regardless of whether the meeting follows any written agenda. A less-used format may record the events in the order they occur on the written agenda, regardless of the actual chronology.
Q.2. What are the objectives of conducting a business meeting? Discuss the role and responsibilities of a chairperson and the secretary in conducting a business meeting?(2014-15)
Or What skills are expected of a chairperson for the smooth conduct of a meeting? (2013-14)
Ans. Objectives of Conducting a Business Meeting : Meetings are needed to fulfil the following objectives:
1. To Convey Information to the Members : The main reason for holding meeting is to convey information to members.
2. To Gather Information from the Members: A group of people need to share information and meeting is needed to present a status report to management.
3. To Develop Options: For moving forward, there is need to meet with stakeholders to look at options.
4. To Exchange Ideas and Experiences Among the Members: Meeting is conducted for exchanging ideas and experiences among all members. Few ideas are implemented and few are rejected.
5. To Discuss Problems and Issues of Common Interest: Issues are discussed in meetings and meetings are conducted to solve these problems and issues.
6. TO Persuade Members to Accept Changes: The purpose of meeting is to accept the changes in the organisation and to influence the employees to cope up with the changing situations.
7. To Resolve Conflicts and Confusion: Meetings help to resolve conflicts among the concerned parties and reduce confusion.
8. To Generate a Positive Attitude Among Participants: Meetings generate a positive attitude among the participants when they get together with others.
9.To Take Decisions of Matters Affecting the Group: Decisions that affect an organisation, group or company can require the support of the majority..
Role and Responsibilities of a Chairperson and Secretary
These are as follow:
1.They must have skills of assertive conversation. This makes him confident and he could state o
2. He must not say unpleasant things. If the other person napp
supervisor, there is a necessity of controlled response.
3. The important role lies in the fact that he must be able to draw
the objective facts and hence focus on the constructive solutions
4. It is required to listen thoughtfully to the other person so that we
being heard.
5. He must use the strategy of conversation control for negotiation which involves an understanding of other party’s position without agreeing with it
6. He should be able to manage and control the interaction be
effective negotiation. He should manage all the activities tactfully and A chairperson rules over secretary and other members but secretary na proceedings of the organisation along with the management of all activities.
MBA 1st Year Group Communication Long Question Answers Study Notes
Q.3. What do you understand by notice? Glve a specimen format for notice.
Ans. Notice: Written or formal information notification or warning about a fact, requicu in law or imparted by an operation of law. A party is deemed to have cognizance of a fact if the party:
1. Has actual knowledge of it, ub
2. Has received notice of it,
3. Ought reasonably to know it,
4. Knows about a related or associated fact, or
5. Would have known by making reasonable enquiries about it.
(Format of Notice)
Yours faithfully, (Designation)
Q.4. Prepare a notice intimating the member of the general body that the meeting of the body will be held on a specific date, time and place to consider some Important issues. (2007-08, 11-12, 12-13)
Ans. General Body Meeting: Every company shall in each year hold in addition to any other meeting a general meeting, as its annual general meeting and shall specify the meeting as such in the notice calling it. The notice of every annual general meeting shall state the time of the meeting, which should be during the business hours, the date of the meeting, which should not be a public holiday and shall be held in the registered office of the company.
Notice General Body Meeting
XYZ Management & Infosys
XYZ 1234
Notice is hereby given that the annual general meeting of of the company will be held at the registered office of the company at Anand 388001 on ……………….the………..2012 at …………am/ pm for transacting the following business:
1. To consider and adopt the audited placcount of company.
2. To declare dividends.
3.To appoint a director in place of Mr. XYZ retiring. by rotation and being eligible for reappointment.
4. To appoint auditors and fix their remuneration.
By order of the board
For XYZ Management & Infosys
(XYZ) Secretary
Notes: (to be added to the notice as footnote)
1. A member entitled to attend and vote at the meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote in his stead. He need not be a member of the company. A blank form of proxy is enclosed and is intended to be used. It should be returned to the company not less than forty. eight hours before the annual general meeting duly completed.
2. The dividends, if declared will be paid on or after the …………….. 2016 ……………… to the members so entitled whose names appear in the register of members of company as on 2016…………
3. The register of members and the share transfer book will remain closed from the …………. 2016 (both days inclusive) in terms of the provisions of 154 of the Companies Act, 1956.
Q.5. Write short note on Inviting tender bid. (2007-08
Ans. Invitation to Tender Bid (ITB): An invitation to tender bid is a formal document issued by a procurer that outlines the scope of project and invites those organisations or individuals to submit a formal tender to the work. The criteria for receiving the tender is usually based around financial stability and trading history, previous experience, core competence, capability and process and quality standards. The invitation tender focuses on how will you deliver the work and of course how much will it cost. Receiving an invitation to tender does not mean the award of contract. The invitation to tender contain some rules and set questions. The format varies widely across industries and services and no two are alike. Some are perspective and some are loosely defined. Some layout very clearly how to respond to the ITB and some do not. The rules to respond to an invitation to tender are:
1. Read the invitation to tender several times and note down any special requirements.
2. Appoint a project manager or leader for the tender.
3. Arrange printing and binding and any other submission criteria.
4. Appoint a proof reader.
5. Appoint a collator who is the central point for all information and is usually responsible formatting and submission of the tender.
6. Ask for clarification of any points contained in the invitation to tender.
7. Reach consensus on a winning theme for this.
8. Agree roles and responsibilities.
9. Begin writing and hold regular feedback and progress meetings.
The time from submission of response to invitation to tender and award of the con but it is normally clearly laid out in invitation to tender and will be a minimum of three to four weeks.
Q.6. How is tender notice warranted?(2009-10)
Ans. Tender Notice: Once you have decided to bid, you will need to how you
will manage the bid.
1. Who gathers information and does research?
2. Who coordinates all the material you need?
3. Who writes the drafts and checks them?
4. How will the rest of your firms work get done?
A good starting point is to make a list of all the questions you could ask, if a company was estions you could ask, if a company was submitting a tender to provide a product or service to you.
Client will be expected to:
1. State the purpose and origin of the bid.
2. Summarise your work as a contractor past experience and credentials
3. Say now will you carry out the work and how and when you will meet the clients needs.
4. Explain the benefits and value for money of your bid.
5. Details of when and how goods and services are to be delivered and provide a un
6. Demonstrate your terms. skills, experience of the similar work and their responsibilities win the contract.
7. Explain how you will manage the project.
8. Give details of your pricing and any after care arrangements within the price.
9. Be practical and identify potential problems but do not make promises that are clearly impossible for you to deliver.
Include a covering letter that respond to the bid invitation summarises your main message and explain how the documents are organised.
You should be aware that information from your tender may be disclosed in the future. You should clearly indicate which information is commercially confidential. If the information is particular sensitive, you might want to ask for a non-disclosure agreement.
For advice on tendering for public sector contracts, overview on selling to government must be referred.
Q.7. Draft an open tender notice inviting quotations from the various parties for purchasing 100 computers with some minimum specifications.(2011-12)
Ans. Open Tender Notice
No. 8(4) E-II (A)/98
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
(Department of Expenditure)
New Delhi, 17th July, 2016
Subject: Purchase of computer systems by government department.
1. The undersigned is directed to invite attention to the provisions of GFR 102(1) and the annexure to the same according to which ‘open tender system’ (that is, invitation to tender by public advertisement) should be used as a general rule in all cases in which the estimated value of the demand is 50,000 and above.
2. It has been brought to the notice of this Ministry by Deptt. of Electronics that certain ministries/deptts., etc. issue tenders for purchase of personal computers where they specify the international brands like IBM, HP, etc. This provide guidelines for open tender system laid
down in GFRs and deprives other brands including domestic manufacturers of an opportunity to participate in the tender.
3. Separately GS and D have informed that generalised specifications for personal computers have been finalised and the process of concluding rate contract is being initiated.
4. It is therefore advised that ministeries/deptts should follow the open tender system with any difficulty by specifying brand names for the purchase of personal computers. Thereaft computers could be purchased on rate constrict basis, e.g. Narain Bass, Secretary to the Govt of India.
Q.8. Clearly elucidate the meanings of the terms: Meetings, Press release and Business etiquettes (2008-09, 10-11)
Or Write short notes on the following:
1. Press release.
2. Press conference.
3. Seminar
4. Tips to media interview.
Ans. Meetings: Refer to Section-C, Q.1. Business Etiquettes: Refer to Section-C, Q.10.
1. Press Release: Written, audio taped or video taped matter about a book, event, person or program, presented by its promoters or principals to the media for editorial comment and free coverage is called media release or news release. In other words, a press release, news release, media release, press statement or video release is a written or recorded communication directed at members of the news media for the purpose of announcing something extensibly newsworthy.
Typically, they are mailed, faxed, or e-mailed to assignment editors at newspapers, magazines, radio stations, television stations and/or television networks. Commercial press release distribution services are also used.
The use of press release is common in the field of public relations (PR). Typically, the aim is to attract favourable media attention to the PR professionals client and/or provide publicity for products or events marketed by those clients. A press release provide reporters with an information subsidy containing the basics needed to develop a news story. Press releases can announce a range of news items, such as scheduled events, personal promotions, awards, new products and services, sales and other financial data, accomplishments, etc. They are often used in generating a feature story or are sent for the purpose of announcing news conferences, upcoming events or a change in corporation.
A press statement is information supplied to reporters. This is an official announcement or account of a news story that is specially prepared and issued to newspaper and other news media for them to make known to the public.
2. Press Conference: A news conference or press conference is a media event in which news makers invite journalists to hear them, speak and most often, ask questions. A joint press conference instead is held between two or more talking sides. In a press conference, one or more speakers may make a statement, which may be followed by questions from reporters. Sometimes only questioning occurs, sometimes there is a statement with no questions permitted.
A media event at which no statements are made and no questions are allowed, is called a photo opportunity. A government may wish to open their proceedings for the media to witness events, such as the passing of a piece of legislation from the government in parliament to the senate, via a media availability. Television stations and networks especially value news conferences because todays TV news programs air for hours at a time or even continuously, assignments editors have a steady appetite for ever larger quantities of footage.