MBA 1st Year Introduction Long Question Answers Study Notes
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Q.1. What do you mean by communication? Discuss the nature of communication.
Ans. Meaning of Communication: According to Hudson, ‘Communication in its simplest form is conveying of information from one person to another
Thus, communication may be defined as an interchange of thoughts or information to bring about mutual understanding and confidence. It is the exchange of facts, ideas, and viewpoints which brings about the commonness of interest, purpose, and efforts. Common forms of communication include speaking, writing, signaling and gesturing.
Definitions of Communication
“Communication is the process of passing information and understanding from one person to another. It is the process of imparting ideas and making oneself understood by others.’
‘Communication is the sum of all things one person does when he wants to create understanding in the mind of another. It is a bridge of meaning. It involves a systematic and continuous process of telling listening and understanding.
Nature of Communication: The word ‘Communication’ is derived from the Latin word ‘Communis which means common. If a person affects communication, he has established a common ground of understanding. Thus, communication involves imparting a common idea and covers all types of behavior resulting, therefore. This indicates that various factors enter into the process of communication. These are the communicator or source of information, the receiver of information, the content of the communication and the manner of communication. The term ‘Communication in a broad sense means both the acts of communicating something and the manner of communication, such as letter, notice or circular.
1. Communication is a universal, an existing and avoidable phenomenon.
2. Communication is not an art or event of time.
3. It is not complete unless the receiver understands the message.
4. It is a short-lived process and leads to the achievement of the organizational objective.
Q.2. ‘Communication means sharing of understanding between people.’ Explain the statement. Discuss the role of feedback in communication. (2010-11)
Or ‘Communication means sharing of understanding between people.’ Explain. (2011-12)
Ans. Communication is the flow of information and the understanding between people who are at the same level or at different levels. It is defined as a process that enables management to allocate and supervise the work of the employees in an organization. It keeps the workers informed about the internal and external atmosphere and this helps them in completing their respective tasks. These tasks are important for the organization. Communication helps in coordinating the efforts of the members towards achieving organizational objectives and also affects the actions of a particular person or a group. It is also necessary to facilitate meaningful interaction among staff members and hence helps in initiating, executing, completing or preventing various actions.
So, it can be said that communication is an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions or emotions of two or more than two persons. It is the process of passing the information and understanding from one person to other. It acts as a bridge of transferring ideas between the people that creates an understanding among them.
Thus, it can be concluded that communication is an interchange of thoughts or information to bring about understanding and confidence for good interpersonal or industrial relationships. It unites people in relation to purpose, interest, and efforts for an organization.
Role of Feedback in Communication: Refer to Section-C, Q.3.
Q.3. Write short notes on the following:
1. Elements of communication cycle.
2. Role of feedback in communication.
3. Objectives of communication.
4. Merits of horizontal communication.
5. Requirements of effective feedback.
Ans. 1. Elements of Communication Cycle: The process of communication involves the following elements:
(a) Sender or Communicator: The person who conveys the message is known as commun
or sender. By initiating the message, the communicator attempts to achieve understand and change in the behaviour of the receiver.
(b) Encoding of Message: Message is the subject-matter of any communication. It may involve any facts, ideas or any information. It must exist in the mind of the communicator if communication is to take place. The sender of information organizes his idea, into a series of symbols (words, signs, etc.), which, he feels will communicate to the intended receiver or receivers.
(c) Communication Channel: The communicator has to choose the channel for sending the information. Communication channel is the media through which the message passes. It is the link that connects the sender or the receiver.
(d) Receiver: The person who receives the message is called receiver. The process of communication is incomplete with the existence of the receiver of the message. It is the receiver who receives and tries to understand the message.
(e) Decoding: The receiver translates the message into words for the purpose of understanding. Decoding helps the receiver to derive meaning from the message.
(f) Feedback: A communication leads to the other communications. A message sent is followed by a reaction or response from the receiver, which requires another message to be communicated by the sender to the receiver and so on. The reaction or response of the receiver is known as feedback
2. Role of Feedback in Communication: This is the loop that connects the receiver in the communication process with the sender, who in turn, acts as a feedback receiver and thus, gets to know that communication has been accomplished. In communication, feedback plays an important role. It helps the communicator to know if there are any corrections or changes to be made in the proposed action. It also ensures that the receiver has received the message and understood it as intended by the sender.
In management, the decision-making process is greatly helped by receiving feedback from those who are directly concerned with any changes proposed or effected and communicated to them. The process of feedback assures the initiator of the action about its correctness and possible impact.
3. Objectives of Communication: In any business, the objectives of communication are:
(a) Communication to Inform: Communication to inform (expository communication) is directed by the desire to expose, develop and explain the subject. It focuses on the subject of the communication.
(b) Communication to Persuade: The communicator may seek primarily to persuade the reader. In such a form of communication, the edge R focus is on the receiver and not the message.
For example, advertisement of ‘Home loan’ by HSBC. “Now your dream home is just a step away from being a reality.Simply get an HSBC home loan and choose from a range of highly. flexible repayment options, based on your convenience.’
The above advertisement is reader centric. The purpose of this to write-up is not just to inform you about the HSBC home loan scheme but also to persuade you that HSBC offers the most flexible and convenient home loan schemes.
4. Merits of Horizontal Communication: The merits of horizontal communication are as follows:
(a) It speeds up the flow of work in the organisation.
(b) It facilitates problem solving amongst members at the same level and brings about coordination.
(c) It helps in reviewing activities assigned to people working at identical positions.
(d) It develops mutual trust and confidence amongst similar position holders of different departments.
(e) It relieves top managers from the burden of solving the problem of the lower levels if they can manage to solve them on their own.
5. Requirements of Effective Feedback:
(a) Specific Purpose: The basic characteristics of feedback is that it is directed towards improving job performance and making an employee a more valuable asset. Effective feedback, directed towards the performance and making an employee a more valuable asset. Effective feedback, thus, is directed towards the performance aspects of the job.
(b) Descriptive: Effective feedback can be characterized as descriptive rather than evaluative. It tells the sender as what has been in objective terms rather than presenting a value judgment
(c) Usefulness: Feedback should aim at supplying information so that the performance can be informed. If the feedback is not capable of correcting or improving the performance, it is not worth mentioning.
(d) Clarity: Feedback should be capable of being clearly understood by the recipients.
(e) Timeliness: Effective feedback is always timely. As a rule, the more prompt the feedback, the better it is. Timely feedback provides a better chance of improvement to the sender of the original message.