MBA 1st Year Marketing Management Understanding Consumer Behavior Long Question Answer
MBA 1st Year Marketing Management Understanding Consumer Behavior Long Question Answer: MBA Master of Business Administration 1st Year Semester Marketing Management Book Code: RMB – 30 Important Questions With Answer Paper in English.
Introduction: Nature and scope of marketing, Evolution, Various marketing orientations, Core concepts of marketing, customer value, and the value delivery process. Marketing challenges in the globalized economic scenario.
Understanding Consumer Behaviour Buying motives, Factors influencing to the buying behavior, Buying habits, Stages in consumer buying decision process, Types of consumer buying decisions, Business buying and business buying process
MBA 1st Year Marketing Management Understanding Consumer Behavior Long Question Answer | Index
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BBA 1st 2nd 3rd Year Study Material Notes
Q.1. What is a market?
Ans. A market is a place where buyers and sellers meet, negotiate and transact.
Q.2. What are the three concepts of the market?
Ans. The three concepts of the market are:
- Place concept
- Area concept
- Demand concept
Q.3. Give some features of a market.
Ans. Features of a market are:
- Meeting place for exchange.
- Buyer—demand and seller—supply.
- Free and perfect competition in the market is assumed.
- Exchange of goods and services.
Q.4. What is a free market?
Ans. A free market is a market in which property rights are voluntarily exchanged by mutual consent of sellers and buyers.
Q.5. Wherefrom the term ‘Market’ has originated?
Ans. The word ‘market’ is fundamentally originated from the Latin word ‘Marcatus’ which means a place where business is conducted
Q.6. Write down the objectives of marketing.
Ans. The main objective of marketing is to serve customer demand. It aims at creating, capturing, and maintaining demand through an appropriate marketing mix. Marketing has three main objectives:
- Creation of utility
- Cost reduction,
- Price stability
Q7. Who was the father of the marketing mix?
Ans. Prof. Neil H. Bordon was the father of the marketing mix.
Q.8. Name the basic elements of the marketing mix.
Ans. The basic elements of the marketing mix are:
- Product,
- Price,
- Promotion,
- Place.
Q.9. Write any three factors that affect the marketing mix.
Ans. The three factors that affect marketing mix are as follows:
- Competition,
- Changed nature of customers,
- Law of country.
Q.1.O. Mention any four characteristics of the marketing mix.
Ans. The four characteristics of the marketing mix are:
- It is a mix of policies and activities.
- It is a systematic concept and Continuous process.
- It is very effective.
- It is the solution to various marketing problems
Q.11.What are the seven Ps In marketing?
Ans. The seven Ps in marketing are:
- Product,
- Place,
- Price,
- Promotion,
- People,
- Process and
- Physical evidence.
Q.12. What is marketing?
Ans. Marketing is defined as ‘The activities of a firm that are concerned with acquiring and maintaining markets for the firm’s product and for ensuring that the firm’s output reaches those markets in time and with needed supplies.
Q..13. What Is studied in marketing?
Ans. Marketing is the study of sales, planning of sales promotion including the research for demand creation through various methods.