MBA 1st Year Network And Internet Short Questions Answers Study Notes Study Material Unit Wise syllabus Notes

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Q.1. What is computer network?(2007-08)
Or Discuss benefits that networks provide to business users.(2008-09)
Or Define network. Explain types of networks.(2014-15)
Ans. Network: Information is of no use until it is available at the time and place where it is required. todays scenario, the above fact has to be especially tuned. The best means to manage information efficiently is the networking of computers.
Like any network, a network of computer is an arrangement that enables two or more computers to communicate to each other. Network of computers means linking of computers through some kind of communication links, besides the connecting media, some software is also required to make the hardware or computers to communicate with each other. This is also to be ensured that the information between the linked computers is exchanged without any loss of information or distortion.
Advantages/Benefits of Networks: There are many advatages to use the network of computers. Some of the advantages are as follows:
1. The first and the most obvious reason to have a network of computers is that they help to exchange information between computers.
2. You can use the programs and data stored on other computers. So every user doesn’t need to have all data and programs on his machine.
3. You can share your company’s resources more efficiently, e.g. only one printer can be used to get the printouts from all the linked computers. This results in efficient utilization of resources,
as the same printer now would be accessible to large number of people.
4. You can secure your important data very easily though some other computers are connected to the network. This prevents the loss of data or software from the accidental crash of hardware. Types of Networks: Refer to Section-C, Q.1.
Q.2. What are intranet, extranet and virtual private network?
Ans. Besides the types of network, we also have some more networks like intranet and extranet and Virtual Private Network (VPN). These networks are described as follows:
1. Intranet: Intranet is designed to be open but secure internal network whose web browsing software provides easy point and click access by end users to multimedia information on internal websites. A company in its business units, departments and work groups may establish internal websites on internal web servers. For example, a human resource department may establish an Internet website so employees can easily access up-to-the-minute information on the status of their benefits accounts as well as the latest information on company benefits options.
2. Extranet: Refer to Section-A, Q.2.
3. Virtual Private Network (VPN): Many organisations have virtual private networks to establish secure intranet and extranet. A VPN is a secure network that uses the Internet as its main backbone network but relies on the fire walls and other security features of its Internet and intranet connections and those of participating organisations.
Q.3. What is mesh topology? Give its advantages and disadvantages.
Ans. Mesh Topology: Each computer is connected dedicatedly to every other computer on the network forming a mesh.
Advantages: A mesh offers several advantages over other network topologies:
1. Use of dedicated links guarantees that each connection can carry its down data load, thus
eliminating the traffic problems that can occur when links are shared by multiple devices.
2 It is a robust topology. If one link becomes unable, it does not affect the entire system
3. It provides a lot of privacy and security as every message travels along
a dedicated line. Only the intended recipients can see the data.
4. Fault tolerance and identification is very easy in this topology.

Disadvantages: The disadvantages of mesh topology are as follows:
1. A good amount of cabling and the number of 10 ports are required.
2. As every device is connected to every device, installation and reconfiguration in mesh topology are very difficult.
3. It is very expensive than other topologies.
Ring and bus networks are most common in local area pipeline that carries data pe network. Ring topology is considered more reliable and less costly. between computers like text, If one computer in the ring goes down, the other computer can
files, programs. continue to process their own work as to communicate with other.
Q.4. What is Internet? How does the network works?
(2005-06, 09-10) Or Discuss the architecture and functioning of Internet.(2007-08, 10-11, 13-14)
Or Discuss the architecture of Internet. Write down the reasons for the popularity of Internet. Ans. Internet: It is a global system of interconnected computer networks that are the standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP). It is a network of networks that consists of millions of public, private, businesses and other networks of global scope. The Internet carries a vast array of information resources and services mainly the inter-linked hypertext documents of the WWW (World Wide Web) and the infrastructure to support electronic-mail.
Architecture of Internet
The architecture of Internet is hierarchical in nature, as shown in the given figure:
MBA 1st Year Network And Internet Short Questions Answers Study Notes
1. Client: It is the lowest level of hierarchy at home or to a LAN.
2. Local ISP (Internet Service Provider): It is at the next higher level. An ISP is an organisation that has its own computers connected to the Internet and provides facility to individual users. Local ISP is the local telephony company located in the telephone switching office.
3. Regional ISP: It is at the next level in the hierarchy. The local ISP is connected to the regional ISP by a router consisting of a processor, memory and an I/O interface.
4. Backbone: It is at the top of the hierarchy, consisting of backbone operators which are large corporations like AT and T which have their own server forms connected to the backbone.

Functioning of Internet: The single most important fact about Internet is that it mainly links one computer to other computer. Text, data, files and programs can be exchanged with any one w Internet is the pipeline that exchanges data between the computers. Most computers are directly to the Internet but are connected to the smaller networks, which throughout are connected to the Internet backbone. Thus, it can be said that Internet is a network of networks.

Q.5. What is the use of Internet?
Or Explain various usages of Internet in today’s competitive business environment. (2013-14
Ans. Uses of Internet: Internet is very useful in our daily life and its uses are as follows:
1. The educators use it to educate people in their expertise area.
2. Professionals use it to consult. They can earn money by doing jobs sitting at their homes.
3. Business managers use it to compete with others.
4. Scientists use Internet for their research and development works to solve the problems.
5. A college student can send e-mail to his/her parents asking for more money by correspondence via e-mail with his/her professors and work on a project collecting data from questionnaires sent out via e-mail.
6. Doctors from all around the world can help the doctors in remote and can save lives.
7. Physicians use it to heal.
8. Governments use it to disseminate to distribute, i.e. information knowledge, etc.).
9. Journalists use it to report.
10. A student or a person can search jobs with the help of Internet as well as can apply also for the same. If the Internet is with him one can get the job in abroad sitting in his own country The above are a few examples of the advantages of Internet. The list and the application areas are unlimited.