MBA 1st Year New Scheduling System Case Study 1 Questions With Answers Study Case Study Notes Question With Answers 2015-16

Case Study 1
New Scheduling System (2015-16)
MBA Topic Chapter Semester Wise Sample Model Practice Question Answer Papers
You are the General Manager of a large company. After an extensive study of operations, you approved the installation of new machines and a new scheduling system. This investment was expected to result in substantial increase in the productivity and decrease in manufacturing costs. To the surprise of everyone, the productivity has not increased as expected. In fact, productivity has dropped, quality has fallen off and workers complaints have increased after the installation of new machines.
The representatives of the machine suppliers have thoroughly checked the operations in plant and are satisfied that the plant should operate at peak efficiency. You have reason to believe that new scheduling system may be the sub-ordinates insist that the new scheduling system is culprit. But your immediate is operating as intended. Some believe that the drop in productivity is entirely due to workers’ psychology. Others feel that lower productivity is caused by a combination of factors such as poor training, poor supervision, lack of financial incentives and poor morale..
Your president called you in the morning and reviewed your production figures for the last quarter. He is concerned that the problem was yours and you should resolve this problem without further delay.
Q.1. What are the issues in the case?
Ans. The issues in the case are:
1. The installation of new machines and a new scheduling system was made after an extensive study of operations.
2. According to the expectations of substantial increase in productivity and decrease in manufacturing costs of investment, the productivity has not increased but dropped, quality has fallen off and the workers’ complaints have increased.
Q.2. Do you agree with the General Manager’s approach in the introduction of change in the organisation? Give reasons for your answer.
Ans. General Manager, though had taken a right step in the introduction of change in the organisation, but he had to look after the capabilities of staff and other officials too, their technical skills and education, etc. As is indicated, some of the staff members feel that the drop in productivity is entirely due to workers’ psychology while others believe that lower productivity is caused by a combination of factors like poor training, poor supervision, lack of financial incentives and poor morale. So. General Manager had to look through these factors before introducing any change like that of approving the installation of new machines and a new scheduling system.
MBA 1st Year New Scheduling System Case Study 1 Questions With Answers
Q.3. As the General Manager, what steps will you take to resolve the problem?
Ans. As the General Manager, the steps which I will take to resolve this problem can be: 1. Before any new installation, the manager and other staff members would be properly trained about the scheduling system and the working of machines.
2. The leader or manager would be appointed to supervise the lower officials and workers about the quality and work efficiency.
3. The workers would be offered financial incentives for their over time work or honest w seeing their work quality or improved efficiency.
4. They would be motivated for their future progress with the growth of the company.