MBA 1ST Year Operation Concept Sample Model Question Answers in English :- In this post you will find MBA 1 year related to important questions related to the answer such as the Operation Concept Answer and many other important questions. Very Short Questions are answered in section A
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Section A
Q.1. What do you mean by a product and a service? Ans. A product is a tangible and discernible item that the organization produces including digital file based output. A service is the production of an essentially intangible benefit either in its own right or as a significant element of a tangible product, which through some form of exchange, stashes an identified need
Q.2. What is the key difference between a product and a service?
Ans. A product is something that once a person buys, he has it like a laptop is a product while a service is something that only lasts as long as someone is doing something for him like broadband is a service.
Q.3. What do you understand by product design?
Ans. Product design in its broadest sense includes the whole development of the product through all the preliminary stages until actual manufacturing begins.
Q.4. Write the characteristics of a good product design.
Ans. A good product design should contain the following characteristics:
1. Functionality,
2. Quality,
3. Maintainability,
4. Reliability,
5. Cost effectiveness,
6. Safety,
7. Productivity,
8. Standardization.
MBA 1ST Year Operation Concept Sample Model Question Answers in English
Q.5. What are the elements of product design?
Ans. The elements of product design are manufacturability, modular design, research and development, computer-aided design and life cycle of a product, etc.
Q.6. Give the importance of product design.
Ans. The importance of product design is explained as:
1. It is a critical factor in organizational success.
2. It is important in making more profits.
3. It shapes the product’s quality.
4. It is an essential activity for firms competing in a global environment.
5. It plays a vital role in lowering the cost of manufacture for competitive advantage.
Q.7. What are the factors affecting product design?
Ans. The factors affecting product design are:1 Customer’s Perspectives: They are normally in four different sectors such as function: aesthetics, user friendliness and esteem associated with possession. Organizational Perspectives: They involve intrinsic cost of material, intrinsic cost of labor, replacement, exchange and disposal.
MBA 1ST Year Operation Concept Sample Model Question Answers in English
Q.8. What are the basic principles of successful product and service designs? Ans. The basic principles of successful product and service designs are:
1. Translate customers’ wants and needs.
2. Refine existing products and services.
3. Develop new products and services.
4. Formulate quality goals and cost targets.
5. Construct and test prototypes.
6. Document specifications.
7. Translate products and service specifications into process specifications.
Q.9. What are the characteristics of service design?
Ans. The characteristics of service design are:
1. It is the specification and construction of processes that delivers valuable capacities for action to a particular customer.
2. It is an activity that suggests behavioral patterns or scripts to the actors interacting in the service.
Q.10. What are the important characteristics of services?
Ans. Service businesses have unique characteristics that should be explored and understood when developing a marketing plan and competitive strategy. The key characteristics of services are intangibility, inseparability, perish ability and variability.
MBA 1ST Year Operation Concept Sample Model Question Answers in English
Q.11. How are services classified?
Ans. Services are intangible in nature and can be classified on the basis of their operations, level of tangibility, customer employee presence and relationship and customization or empowerment.
Q.12. What are the steps in capacity planning process?
Ans. The steps in capacity planning process are:
1. Estimate future capacity requirements.
2. Evaluate existing capacity and facilities and identify gaps.
3. Identify alternatives for meeting requirements.
4. Conduct financial analyses of each alternative.
5. Assess key qualitative issues for each alternative.
6. Select the alternative to pursue that will be best in the long-term.
7. Implement the selected alternative.
8. Monitor results.
Q.13. What do you mean by SERVQUAL model?
Ans. The SERVQUAL model is an empirical model by Zenithal, Parasuraman and Berry to compare service quality performance with customer service quality needs. It is used to do a gap analysis of an organization’s service quality performance against the service quality needs of its customers. It is also called a GAP model.
Q.14. What are the generic dimensions of SERVQUAL instrument?
Ans. SERVQUAL instrument is a predominant method used to measure consumers’ perceptions of service quality. It has five generic dimensions-tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy.