MBA 1st year Production Technology Concept Very Short Question Answers: First Semester Examination Very Short Question Answers MBA Unit -1 and Production Technology Very Short Sample Question Paper in English

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Q.1. What is operations management?
Ans. Operations management is the process whereby resources flowing within a defined system are combined and transformed in a controlled manner to add value in accordance with policies communicated by management.
Q.2. Define the term production.
Ans. Production is defined as the step by step conversion of one form of
material into another form through chemical or mechanical process to create or
enhance the utility of the product ot the user. Thus, production is a value
addition process and at each stage of processing, there will be value addition.
Q.3. What is production management?
Ans. Production management is a process of planning organizing, directing and controlling the activities of the production function. It combines and transforms various resources used in the production subsystem of the organization into value added product in a controlled manner as pre the policies of the organization.
Q.4. State the objective of production management.
Ans. The objective of the production management is to produce goods and services of right quality and quantity at the right time at right manufacturing cost.
Q.5. Which factors influence the choice of production processes?
Ans. The following factors influence the choice of production processes:
- Volume of product,
- Capacity of plant,
- Lead time,
- Environment
- Efficiency.
MBA 1st year Production Technology Concept Very Short Question Answers
Q.6. The following problems are faced by the production management:
1. Problem of location of plant,
2. problem of plant layout,
3. Problem of Quality control,
4. Problem of product designing,
5. Problem of labour Control
6. Problem of cost control.
Q.7. What are the activities that for, the scope of production function?
Ans. The activities that form the scope of production function are:
- Activities related to production system designing.
- Activities related to analyzing and controlling of production operation.
Q.8. What do you mean by productivity?
Ans. Productivity is an average measure of the efficiency of production and can be expressed as the ratio of output to inputs used in the production process, e output per unit of input. It is a measure of total efficiency of a production process and as such the objective to be maximised in production process.
Q.9. How can firms Improve their productive efficiency?
Ans. Firms can improve their productive efficiency in three ways:
1. Improvements in technical efficiency 2. Technological progress and organisational change,
3. Increasing returns to scale
Q.10. How can productivity growth be measured?
Ans. Measured productivity is the ratio of a measure of total outputs to a measure of inputs used in the production of goods and services. Productivity growth is estimated by subtracting the growth in inputs from the growth in output. The most common productivity measures used are:
- Labour productivity (LP). 1. Multi-factor productivity (MFP).
MBA 1ST Year production Concept Very Short Sample Question Paper in English
Q.11. What do you mean by MFP?
Ans. Multi-factor productivity measures the growth in value added output (real gross output less intermediate inputs) per unit of labour and capital input used. Its calculation requires independent measures of inputs and outputs. It is a measure closer to the concept of productive efficiency, i.e. LP as it removes the contribution of capital deepening from the residual.
Q.12. What are the influences of measured productivity growth?
Ans. Measured productivity growth reflects a number of influences:
1. Changes in the productive efficiency of economy. 2. Changes in unmeasured inputs which affect the real costs of production. 3. Lags between investment and when it is utilised in production. 4. Variations in utilisation of inputs due to economic cycles.
5. Errors and discrepancies in the underlying estimates of inputs, outputs and prices.
Q.13. What are the factors that affect productivity?
Ans. The main factors that affect productivity are:
1. Technical factors,
2. Production factors,
3. Organisational factors,
4. Personnel factors,
5. Finance factors,
6. Management factors.
Q.14. What are the uses of productivity measures?
Ans. Measures of productivity describe how well the resources of an organisation are being used to produce the input. They are useful in achieving and maintaining high level of performance in any organisation particularly in improving the efficiency of various operations within the organisation as well as for the total organisation.
Q.15. How can productivity be improved?
Ans. Productivity can be improved by increasing the outputs keeping the inputs constant or by giving the same quantity of outputs with reduced inputs or by increasing outputs and at the same time reducing inputs. The methods are:
- Improving systems and methods of operations, 2. Improving planning and scheduling, 3. Improving control, 4. Improving motivation of people.
Production Operations and Supply Chain Management
MBA 1ST Year Production Technology Very Short Sample Paper in English
Q.16. What do you mean by production technology?
Ans. Production technology is the machinery that makes creating a tangible physical product possible for a business. It is a system for scheduling the manufacture of products and managing stock inventory that aims to optimise costs, minimise inventory and maintain a steady work flow.
Q.17. What are the different types of manufacturing processes used in production technology?
Ans. The different types of manufacturing processes used in production technology are:
1. Repetitive,
2. Discrete,
3. Job shop,
4. Continuous process,
5. Batch process.
Q.18. What is continuous flow process?
IS. Continuous flow process is the process that produce items continuously usually in a highly automated process. Examples include chemical plants, refineries and electric generation facilities.
Q.19. What is analytical process?
Ans. In analytical process, a raw material is broken down into different products.
For example, Crude oil is broken into petrol, gas, diesel oil, etc.
Q.20. What is synthetic process?
Ans. Synthetic process involves the mixing of two or more materials to manufacture a product.
For example, Paper manufacturing.