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Q.1. What is a computer?
Ans. A computer is a combination of electronic and electromechanical equipments capable of solving problems by automatically accepting and storing input data, process them and produce up results under the direction of a detailed step-by-step instructions of a program.
Q.2. Write the basic functions of a computer.
Ans. The basic functions of a computer are:
1. Inputting.
2. Storing.
3. Processing.
4. Outputing.
5. Controlling.
Q.3. What do you mean by data? (2013)
Ans. Data means raw facts and figures, which are used in processing by human or electronic machine. Data has an indefinite meaning.
Q.4. What is data processing system?
Ans. Data processing system is a system that performs data processing which could be performed either manually by humans or electronically by the computer. Computer can accept the data, store the data, process the data, receive the data and print the data. So, computer is called as a data processing system.
Q.5. Define Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU).
Ans. ALU is the place where the actual execution of the instructions takes place. ALU performs the four basic arithmetic operations, i.e. add, subtract, multiply and divide and logic operations or comparisons, i.e. is less than, is equal to, is greater than, etc.
Q.6. What do you mean by output unit?
Ans. The output unit supplies information and results of computation to the outside world (i.e. to the user or other computer). It links the computer with the user. Devices of output unit (such as monitor, printer, etc.) are used to provide output to the user.
Q.7. What is Central Processing Unit (CPU)?
Ans. cpu is the brain of the computer system. In a computer system, all major calculations and
made inside the CPU and the CPU is also responsible for activating and controlling the operations of other units of a computer system.
Q.8. Write down the four characteristics of first generation computer.
Ans. The four characteristics of first generation computer are as follows:
1. Very large in size.
2. High power consumption.
4. Manufacturing cost was high.
3. Aircooling conditions were must.
Q.9. What do you understand by the computer language?
Ans. A computer language is a means of communication used to communicate between the user and wie computer. With the help of a computer language, a programmer tells a computer what he/she wants w o. Each symbol of a computer language is used to instruct the computer to do a particular job.
MBA 1st Year Semester Hardware Very Short Questions Answers Study Material Notes
Q.10. How does a computer language differ from a natural language?
Ans. The main difference between a natural language and a computer language is that natural 100guages have a large vocabulary but most of the computer languages use a very limited or restricted Vocabulary. Each and every problem to be solved by a computer has to be broken down into discrete (simple and separate) logical steps which basically comprise of four fundamental operations-Input and output operations, arithmetic operations, movement of information within the CPU and logical or comparison operations.
Q.11. In how many types, computer languages can be classified in terms of generation?
Ans. Computer language can be classified as:
1. First Generation (Late 1940s)-Machine Language.
2. Second Generation (Early 1950s)-Assembly Language. 3. Third Generation (Late 1950s to 1970s)-High Level Language.
4. Fourth Generation (Late 1970 onwards)-Including a whole range of query languages and
other tools, e.g. SQL, ORACLE, FoxPro, Dbase, etc.