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MBA 1st Year Semester Oral Communication Long Question Answers Notes

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Q.1. What do you understand by oral communication? Explain in brief the methods of on communication.

Ans. Oral Communication: Oral communication refers to the spoken words. It takes the forma sounds and words. Oral communication is also referred to as verbal communication. It takes plan IT between individuals with the help of words. Oral communication takes place in many ways.

Oral communication encompasses conversations, monologue, dialogue, talk, speech and chat some of them are premediated and some are not. Formal speeches are preplanned and well structured whereas informal ones are unstructured and often loosely worded. Oral communication plays a ver vital role in everyday life, both for individuals and organisations. It is indeed, the most commonly use method of communication both at the social as well as the organisational level. Everyone makes use oral communication in their transactions and the interactions.

Direct person-to-person communication plays a very useful role in any organisation, essentia in work situations, where employer-employee, superior-subordinate and service provider-custom interact. Oral communication is a speedy two-way process. The message conveyed through communication is instantaneous. The message can travel back and forth without any loss of time is possible for the receiver of the message to respond immediately to the sender making the proc highly interactive.

Methods of Oral Communication

Oral communication may take place in the following ways:

1. Face-to-Face Communication: Face-to-face communication is the most natural way of transmitting the message. Oral orders, face-to-face interviews, lectures, group discussions, social gatherings, etc. are frequently used in our daily life. These have the merit of achieving greater cooperation and understanding the because the communicator can convey the message both by words and expressions or gestures. Moreover the listener can make queries if he has any doubt or if he is not able to understand the messages.

2. Communication through Mechanical or Electronic Devices: Comspoken words and it is a vital, unication is also possible by the use of the electronic or mechanical devices

such as telephone, intercom system, pagerintegral part of the modern cell phones, Internet, etc.

(a) Telephone: Telephone is the most common medium of communication. Telephone could be used internally in the organisation as well as externally. For Internal use of telephone as a medium of communication, extensions are used which are comme through a switchboard, or console. Various types of telephone equipments are intercom, i.e. inter communication system, dictaphone, electric paging system, etc.

(b) Intercom System: Intercom system is used for oral communication. It is generally used when sufficient telephone extensions are not possible. It is used to communicate internally in the organisation. Generally intercom equipment has an automatic switchboard which allows the extension users to dial other extension users directly. An executive may need to refer to his staff or they may need to refer to each other frequently and quickly.

(c) Dictaphone: A dictaphone is a mechanical device which is used by the executive for giving dictation to stenos. Sometimes, it is also used to send message. If an executive is required to leave some message or instruction for his subordinate who is not available, he may dictate the message to the machine which records the message on the cassette. The cassette can be later on played by the concerned person to receive the message.

(d) Electric Paging System: This mechanical device is used by enterprises like departmental stores, insurance companies, hospitals, etc. where the top executives normally move from one place to another in the premises of the organisation. This system is used internally in the organisation and is operated through telephone switchboard.

(e) Buzzer: A signal may be an electric bell or a buzzer which is chiefly used in the organisation, to call a person or an attendant. A signal indicates that someone or something is wanted by the executive. It does not convey the message.

(f) Cellular Phone: Cellular phone is cordless mobile communication device which facilitates two way communication in the most widest range of geographical areas. The caller need not to know the location of the person being called. Here a message could be oral as well as written to the concerned person anywhere and anytime. Written message could be transmitted through the service called as SMS (Short Message Service).

Q.2. List out the principles of oral communication. How a manager can effectively use his/her oral communication skills in business?(2014-15)

Or Would you advise selective attention for a manager? Explain.(2015-16)

Ans.                  Principles of Oral Communication

There are certain principles to be followed for effective oral communication:

1. A message to be delivered should be brief and neither too short nor too long.

2. Clarity of ideas is must before you start talking and then only, one can put ideas in continuity

in clear cut terms.

3. Speaking in exact details using the right words at right place can only convey the meaning intended by the speaker.

4. Cliches must be avoided in oral communication like ‘I mean’, ‘Oh really, etc. but a speaker may use them unconsciously when he is involved in a serious mood of conversation.

5. Consistency, conversation and logical development of subject-matter should be there.

6. One must be conscious to avoid jargon in his conversation which is a field relating to a particular section of profession.

7. Using more words does not show clarity so superflous words must not be used.

8. Use of unnecessary prepositions must be avoided.

9. Adjectives and adverbs should be used when they are required and they emphasise the meaning with the degree of importance.

10. Seven Cs of communication should be used: Completeness, conciseness, consideration, concreteness, clarity, courtesy and correctness.

Use of Oral Skills by the Manager

In oral communication, the most important skill is to impress upon the other person that one is interested in his/her statements. For this, find out the difficult words and show out their meaning.

Reflecting on someone’s statement must be done very carefully for which someone’s feeling must be understood exactly and accurately. A manager must speak in such a manner that the person feels that he has seen the issue from his point of view and needs very skilful dramatisation of the initial statement. A manager must use his body language to support his words. He must have a selective attention over his people.

The purpose of reflecting on something is to help the other person to see his feelings and ideas with more clarity and accuracy. So, a manager has to repeat the feelings expressed by the audience. He must not criticise or question or add to when any person says. Thus, his body language should show his real interest in any one, i.e. his attention towards his audience.

Q.3. Explain in brief the nature and purpose of listening. What is the significance of effective listening?

Or ‘Listening is the cornerstone of effective communication.’ Elucidate.(2015-16)

Ans. Listening Skills: Listening is a major ingredient of the communication process and the lack of this skill is primarily responsible for many of the problems rather the message, the speaker wants to communicate would not be properly understood by the listener and thus, the purpose of communication would not be fulfilled. Effective listening is one of the crucial skills related to effective communication and it requires more than merely hearing the speaker. It requires grasping and also understanding. It includes active, empathetic and supportive behaviour.

At times the speaker feels that the person to whom he wants to communicate has not understood the message the way he wanted him to. The main reason for this is failure on the part of the listener to listen effectively. Of course, the possibility arises where the speaker might not have conveyed the message effectively. But the importance of effective listening could not be ignored in the communication process. At the same time, speaking effectively is also quite important.

Nature and Purpose of Listening

Linguistic skills of expression consist of speaking and writing for sending messages and listening and reading for receiving them. Generally, we spend more time on listening than on speaking which is oral communication. For managing the business effectively, listening is the most significant skills to be inculcated in the job related assignments in their firms by the manager. Effective listening requires paying attention, interpreting and remembering sound stimuli.

There are various objectives of listening; to learn, to increase one’s understanding, to increase one’s options and to relieve one’s boredom. Commonly, we tend to listen to those matters that are of our interests, attitudes and beliefs. However, at times we do not like to listen to unrelated subjects that may

although be informative. In the professional world, listening turns out to be very significant function. Apart from going through manuals and other written materials, employees of the organisation, a lot of information about their jobs by listening to their colleagues and superiors. In addition to formal kind of communication the informal and the interpersonal transactions of message plays a significant role in the performing of the day-to-day work. Harmonious personal relationship that smoothens these transactions, can be established through effective listening.

Listening indeed plays a substantial and definitive role in the process of decision-making. Very often, company executives work upon their listening skills before deciding on the course of action. So, it is also a cornerstone of effective communication.

Significance of Listening Effectively

The ability to listen well is equally important as the ability to speak well. In communication, however good a transmitter is, it becomes effective only in partnership with a good receiver. It is obvious that unless someone listens, any effort to communicate will be lost. After all communication involves the negotiation of mutual meanings, which require two parties, i.e. communicator and listener. Effective human relations is based heavily on good listening skills. Poor listeners are usually also poor negotiators and are also ineffective in crisis situations.

Effective listening is one of the critical skills related to effective communication. It requires more than merely hearing the speaker. It requires grasping and understanding. It includes active, empathetic and supportive behaviours. Some of the important facts about effective listening are as follows:

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