MBA 1st Year Social Cultural and Competitive Environment Long Question Answer :- In this Post you will find MBA 1 year related to important questions related to the answer such as the Economic Political Legal Business Answer and many other important questions. Very Short Questions are answer in English Section C
Section C

Q.1 Explain the traditional values and their impact on social and cultural environment.
Ans. traditional values and their impact: Due to economic liberalisation and globalisation, the world has become a Global village’ there is increasing interaction between people of different countries. As a result, food habits, dress habits, lifestyle and views are being internationalised. The influence of globalisation on such aspects are analysed under the following,
1. Religion
India is birth pirth place of different religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. Indian religions are a major form of world religions next to the Abrahamic ones. India is one of the most religiously diverse nations in the world, with some of the most deeply religious societies and cultures. Religion still plays a central and definitive role in the life of most of its people. Despite the strong role of religinon in Indian life, atheism and agnostics also have visible influence along with a self ascribed tolerance to other faiths.
Impact: Along with Christian religion came the rest of British or western culture, thought and customs and the gradual end of traditional ways of life. Thus our traditional religions and cultures were gradually subverted or eliminated. The new Indian converts to Christianity were encouraged not only to give up their religions but their culture, which often had religious or spiritual implications as well. A good Indian Christian convert would dress like an Englishman and emulate English manners in all things. Thus in India the Hindus who converted to Christianity were encouraged to think, behave and live like Englishmen.
The traditional Indian culture is defined by relatively strict social hierarchy. From an early age Children are reminded of their roles and places in society. Several differences such as religion divide culture. However, far more powerful division is the traditional Hindu bifurcation into non-polluting and polluting occupations. Strict social taboos have governed these groups for thousands of years. Among developing countries, India has low levels of occupational and geographic mobility. People choose same occupations as their parents and rarely move geographically in the society.
(a) Family: India for ages, has had a prevailing tradition of the joint family system. Arranged marriages have the tradition in Indian society for centuries. Overwhelming majority of Indians have their marriages planned by their parents and other respected family members, with the consent of the bride and groom. Although women and men are equal before the law and the trend towards gender equality has been noticeable, women and men still occupy distinct functions in Indian society. Woman’s role in the society is often to perform household works and somewhat community work
(b) Greeting: Namaste, Namaskar or Namaskaram is a common spoken greeting or salutation in the Indian subcontinent. When spoken to another person, it is commonly accompanied by a slight bow made with hands pressed together, palms touching and fingers pointed upwards, in front of the chest.
(c) Festivals: India, being a multi-cultural and multi-religious society, celebrates holidays and festivals of various religions. The three national holidays in India are the Independence Day, the Republic Day and Gandhi Jayanti, popular religious festivals are Diwali, Durga puja, Holi, Rakshabandhan. Dussehra, Ramzaan, Christmas, etc.
Impact: These are as follows:
1. Nuclear families are emerging.
2. Divorce rates are rising day-by-day.
3. Men and women are gaining equal right to education, to earn and to speak.
4. ‘Hi’, ‘Hello’ is used to greet people in spite of Namaskar and Namaste.
5. American festivals like Valentines day, Friendship day, etc. are spreading across India.
3. Cuisine
The multiple families of Indian cuisine are characterised by their sophisticated and sub many spices and herbs. Though a significant portion of Indian food is vegetarian, many tu Indian dishes also include chicken, goat, lamb, fish, and other meats. Cuisine across India been influenced by various cultural groups that entered India throughout history, such as the pa Mughals and European colonists. Though the tandoor originated in Central Asia, Indian dishes, such as chicken tikka made with Indian ingredients, enjoy widespread popularity.
Impact: Indian cuisine is one of the most popular cuisines across the globe. Historically. In spices and herbs were one of the most sought after trade commodities. Pizzas, burgers, chinese and other western foods have become quite popular.
4. Clothing
Traditional Indian clothing for women are the sarees and also Ghaghra Cholis, for men tradit. clothes are dhoti and kurta. In southern India men wear long, white sheets of cloth called dhoti with shirts Women wear a saree draped over a simple or fancy blouse. This is worn by woman, Little girls wear a pavada.
Traditionally, the red bindi (or sindoor) was worn only by the married mau women, but now it has become a part of women’s fashion.
Impact: Indo-western clothing, the fusion of western and sub continental fashion is in tren Wearing jeans, t-shirts, mini skirts have become common among Indian girls.
5. Performing Arts
(a) Music: The music of India includes multiple varieties of religious folk, popular pop and classical music. India’s classical music includes two distinct styles: Carnatic and Hindustani music. It remaine instrumental to the religious inspiration, cultural expression and pure entertainment.
(b) Dance: Indian dance too has diverse folk and classical forms. Bharatanatyam, kathak, kathakali mohiniyattam, kuchipudi, odissi are popular dance forms in India. Kalaripayattu or Kalari for short is considered one of the world’s oldest martial art. There have been many great practitioners of Indian martial arts including Bodhidharma who supposedly brought Indian martial arts to China.
Impact: These are as follows:
1. Indian classical music has gained worldwide recognition.
2. Western music is becoming very popular in our country.
3. Fusing Indian music along with western music is encouraged among musicians.
4. More Indian dance shows are held globally.
5. The number of foreigners who are eager to learn Bharatanatyam is rising.
6. Western dance forms such as Jazz, Hip hop, Salsa, Balley have become common among Indian youngsters.
6. Education and Employment
School buildings are available in few villages but number of teachers is inadequate in primary schools. Benches, boards and other facilities are of sub-standard quality. There is, however, one positive development that girls are attending the schools in the villages. Also the number of students attending! graduate and post graduate courses is increasing but awareness among students from rural areas lacks towards technical education and that is the single reason that most of the students from rural areas are unable to secure employment.
7. Technology, Culture and Social Values
Technology has failed to percolate to villages in absence of electricity and other communication infrastructure. Few people know about the internet. However, well-to-do families have availed DTH and dish TV facilities. Mobile connections are increasing in rural areas but at slower pace. There are ne small scale industries in villages to provide employment to educated youth. India’s real culture is som
preserved in rural life. New advancement of technology has not influence in rural areas. Peopal still prefer to wear dresses of old fashion and celebrate festivals in old styles. Folk dances and folk People songs are still popular among villagers. Culture is still untouched and unaffected by western influence Globalisation has no impact on rural life as standards of living are suboptimal but migration of people is taking place and poor people are moving to urban areas in search of employment
8. Agriculture
Globalisation does not have any positive impact on agriculture. On the contrary, it has few detrimental effects as government is always willing to import food grains, sugar, etc. whenever there is a price increase of these commodities. Government never thinks to pay more to farmers so that they produce more food grains but resorts to imports. On the other hand, subsidies are declining so cost of production is increasing. Even farms producing fertilisers have to suffer due to imports. There are also threats like introduction of GM crops, herbicide resistant crops, etc.
MBA 1st Year Social Cultural and Competitive Environment Long Question Answer
Q.2. How do you achieve good corporate governance?
Ways to Achieve Good Corporate Governance: Since the voluntary compliance to sound corporate practices have failed in large measure, there is a need to codify the good Practices as law. There is a need to institute checks and balances in the functioning of the management and the board. Thus kumar Mangalam Birla Committee was appointed by SEBI to make recommendations. The committee made number of recommendations, some being for mandatory compliance (suffixed)
With M in Following text) and others being non-mandatory (suffixed with V). Kumar Mangalam Birla Committee laid a great emphasis on Board of Directors for ensuring corporate governance. Even among the directors, it trusted independent directors to be the real watch dogs for ensuring corporate governance. Independence has been unambiguously defined in the report and following are the salient recommendations of Birla Committee:
1. Number of Non-executive Directors (M): The non-executive directors brought external and wider perspective and independence to the decision-making. Committee recommended that minimum 50% of the directors should be non-executive directors.
2. Increasing the Number of Independent Directors (M): Even though non-executive directors are expected to bring in better objectivity and independence in decision-making, there is a still ample room for bigotry since every non-executive director is not an independent director (nominee directors are not independent directors). Therefore, it recommended the following minimum number of independent directors in the board:
(a) In case, chairman of the Board of directors is a non-executive director, one-third of the total directors should be independent directors.
(b) If chairman is an executive director, half of the directors should be independent directors.
3. Attractive Financial Remuneration (V): Committee recommended attractive financial remuneration to ensure that people of merit are attracted to take up the directorship of the companies.
4. Nominee Directors (M): Nominee directors do not represent their own company but also the general stakeholders as well. They, thus, have same responsibility and accountability towards general Shareholders as any other director has. They are, therefore, prohibited from communicating material Information of any department of parent company which they could use to play in stock market.
5. Audit Committee (M): It should consist of at least 3 members and all non-executive directors with majority being of independent directors. The committee should meet at least thrice a year. Committee has powers to investigate any activity within its terms of reference.
6. Frequency of Board Meetings (M): The committee recommended that board meetings should be held at least four times in a year, with a maximum time gap of four months between any two meetings.
Limit on Number of Directorships (M): The committee recommended that a director should not be a member in more than 10 committees or he should act as chairman of more than five committees across all companies in which he is a director:
8. Transparency in declaring remuneration of all directors (M).
9. Accounting Standards and Financial Reporting (M):
(a) Consolidation of Accounts of Subsidiaries: The companies should be required to give Consoidated accounts in respect of all its subsidiaries in which they hold 51% or more of the share capital.
(b) Segment Reporting: Financial reporting in respect of each product segment should be available to shareholders and the market to obtain a complete financial picture of the company
Disclosure and treatment of related party transactions.
10. Disclosure of Interest by Directors (M): The committee recommended that disclosures must be made by the management to the board relating to all material, financial and commercial transactions, which have shareholding of where they have personal interest, that may have a potential com at large (e.g. dealing in company shares, commercial dealings with bodies management and their relatives, etc).
11. Report on Corporate Governance (M): The committee recommended be a separate section on corporate governance in the annual reports of companies, with a detailed compliance report on corporate governance. Unfortunately, there is more of lip service than real intent in this field. The industry Company Law Board, SEBI and even government have all been less than what is keen on achieving good corporate governance. Despite the reports on corporate governance being available with every implementation agency for over 10 years, little has been done to implement these recommendations. While there is a talk of SEBI issuing a guideline-increasing the number of independent directors, there is virtually no talk in any quarter on the suggestions so as to introduce a random appointment of auditor from a selected pool of auditors.