MBA First Year Business Environment Model Question Mock Paper 2

Mock Paper-II
Time: 3 hours] [Maximum Marks: 100
Note: The question paper contains three sections. Attempt all sections.
Section A
Note: Attempt all questions of the following: 2×10=20)
1. (a) Mention the salient features of business environment.
(b) Explain the concept of mixed economy.
(c) Explain the reasons behind low profitability in the public enterprises.
(d) Describe the features of monetary policy in India.
(e) what is corporate governance? Describe the reasons for its growing demand.
(f) Explain business ethics.
(g) Explain the concept of technology and global competitiveness.
(h) Explain technology management.
(i) What are MNCs? Give its features.
(j) What are the benefits of WTO to India?
MBA First Year Business Environment Model Question Mock Paper 2
Section B
Note: Attempt any five questions from this section. (10×5=50)
2. What do you mean by internal and external environment of business? Explain the main characteristics of business environment.
3. What do you mean by public enterprises? Why are they needed in India? What are their main problems? How can these problems by solved?
4. What do you understand by fiscal policy? What are the objectives and instruments of fiscal policy? Discuss its importance too.
5. Describe Michael Porter’s five forces of competitive position analysis.
6. Describe the status of technology in India.
7. Discuss in detail about the impact of technological change on business activity.
8. Why do you think is globalisation important for economy? What are the pros and cons of globalisation?
9. What are the modes to foreign market entry?
MBA First Year Business Environment Model Question Mock Paper 2
Section C
10. Read the following case and answer the questions given at the end of the case (10×3=30)
Nano from Tata’s may be flash point. There were other heroes who proved to be successful innovators in India.
Ujwal Parghi is one among them. As director of Shri Kamadhenu Electronics, the Anand based comany founded by seven young entrepreneurs with less than half a million rupees as seed capital, He has been part of the innovation wave. His firm has developed Akashganga, an automatic milk collection and accounting system that has made lives of dairy farmers in cooperatives much easier What previously took over five minutes, now gets done in just 30 seconds, saving dairy farmers From serpentine queues where they had to worry about their milk getting spoilt by the time it was measured. The machine incorporates a milk analyser that provides data on six parameters of milk simultaneously and helps to monitor adulteration. Little wonder that Akashganga in addition to big dairy and food clients, such as Amul, Nestle India transformed milk collection systems across Maharashtra, Bihar, Jharkhand and Rajasthan and has even found a ready market in countries like Kenya, Uganda, Vietnam and Nepal.
(i) In what way innovations affect the business environment? Why?
(ii) What are the advantages of becoming the first in technology in a particular industry?
(iii) The Nano car introduced in April 2009 is affecting the business environment of small cars segment. Explain.