MBA First Year Business Environment Model Question Mock Paper 3

Mock Paper-III
Time: 3 hours] [Maximum Marks: 100
Note: The question paper contains three sections. Attempt all sections.
Section A
Note: Attempt all questions of the following: (2×10=20)
1. (a) Explain the significance of business environment.
(D) Discuss about the changes in business environment in India.
(C) Define socialism.
(d) Discuss the salient features of FEMA.
(e) Explain the limitations of fiscal policy of India and give the suggestions for the improvement of fiscal policy.
(f) What are the effects of socio-culture on business?
(g) Explain social responsibility.
(h) What are the aspects of appropriate technology?
(i) Define globalisation.
(j) What are export processing zones? Explain its objectives.
MBA First Year Business Environment Model Question Mock Paper 3
Section B
Note: Attempt any five questions from this section. (10×5=50)
2. What is business environment? Explain the economic environment of business.
3. What are the objectives of monetary policy in India? Discuss its working in detail.
4. Do you think that social responsibility conflicts with economic objectives of a business? How can social responsibility be used as a tool to achieve business goals?
5. What are the effects of technological change on the global economic structure?
6. Explain technological leadership and followership.
7. What are the international forces in business environment?
8. Explain the role and functions of WTO.
9. What are the various stages of globalisation? Why do companies go for globalisation?
MBA First Year Business Environment Model Question Mock Paper 3
Section C
Read the following case and answer the questions given at the end of the case: (10×3=30)
Indian leather exports, an important foreign exchange earner for the country has been reportedly Hit hard the decision of some major vs retail chains like Eddie Bauer, L.L. Bean, Timberland and or and casual corner and German company, Badeer to boycott leather goods from India in protest against The ill treatment of animals here. This move came shortly after a decision by global retail chains Gap, Marks and L. Spencer, Liz Claiborne and J.Crew not to buy Indian leather goods. This development has a lot to do with the lobbying by the US based animal rights group, People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) for a ban on leather goods from India by documenting evidence of ‘Cruelty to animals, killed for making leather. It has been reported that the overseas firms have officially communicated to the Indian outfit of PETA that they will not be sourcing leather products from India until there is strict enforcement of animal protection laws. Following this, the Mumbai based Teja Industries, the official supplier of leather goods for Marks and Spencer in India, started outsourcing leather from other countries to manufacture products for the global chain.
(i) In the light of the above, discuss the implications of social activist groups for business.
(ii) With reference to this case, discuss the failure to the governments, council for leather exports and the leather industry and the lessons of this case.
(iii) What should the governments council for leather exports and the leather industry do to overcome the problem?