MBA Introduction Consumer Behaviour Consumer Decision Very Short Question Answers
MBA Introduction Consumer Behaviour Consumer Decision Very Short Question Answers: A2zNotes Presents study material Long Question Answer Notes by the Latest MBA Syllabus for Consumer Behaviour. A Collection of Question-Answers compiled and Edited by A2zNotes Well Experienced Authors Based on Latest Two-Years MBA Curriculum. Here in this post, we will provide you with Long Questions and Answers for Consumer Behaviour and Consumer Decisions.
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MBA Introduction Consumer Behaviour Consumer Decision Very Short Question Answers
1. What do you mean by consumer behaviour?
Ans. Consumer behaviour is the study of how individuals, groups and organisations select, buy, use and dispose of goods and services, ideas or experiences to satisfy their needs and wants. It focuses on how individuals make decisions to spend their available resources on consumption-related items. (MBA Introduction Consumer Behaviour Consumer Decision Very Short Question Answers)
2. Who is a customer?
Ans. A customer is one who purchases and pays for a product or service. It is typically used to refer to someone who regularly purchases from a particular store or company. He is also known as a client user or purchaser and refers to a current or potential buyer or user of the products or organisation called the supplier, seller or vendor.
3. Who is a consumer?
Ans. A consumer is the ultimate user of the product or service who may not have paid for the product or service. Those individuals who purchase for el the purpose of individual or household consumption are the ultimate consumers.
4. What are the characteristics of consumer behaviour?
Ans. Consumer behaviour has the following characteristics:
- It is the process by which individuals decide whether what, in what they search for, when, from whom, where and how much to buy. (MBA Introduction Consumer Behaviour Consumer Decision Very Short Question Answers)
- It comprises both mental and physical activities. satisfy their needs
- It covers both visible and invisible activities of a buyer
- It is a very dynamic, complex and integral part of human behaviour.
5. What are the reasons to study consumer behaviour for marketers?
Ans. As marketers, it is important to recognise why and how individuals make their consumption decisions so that better strategic marketing decisions can be made. If marketers understand consumer behaviour, they are able to predict how consumers are likely to react to various informational needs.
6. Why is the study of consumer behaviour important?
Ans. The study of consumer behaviour is important due to the following reasons:
- Consumer preferences are changing and becoming diversified.
- It helps to take decisions regarding channels of distribution
- It helps to take decisions regarding sales promotion
- Consumers do not always act or react predictably.
7. What is the role of the consumer as a buyer?
Ans. The buyer is the person who actually purchases. The buyer may be the decider or he may be some other person. Children are the deciders for purchasing toys but purchases are made by the parents. So, the parents are buyers.
8. What is the marketer’s task in buying process?
Ans. The marketer’s task is to study the buying process and its main participants and their role in the buying process. He should intimate all of them to make the purchases of his product at different stages and through different strategies
9. What is the use of consumer behaviour knowledge in marketing?
Ans. Consumer behaviour knowledge is essential to the long-run success of any marketing program. It is seen as a cornerstone of the marketing concept and an important orientation of philosophy of many marketing managers. It is used to study
- Consumer needs and wants
- Analysing market opportunities and selecting the target markets.
- Marketing mix decisions-product, price, promotion and distribution
- Social and non-profits marketing
10. Who is the buyer?
Ans. A buyer is an individual who actually makes the purchase transaction whether for his own use or for the use of someone else in the family or outside the family like for an organisation. For example, a wife may be the decision-maker on what brand of kitchen appliance to buy but the buyer could be the husband
11. Who is the user?
Ans. A user is an individual who actually uses the product or service whether purchased by himself or someone else. For example, an infant may not be the buyer of a toy but he certainly is the use of it
12. What are the areas of consumer behaviour applications in marketing?
Ans. Consumer behaviour is utilised by marketers in the following areas:
- Selecting Target Market: A review of market opportunities often helps in identifying distinct consumer segments with very distinct and unique wants and needs.
- Marketing Mix Decisions: Once unsatisfied needs and wants are identified, the marketer has to determine the right mix of products, price, promotion and distribution
- Use in Social and Non-profits Marketing: Consumer behaviour by studies is useful to design various programmes like family planning, etc. (MBA Introduction Consumer Behaviour Consumer Decision Very Short Question Answers)
13. What is the contribution of psychology to organisation behaviour?
Ans. Psychology is a science which describes the change of behaviour of humans and other animals. It is concerned with the study of human behaviour The major contribution of psychology has been concerned with learning personality, perception, individual decision-making performance appraisal, attitude measurement, motivation, job satisfaction, etc.
14. What is the role of sociology on organisational behaviour?
Ans. Sociology has a major impact on the study of organizational behaviour. Sociology makes use of scientific methods in accumulating knowledge about the social behaviour of the groups. Sociology contributes to organisation behaviour through its contribution to the study of interpersonal dynamics like leadership, group dynamics, communication, etc. The attitudes and behavioural patterns of individuals and groups are greatly influenced by socialisation Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Communication.
15. What is the role of consumer behaviour in the contemporary environment?
Ans. The role of the consumer has changed from seeking the services to reconciling the consumer has changed from seeking the most satisfaction from goods and mg consumption with active citizenship that links consumption to modern social issues such as environmental protection sound business ethics and fair working conditions Understanding consumers the way they products the way they relate to questions environmental importance, and the way they participate in public policy formulation processes vital importance to modern society. (MBA Introduction Consumer Behaviour Consumer Decision Very Short Question Answers)
16. What do you know about attribution theory?
Ans Attribution theory is a school construct that the theory is a psychological construct that deals with an individual’s interpretation of events and how this in turn inform affects their behaviour perception and thinking A person trying to figure out why another person acted in a certain manner may brute one or more causes to that behaviour
17. Discuss the attributions in attribution theory
Ans. The attributions in attribution theory are: 1. Internal Attribution is the inference that a person is behaving in a certain way as a res of his personality,
- External Attribution: It is the inference that a person is behaving a certain way because of the situation in which she is or because the situation demands it
18. What is the diffusion of innovation?
Ans. Diffusion of innovation is a theory that aims to explain how, why and the rate at which a product, service or process spreads through a population or social system. It explains the rate at which new ideas and technology spread. The theory is used extensively by marketers to understand the rate at which consumers are likely to adopt a new product or service
19. What are the adopter categories in the diffusion of Innovation theory
Ans. The adopter categories in the diffusion of innovation theory are
- Innovators: Those who want to be the first to try the innovation
- Early Adopters: Those who are comfortable with change and adopting new ideas
- Early Majority: Those who adopt new innovations before the average person.
- Late Majority: Those who are sceptical of change and adopt an innovation if it has been used by the majority of the population.
- Laggards: Those who are very traditional and conservative.
20. What is the importance of diffusion of innovation?
Ans. Diffusion of innovation is important for the following reasons
- It helps marketers understand how trends occur and warns companies of the likelihood of success or failure of their new introduction. (MBA Introduction Consumer Behaviour Consumer Decision Very Short Question Answers)
- Using this theory, firms can predict which types of consumers will purchase their product/service and create effective marketing strategies to push acceptance through each category