MBA Ist Semester Directing And Controlling Long Questions Answers Notes Study Material Notes 3 mock papers for self-assessment Solved case studies for practice.

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Q.1. Planning and organizing lay the foundation for the organization structure while directing initiates actions. Comment upon this statement. (2013-14)
Ans. Planning deals with chalking out a future course of action and deciding in advance the most propriety course of actions for achievement of predetermined goals. It is the determination of courses of action to achieve desired goals. It is systematic thinking about ways and means for the accomplishment of predetermined goals.
Planning provides a clear sense of direction to the activities of the organization and for the job behaviors of the managers and others. It strengthens their confidence in understanding the organization and what measures to be taken to achieve the goals of the organization. It lays down the base for other functions of management which are performed within the framework of plans drawn.
Organizing refers to the process of creating a structure for the organization that will enable its people to work effectively towards its vision, mission, and goals. The process of organizing consists of assigning the tasks necessary to achieve the organization’s goals to the relevant business units,
departments or sections and then providing the necessary coordination to ensure that this business. units, departments or sections work synergistically. The process of organizing is complex in lardy organizations.
“Organisation is a group of people who cooperate under the direction of leaderships, for the accomplishment of a common end. The organisation is the foundation of management. It is an indispensable means for efficient management and better business performance. It facilitates efficient administration and encourages growth and diversification.
Directing is a function of management which is concerned with instructing, guiding and inspiring people in the organization to achieve its objectives. It consists of issuing order and instructions by a superior to his subordinates. It includes the process of motivating subordinates and providing leadership with an understanding of their hopes, beliefs and behavior pattern. Directing is a function of all managers of the organization. It is an ongoing activity of the managers. It initiates actions.
‘Direction is a complex function that includes all those activities which are designed to encourage subordinates to work effectively and efficiently in both short and the long-run. It is an initiating function because it implies giving orders and instructions for converting decisions into actions. It is also a beginning of the subordinate’s execution of their wor So, it can be said that planning and organizing lay the foundation for the organization structure while directing initiates actions.
Q.2. ‘Coordination is considered as the essence of management’. How?
Ans. Coordination can be defined as ‘Synchronization of efforts from the standpoint of time and the sequence of execution’. In general, coordination means bringing together the activities and resources of the organization and bringing harmony in them.
Coordination is the base or primary function of every manager because various departments of an organization are working independently and there is a need to relate and integrate their activities. Coordination-The Essence of Management Coordination brings unity of action and integrates different activities of the organization. Coordination is considered as the essence of management because of the following reasons:
1. Coordination is needed to perform all the Functions of Management
(a) In planning, coordination is required between the main plan and supportive plans of different departments.
(b) In organising, coordination is required between different resources of an organization and also between authority responsibility and accountability.
(c) In staffing, coordination is required between the skills of a
person and job assigned to him, between efficiency and
compensations, etc.
(d) In directing function, coordination is required
between superiors and subordinates, between orders,
instructions, guidelines, and suggestions, etc.
(e) In controlling function, coordination is required
Coordination between standards and actual performance.
2. Coordination is Required at all the Levels
(a) Top-level requires coordination to integrate all the activities of the organization and lead the efforts of all the individuals in one common direction.

(b) Coordination is required at the middle level to balance the activities of different departments so that these can work as a part of one organization only.
(c) The lower level requires coordination to integrate the activities of workers towards the achievement of organizational objectives.
3. Coordination is the Most Important Function of an Organisation
Any company which fails to coordinate its activities cannot sui and run successfully for a long period of time. For example, Allay Company, established in 1942, was 0 Coordination the first company to produce a double-decker bus. It produced a double-decker bus. It was a hidden force that mining successfully as a leading electronic industry, especially in hinds all the other refrigeration industry. By the end of 1980, the company faced the problem of coordination. There was a lack of balance and integration of management of different activities; as a result, the company started facing huge losses and by 1993 the company had an accumulated loss of 168 corers. The company failed to balance its departmental activities and product folios. So, in short, we can say that without coordination no company can work efficiently and earn a profit.

Q.3. Describe the basic control process.
Ans. Control as a management function involves the following steps:
1. Establishing Standards
Standards are criteria against which results are measured. They are norms to achieve their goals. Standards are usually measured in terms of output. They can also be measured in non-monetary terms like loyalty, customer attraction, goodwill, etc. Some of the standards are as follows: