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Q.1. Discuss the concept of direction and also elaborate principles of direction.
Or What do you mean by direction? Give Its characteristics. (2011-12) (2009-10)
Ans. Meaning and Definition of Direction: Management is the art of getting things done by others. In this activity, the managers provide proper guidance to their subordinates, establish effective coordination among their activities and motivates them to contribute towards the attainment objectives of the enterprise. Really speaking, direction implements the policies and procedures o management.
“The heart of administration is the directing function which involves determining the scope, giving orders and instructions and providing dynamic leadership
A good definition of direction is the executive function of guiding and observing subordinates!
Directing deals with the steps, a manager takes to get subordinates and others to carry out plans. On the basis of analytical study of the above definition, it can be concluded that direction means the guidance of the activities of subordinates and to control their performance so that they may contribute to the attainment of predetermined objectives of an enterprise.
characteristics of Direction Notes
Following are included in the nature or characteristics of direction:
1. An Important Function of Management: Direction is an important function of management. All the functions and achievements of W management depend on proper direction.
2. Continuity: Direction is a continuous process because it
is required at every stage of management. It goes with the work. Where the work is in progress, direction continues.
3. To Coordinate: Direction involves the coordination of the supervising and inspiring activities of different employees of enterprise. The success of subordinates in planned direction lies in the coordinated efforts of all employees of the manner. enterprise.
4. To Supervise: Direction is not related only with issuing the orders. It also includes supervision. The managers issuing the orders have to supervise whether the activities are being performed in accordance with the orders issued or not.
5. To Order: Higher officers order their subordinates to do their jobs and the subordinates have to work according to these orders.
6. To Guide: Guidance of subordinates is the most important element of direction. Subordinates are guided by their senior officers so that they may discharge their duties properly. Proper training is also provided to the employees, if required.
7. Performed at all Level of Management: Direction is an essential part of management. It is the function which is performed at all the levels of management. Every superior officer is required to provide guidance and direction to his subordinates. Principles of Direction: Refer to Section-B, Q.5.
Q.2. Give some important requirements of effective direction.
Ans. Direction is not a simple job. It is one of the most complex functions of management. It can be learnt through experiences, some of the important requirements of an effective direction are given below:
1. Direct Supervision: Every superior should maintain direct contact with his subordinates as it will enhance their moral and increase their loyalty towards their boss and organisation. Their wrong actions will also be immediately corrected.
2. Efficient Communication: The communication system in the organisation should be efficient or may give order, allocate jobs, explain duties and ensure performance. enough so that the superior may give orde Efficient communication, on the one hand will enable the superior to know how his subordinates feel the subordinates to know how the company reacts to their problems.
3. Unity of Command: It means that the subordinates should receive orders and instructions from 9. Unity of Command: It means that the sun one superior only because only one person (his immediate superior) knows best about the nature of an easily motivate them to work to their maximum capacity. Secondly, there will be known problem conflicting instructions and divided loyalties.
4. Harmony of Obiectives: The goals of the members of the organization should be in complete organization. For this purpose, he must direct the subordinates to act in mony with the goals of the organization. For ay that these individual goals run in harmony with organizational goals.
5. Thorough Follow-up: The manager should see it that the subordinates follow the instructions Issued by him.
Q.3. What are the various elements of direction?
Ans. Elements of Direction: According to Newman, the directing function of management consist of the following elements:
1. Good Instructions: Every instruction given by the manager in the process of directing the employees must be reasonable, complete and clear. Moreover, instructions must be in writing.
2. Follow-up of Instructions: Once the orders are issued, they should be followed up to see whether they are extended properly or they should be countermended. Insistence on execution of instruction is essential to ensure efficiency in direction.
3. Standard Practice and Indoctrination: Standard practice simplifies the instruction to be given by a manager. There should be no mis-understanding about it. Another aspect of standard practice is indoctrination. It means instilling in subordinates, a set of beliefs and attitudes so that they look at an operating situation in a desirable way.
4. Explanations: While issuing instructions, the manager should explain why the instructions are given and what they mean.
5. Consultatives Direction: Before the issue of an order, the manager should consult the people responsible for executing it, about its feasibility, work ability and the better ways of accomplishing the results.
Q.4. Discuss about the importance of direction in the process of management.
Or What does the directing function of management involve? Discuss the importance of directing In the management process. (2012-13)
Ans. Directing Function of Management: Refer to Section-B, Q.3.
Importance of Direction
The importance of directing function in the process of management may be discussed under the following heads:
1. It Motivates People: The organisational objectives can be realised only when the people working in the organisation are motivated to work willingly and perform well to the best of their abilities. Direction motivates employees to achieve better performance and makes common men to do uncommon things. They begin to realise that their performance alone guarantees organisation’s success.
2. It Facilitates Changes: Change is the law of nature. All organisations operate in a changing environment. Direction helps an organisation to introduce changes smoothly. It facilitates organisational adjustments to cope with the changing conditions through better communication and leadership. For example, change of technology may necessitate introduction of computers and robots in organisations to which employees resist because of fear of unemployment. Such doubts and fears may be removed by the managers by emphasising the fact that automation and computerisation will ultimately help the organisation to achieve growth and thereby attractive incentives to employees
3 It Initiates Organisational Activities: It is through direction that managers seek to achieve goals. Along with planning, organising, staffing, managers must initiate action hy.
(al issuing instructions, (b) providing guidance, (C) supervising work and (d) motivating subordinates to realise goal. Without direction, other functions of management remain ineffective
4. It helps in Achieving Integration: In an organisation, the whole work is performed by the people (supervisors and employees) at different levels. Hence, the whole work should he supervised by the managers in a proper way. Direction secures the whole hearted cooperation of people at all le through good communication, people oriented supervision and motivation. It integrates the activi of the subordinates by the supervision, guidance and counselling.
5. It Provides Stability and Balance: Direction helps an organisation to make a harmon balance between individual needs and organisational demands. It makes the people work to full capacity by putting everything on the right track. Through proper communication and eff leadership, direction ensures stability to the organisation.
Q.5. Classify the principles of direction.
Or What principles should be kept in mind by business executives in directing the activit subordinates?
Ans. Principles of Directions: The principles of direction can be classified in two parts as follows:
1. Principles Relating to the Purpose of Direction
Plays the most important role in the accomplishment of predetermined objectives of the enterprise. It proper guidance and direction is not provided by the top management to the subordinates, an not achieve its objects. On the other hand, if effective guidance and direction is provided He enterprise can easily accomplish its objectives. Following are the principles relating to the accomplishment of all purposes:

- Principle of Individual Contribution: According to this principle, each and every employee of the enterprise so that the enterprise may easily accomplish its objects.
- Principle of Harmony of Objectives: According to this principle, the employees of an enterprise must be directed in the manner that there must be proper coordination between the objects of employees and the objects of enterprise.
- Principle of Efficiency of Direction: This principle states that efficiency of direction lies in the fact that the benefits of direction should be more than its cost. Therefore, the efforts should be made to get the best result on minimum cost.
II. Principles Relating to the Process of Direction
Following principles must be followed to make the process of direction more effective and easy.
1. Principle of Managerial Communication: The process of managerial communication in an enterprise must be effective so that the managers may know the problems of their subordinates and the subordinates may easily follow the orders and directions of their seniors.
2. Principle of Effective Leadership: The success of an enterprise depends to a large extent upon the capability of its leaders. If the leader of an enterprise is a capable person and considers the interests of employee, the enterprise will be able in accomplishing its predetermined objects. Therefore, there must be effective leadership in the enterprise.
3. Principle of Strategic Use of Informal Organisation: Informal organisations are more successful than formal organisations. Therefore, the principle of strategic use of informal organisation must be adopted so that harmonious relations may be developed between leaders and management.
4. Principle of Unity of Command: It follows that one subordinate must get the orders from one senior officer only so that he may effectively implement the orders. If one subordinate gets the orders from more than one seniors at one time, it will confuse him and he may not be successful in discharging his duties properly.
Q.6. Give some main techniques of direction.
Ans. The main techniques of direction are as follows:
1. Supervision: Through this technique, the superior oversees the subordinates at work to ensure hat their performance is according to the established plans and procedure. Thus, he comes into direct contact with his subordinates and understands their organisational and personal problems. On the Pne hand, he maintains discipline in the organisation and on the other hand, employee grievances and problems are solved.
2. Delegation: Through this technique, authority is delegated to his subordinates and they are Entrusted with the liability of performing certain tasks, the superior shares with them and provides hem an opportunity to learn.
3. Standard Practices and Procedures: Usually arou ctions are required when there is any change in the established standards and procedures.
4. Issuing of Orders: The management issues orders and when there is any change in the established standards and procedure that they may work in time with the organizational
obiectives. Orders and instructions issued h activities are started, terminated, guided and/or altered.