MBA Ist Semester Directing And Controlling Very Short Questions Answers Study Material 3 Mock Papers For Self-assessment Unit-wise Notes Sample Papers Solved case studies for practice.
Section A
Q.1. What is direction?
Ans. Direction is an important and wide managerial function that initiates a and activating link between various functions of management. Direction invo providing leadership to the subordinates and motivating them to contribute to the best of their ability for the achievement of organisational obiectives. In other words, directing involves commune guiding, leading, supervision and motivation.
Q.2. What are the main elements of direction?
Ans. The main elements of direction are as follows:
1. Communication.
2. Leadership.
3. Motivation.
4. Supervision.
Q.3. Write down the importances of direction.
Ans. The importances of direction are as follows:
1. Organisational goals are achieved.
2. Efficiency is ensured.
3. Action is initiated.
4. Better human relations are achieved.
Q.4. What is coordination?
Ans. Coordination is the orderly synchronisation of the efforts of the subordinates for the achievement of the goals of the organisation. Coordination is an important factor for the smooth working of an enterprise.
Q.5. Give any three natures of coordination.
Ans. The three natures of coordination are:
1. Coordination is a managerial activity. Every manager has to take deliberate action to achieve coordination. In other words, coordination does not occur automatically,
2. It is an orderly arrangement of the efforts of all individuals and groups working in the organisation.
3. Coordination is needed at all levels of management. It is to be achieved by all managers at all levels and not by the top management only.
4.6. Write down the four principles of coordination.
Ans. The four principles of coordination are as follows:
1. Principle of direct contact.
2. Principle of early stages.
3. Principle of reciprocal relationship.
4. Principle of self coordination.
Q.7. What is managerial control?
Ans. Managerial control is a basic manager function which implies measurement and correction of performance of subordinatesto ensure that the predetermined objectives are accomplished.
Q.8. What is the view of Henry Fayol regarding managerial control?
Ans. ‘Control consists in verifying whether everything occurs in conformity with the plans adopted the instructions issued and principles established. It has the object to point out weaknesses and er in order to rectify them and prevent reoccurrence.’
Q.9. Give the nature of managerial control.
Ans. The nature of managerial control is given as:
1. Control is a continuous activity.
2. Control is a pervasive function.
3. Control leads to post-mortem of past event.
4. Control is forward looking.
5. Control is action-oriented.
Q.10. Write the four steps of the process of control.
Ans. The four steps of the process of control are as follows:
Step I: Setting the objectives. Step
II: Establishing predictor of the objectives. Step
III: Establishing standards of performance.Step
IV: Evaluating results against standards.
Q.11. What are the control techniques? Enlist them.
Ans. For effective controlling it is important for a manager to know what are the areas of control, tools and techniques of control. There are various control techniques which are as follows:
1. Budget.
2. Managerial statistics.
3. Special reports.
4. Break-even analysis.
5. Cost accounts.
Q.12. Mention the different tools of control.
Ans. Following are the different tools of control:
1. Production control tool.
2. Organisational control tool.
3. Quality control tool.
4. Financial control tool.
5. Inventory control tool.
Q.13. What is management by exception?
Ans. Management by exception is a practice where only significant deviations from a budget or plan are brought to the attention of management. It has both a general business application and a business intelligence application.