MBA Ist Semester Management Concepts And Applications Very Short Questions Answers Notes Sample Papers Unit-wise division of the content (book Code: RAB-101)

MBA Ist Semester Management Concepts And Applications Very Short Questions Answers Page.1
MBA Ist Semester Management Concepts And Applications Very Short Questions Answers Page. 2
Section A
Q.1. What is management?
Ans. Management is a process of planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling.
Q.2. Write down any four features of the management process.
Ans. The four features of management process are as follows:
1. Management is a continuous process.
2. Management is an integrating process.
3. Management is a social process.
4. Management provides direction.
Q.3. Mention any four characteristics of management.
Ans. The four characteristics of management are:
1. Management is a process.
2. Management is a group activity.
3. Management is a multi-disciplinary subject.
4. Management is universal.
Q.4. Write any four functions of management.
Ans. The four functions of management are as follows:
- Planning, 2. Organising, 3. Staffing, 4. Directing.
Q.5. What are the four importance of management?
Ans. The four importance of management are given below:
1. Determination of objectives. 2. Effective use of resources. 3. Coordinated human efforts.
4. Contribution in national economic development.
Q.6. What are the three levels of management?
Ans. The three levels of management are:
1. Top level management. 2. Middle level management.
3. Lower level management.
Q.7. Write down the functional areas of management.
Ans. The functional areas of management are:
- Production management.
- Financial management
3. Personnel management.
4. Material management.
5. Marketing management.
MBA Ist Semester Short Question Answers Study Notes
Q.8. Define division of work.
Ans. Every employee she in that activity, which is called as division of work.
Q.9. What is unity of command?
Ans. A subordinate should receive order from one superior only. If he receives orders from more than one superior, he will be confused and not able to carry out order in a proper manner. This is than on termed as unity of command.
0.10. What is meant by scientific management?
Ans. Scientific management is the organised study of work, the analysis of work into its simple element and the systematic improvement of the workers and performance of each element.
0.11. Write down the three features of scientific management.
Ans. The three features of scientific management are as under:
1. It is a systematic and objective approach to handle or solve the management problems.
2. It replaces or rejects the old age methods like, 'rule of thumb' or 'hit or miss' approach.
3. It provides the development of each worker with his greatest efficiency.
Q.12. Write down the four techniques of scientific management.
Ans. The four techniques of scientific management are given below:
1. Work study.2. Scientific rate setting. 3. Standardisation.
4. Scientific selection and training.
Q.13. Mention the three main criticisms of bureaucracy.
Ans. The three main criticisms of bureaucracy are as follows are:
1. It develops conformity and group thinking. 2. It does not take into account the informal organisation and the emergent and unanticipated problems. 3. Its system of control and authority is outdated.
Q.14. Write down the three characteristics of a professional.
Ans. The three characteristics of a professional are:
1. Professionals base their decisions as general principles. 2. Professionals achieve professional status through performance. 3. Professionals must be governed by strict code of ethics that protects their clients.
Q.15. Write the three main features of the system approach school.
Ans. The three main features of the system approach school are given below:
1. A system has a number of sub-systems, parts and sub-parts. 2. The systems emphasise the study of the various parts in their interrelationships rather than in isolation from each other.
3. It can be utilised by any other school of management thought.
Q.16. Mention the two features of contingency approach.
Ans. The two features of contingency approach are as follows:
1. Management action is dependent upon certain systems or subsystems as the case may 2. Because of the specific organisation environment relationship, no action can be univer It varies from situation to situation.
MBA ist Semester Study Notes Question Anwers
Q.17. Define the term management, according to Sir Henri Fayol.
Ans: Sir Henri Fayol defined the management as, 'Management is a process of planning, organis. staffing, directing and controlling!
Q.18. What is management according to Dr William R. Spriegal?
Ans. 'Management is an executive function which is primarily concerned with carrying out the board policies laid down by the administration. It is also a function of an enterprise which concerns itself with the direction and control of various activities to attain the business objectives. --Dr. William R. Spriegal
Q.19. What do you mean by managerial skills?
Ans. In order to be effective, a manager must possess and continuously develop several essential skills called as managerial skills. A successful practise of management depends upon such skills. Robert Katz identified three basic types of skills, i.e.-1. Human skills, 2. Conceptual skills, 3. Technical skills.
Q.20. What is supervisory management?
Ans. Supervisory management is the last stage of the chain of management. It is a link between management and labourers. It represents management for the workers and workers for the management. This level of management includes all the performing duties of supervision and inspection
Q.21. Give any three criticisms of Fayol's principles.
Ans. The three criticisms of Fayol's principles are as follows:
1. The principles of unity of command and unity of direction are redundant in modern private organisation
2. Since the modern organisations are dynamic, team based and loosely structured orders and commands are not applicable in them.
3. Since in modern organisation, the uniformation requests for carrying out the work flow in different lines, the principles of scalar chain is also not applicable in them.
Q.22. What are the main features of social system approach?
Ans. The main features of social system approach are as follows:
1. Organization is a social system.
2. It is a system of cultural relations.
3. Relationship exists in both the environment of the organization-internal as well as external.
4. Group coordination is necessary for the chievement of organization goals.
Q.23. What are the key tools of the ethical language?
Ans. The key tools of the ethical language are:
1. Values,
2. Rights and duties,
3. Moral rules,
4. Human relationships.
MBA Ist Semester Study Notes Question Anwers
Q.24. What are the key points for arguments in favour of social responsibility of business?
Ans. The following key points should be remembered regarding arguments in favour of social responsibility of business:
1. Public expectations from business have changed.
2. Fulfilment of social responsibility creates better environment for business.
3. Social responsibility improves public image towards business firms.
4. Corporate social responsibility is a moral responsibility too.
5. Business has a vast pool of resources.