MBA Ist Semester Organizing and Staffing Short Notes Questions Answers Study material solved studies for practise unit-wise division of the content 3 mock papers for self-assessment.

Section B
Q.1. What do you mean by organising?
Or What do you understand by organising concept ? (2009-101)
Ans.Organising Concept
Meaning and Definitions of Organisation: Organisation is and activity which establishes harmonious adjustment among all the factors of production: land, labor, capital, organisation and enterprise. Complete coordination and harmonious adjustment among different factors of production is possible only through efficient organisational
The term organisation is used in a business or industrial enterprise in two different meanings: as a structure and as a process, As a structure, organisation is the structure of hemand relationships, It includes all formal and informal rfelationships which affect the behaviour of employees. As a process, organisation is and important function of management. It is a process of establishing harmonious relationship between different departments, activities and factors of production of an enterprise. The term has been defined by barious authors as:
‘Organisation is thfe structural relationship between various factors in an enterprise.’
‘An identifiable group of people contributing their efforts towards the attainment okf goals is called organisation.’
‘It embraces the duties of designating the department and personnel that are to carry on the work, defining their functions and specifying the relationship that is to exist between departments and individuals.’
Organizing may be defined as ‘Establishing the effective authority relationships among selected works, persons and workplaces in order for the group to work together effectively;
In brief, organisation is a function of management which establishes harmonious relationship between different factors of production so that maximum production of the best quality may be obtained at minimum cost. Thus, organisation is a tool in the hands of management. Thus, following five activities are included in organisation:
1. To sub-divide the main activities into sub-activities.
2. To classify these sub-activities into different parts on the basis of similarity.
3. To select desirable persons to perform these activities and to assign the jobs to me
4. To delegate adequate authority to the persons selected for.
5. To define the status of different officials and to define their mutual relations.
Q.2. Give the characteristics of an organization.
Ans. Characteristics of Organisation: Following are the characteristics of an organisation:
1. Coordination: Organisation establishes harmonious coordination and adjustment among different factors of production. The proper coordination of different activities performed at various work points implies establishment of correct and adequate relationship between (a) an employee and his work, (b) one employee and another, and (c) departments and sub-departments. In the absence of coordination different persons/departments would pursue different paths and it will be difficult for the enterprise to achieve its goals.
2. Social System: An organisation is a social system. Its working is affected by the social and psychological environment, influencing and being influenced by the activities of other people. It is dynamic in nature and not static.
3. Division of Labour: An efficient organisation prefers division of labour. Division of labour leads to specialisation which increases the efficiency of individual employee.
4. Cooperative Feelings: An organisation creates and develops cooperative relationship among and various members of the group.
5. Objectives: Sound and effective organisation is possible only when the business or industrial enterprise has clearly defined its objectives without which the organisation cannot exist for long.
Q.3. What are the main objects of an organization?
Ans. Main Objects of an Organisation: Main objects of an organisation are as under:
1. To Develop the Morale of Employees: Moral of employees bear a direct coordination with production. A good organisation system always attempts at increasing the morale of its employees.
2. To Get Economies: Main object of a good organisation is to get the maximum economies. All the best efforts are made to minimise wastage and continuous efforts are made to make the best quality of production.
3. To Establish Good Relationship between Labour and Management: The object of an organisation is to establish good relations between labour and management. A good organisation always attempts at the earliest solution of all the problems of its employees so that sweet relations between labour and management may be established and maintained.
4. Saving of Time and Labour: An efficient organisation system results in the saving of both the me and labour because in a good organisation system, works are divided among employees in the manner that they may be able to get the best results in minimum time with minimum efforts.
5. To Encourage Service Motto: A business enterprise has to discharge social responsibilities also. o business enterprise can be successful, if it ignores its social responsibilities. A good organisation Esteem always keeps it in mind and attempts at meeting its social responsibilities also.
Q.4. What do you mean by departmentation? Also give its need and importance.
Ans. Meaning of Departmentation: Departmentation is known as departmentalization that refers to the division of the whole enterprise into different departments and sub-departments. The object of ch division is to facilitate the management and administration of the enterprise. Departmentation
of an enterprise is created keeping in view the nature and objects of the enterprise. An enterprise is divided into different departments like production department, finance department, market department and personal department. These departments may again be sub-divided into many departments according to the needs of these departments. For example, the marketing department can further sub-divided into purchase department, sales department, advertisement department, mar research department, etc. All the activities of a similar nature are performed in one department.
Need and Importance of Departmentation Notes
The need and importance of departmentation is discussed below:
1. It Helps in Development of Managers: The development of managers is possible only when there is provision of effective on the job training and further training needs are clearly identifiable Training provides them an opportunity to work better in their area of specialisation.
2. It Facilitates Managerial Appraisal: For the measurement of managerial performance, it necessary that the area of his activities should be specified and standards be fixed. Departmentation provides help in both these areas. After the division of departments (ie dividing work into small segments) particular segment is assigned to each manager, his responsibility is clearly prescribed, authority is fixed and standards for his appraisal are known, his performance appraisal becomes more objective.
3. It is Based on Specialisation of Work: Under this design organisation efficiency changes to a large extent. The reason behind it is that the worker is entrusted with the work he is expert in and therefore he can work more efficiently.
4. It Helps in Fixing the Responsibility: When the responsibility of a particular person is clear precise and definite, he can discharge his duty properly and to his utmost efficiency responsibility and authority go together.
5. It Develops Feeling of Autonomy: Departments are created in an organisation with certain degree of autonomy and freedom. A manager in charge of the department can take department decisions in order to solve the problems of his department of course within the overall framework of an organisation. It results in better performance by the manager.

Q.5. What do you mean by span of management?
Ans. Span of Management: The concept of span of management refers to the number of subordinates that a supervisor can supervise effectively and efficiently.
The principle of span of management is a statement of the limitation of the number of people or activities thata manager can effectively manage. Generally, it is believed that the number of subordinates must be reasonably limited so that he may easily, effectively and successfully control their activities. It is called the span of control, span of supervision and span of responsibilities. Approaches to Span of Management