MBA Ist Year Business Communication Section Wise Questions With Answers Examination Papers

M.B.A. Examination, 2016-17
Business Communication
Time: 3 hours) [Max. Marks: 100
“Note: 1. Answer all questions from Section-A.
2. Answer any three questions from Section-B.
3. Answer all questions from Section-C using internal choice.
Section A
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MBA Topic Chapter Semester Wise Sample Model Practice Question Answer Papers
Note: Write short notes on following in not more than 50 to 75 words. (2.5×8=20)
1. Purposes of communication.
Ans. Refer to Unit-I, Sec-A, Q. 14
2. Types of non-verbal communication.
Ans. Refer to Unit-II, Sec-C, Q.5 3 .2
3. KISS principle of communication.
Ans. The ‘Keep It Simple, Stupid’ (KISS) principle is a design rule that states that systems perform best when they have simple designs rather than complex ones. KISS is not meant to imply stupidity. On the contrary, it is usually associated with intelligent systems that may be misconstrued as stupid because of their simplistic design. The KISS principle hinders and/or prevents creeping featurism, system failover and other IT issues.
KISS is also an acronym for ‘Keep It Short and Simple’ and ‘Keeps It Simple and Straight forward’. The KISS principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid) is self-descriptive and recognises two things:
(a) People (including product and service users) generally want things that are simple; meaning easy to learn and use.
es products or furnishes services may find simplicity as an advantage
(b) A company that makes products or furnishes services may find sim for the company as well, since it tends to shorten time and reduce cost.
Ans. Refer to Unit-III, Sec-C, Q. 23.
5. Different kinds of report.
Ans. Refer to Unit-III, Sec-C, Q. 12.
6.Types of visual aid.
Ans: Refer to Unit-III, Sec-B, Q. 15.
7. Objective of video conferencing.
Ans. Refer to Unit-IV, Sec-C, Q.6.(V).
8. What are press-releases?
Ans. Refer to Unit-V, Sec-A, Q.6.
Section B
Note: Write notes on following is not more than 100 to 200 words. Attempt 3 out of 5.(10×3=30)
1. Explain the process of communication. What are the barriers to communication and how to overcome them?
Ans. Refer to Unit-1, Sec-B, Q. 10 and Sec-C, Q.9.
2. What are different types of communication and their characteristics? Explain them with examples.
Ans. Types of Communication: People communicate with each other in a number of ways that depend upon the message and its context in which it is being sent. Choice of communication channel and your style of communicating also affects communication. So, there are variety of types of communication.
(a) Types of Communication Based on the Communication Channels: Based on the communication channels, there are two main categories-Verbal communication and Non-verbal communication.
For further detail, Refer to Unit-II, Sec-B, Q.9.
(b) Types of Communication Based on Purpose and Style: Based on style and purpose, there are two main categories of communication and they both bear their own characteristics. Communication types based on style and purpose are-Formal communication and Informal communication.
For further detail, Refer to Unit-I, Sec-B, Q.7, 8.
3. Explain the principles of successful oral communication. There are two sides of oral communication. Do you agree? Give reasons in support of your answer.
Ans. Refer to Unit-II, Sec-B, Q.4 and Sec-C, Q. 2.
4. Write a letter to MCD complaining that lot of garbage has been collected in the vicinity of your society. You want to make request that the said garbage be removed as it is creating pollution hazard.
Ans. Complaint Letter to MCD
4524/Addison lane
Preet Vihar-64541
24 September, 2017
The Health officer
MCD, Delhi.
Dear Sir,
I have to bring to your notice a serious public health problem and pollution hazard food by the last seven days. It is stinking and the foul smell has made the life of the residents in the vicinity of our society miserable. Besides, mosquitoes, flies and other disease-carriers breed in these garbage dumps and pose a serious health hazard to all of us.
therefore, request you to see to it that the garbage is cleared without further delay as it is creating pollution hazard and that, in future, the work of removing the garbage is carried out regularly.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully
Saurav Sood.
5. Your college has organised a seminar on ‘Impact of Globalisation on Indian Economy: Eminent speakers were invited and to give news coverage, you want to write a press release. Assume information which is not given and make a press release for the same.
Ans. Press Release
Impact of Globalisation on Indian Economy: Indian economy had experienced major policy changes in early 1990’s. The new economic reform popularly known as Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation (LPG Model) aimed at making the Indian economy as fastest growing economy and globally competitive. The series of reforms undertaken with respect to industrial sector, trade as well as financial sector ‘arrived at making the economy more efficient. Now, despite possible protectionism, the fastest growing region in the world has an opportunity to increase exports and create jobs. India’s economic momentum is expected to pick up speed from 6.8 per cent in 2016 to 7.2 per cent by 2018 after a modest setback due to weaker than expected investments and the effects of the withdrawal of large denomination bank notes. Timely and smooth implementation of the GST could prove to a significant benefit to economic activity. However, India faces the challenge of further accelerating the responsiveness of poverty reduction to growth.
Section C
Note: Attempt all 5 questions using internal choice.
1. Explain the various inter-office communications? Which one is the most important?
Ans. Inter-Office Communication: Effective internal communication is fundamental to the existence of any office. Internal communication, also known as inter-communication, is a major function of an office. In a small firm having 10 or 15 staff, there may be no problem of internal communication, for these employees can easily communicate with each other.
However as the organisation grows and the number of employees increases, the problem of effective communication becomes more difficult. Thus, in a big organisation having a number of departments or sections, internal communication may be: