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MBA Production Operations Supply Chain Management Model Practice Question Paper 3

MBA Production Operations Supply Chain Management Model Practice Question Paper 3

MBA Model Question Paper
MBA Model Question Paper 3

Mock Paper-III

Time: 3 hours)                                                     [Maximum Marks: 100

Note: The question paper contains three sections. Attempt all sections.

Section A

Note: Attempt all questions of the following: 

1. (a) Enumerate the main objectives of production process and the functions of management. 

(b) What is SERVQUAL model of measuring service quality? 

(C) Define inventory control system. 

(d) What is ‘Line of balance? Explain the line of balance technique. 

(e) Explain in brief about the motives of holding inventory. 

(f) What are the objectives of supply chain management? 

(g) Explain the cost of quality. 

(h) What are the uses of productivity measures?

(i) What is continuous flow process? 

(j) What do you mean by production technology?

MBA Production Operations Supply Chain Management Model Practice Question Paper 3

Section B

Note: Attempt any five questions from this section.

2. What are the factors that affect productivity? 

3. Explain the gaps of SERVQUAL model. 

4. What is the importance of layout? Examine the characteristics of a good layout. Also list out the symptoms of bad layout. 

5. What is aggregate planning? Explain its characteristics, objectives and strategies.

 6. Highlight the overall goals of TPM and its contribution to quality. 

7. State the meaning of TQM. State the characteristics and objectives of TQM. 

8. Explain Deming’s famous 14 points. 

9. What is ISO 9000 series? What are the steps required to get ISO certificate? Discuss all ISO 9000 standards in brief.

MBA Production Operations Supply Chain Management Model Practice Question Paper 3

Section C

10. Answer the following question: 

From the following details, draw a plan of ABC control.

Item  Units Per unit cost (Rs)
1 7,000 5.00
2 24,000 3.00
3 1,500 10.00
4 600 22.00
5 38,000 1.50
6 40,000 0.50
7 60,000 0.20
8 3,000 3.50
9 300 8.00
10 29,000 0.40
11 11,500 7.10
12 4,100 6.20

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