MBA Production Operations Supply Chain Management Model Question Paper 2
Mock Paper – II
Mock Paper Time: 3 hours) [Maximum Marks: 100
Note: The question paper contains three sections. Attempt all sections.
Section A
Note: Attempt all questions of the following:
1. (a) How operations management can be viewed as an input/output system?
(b) What are the factors that affect service operations?
(C) Define scheduling.
(d) What do you mean by inventory control? Discuss the types of inventory.
(e) Explain process layout with a suitable example.
(f) Define Bullwhip effect. Give its functions and examples.
(g) Write a note on lean manufacturing.
(h) Write a note on quality circles.
(i) What do you understand by quality improvement and cost reduction?
(j) Explain PDCA cycle.
MBA Production Operations Supply Chain Management Model Question Paper 2
Section B
Note: Attempt any five questions from this section.
2. What are the different types of manufacturing processes?
3. What are the determinants of effective capacity?
4. Define the terms-Standardisation, Simplification, Specialisation and Diversification in context of new product development.
5. Discuss the various methods that can be used for evaluating location alternatives.
6. What do you mean by value addition in SCM? Also write about supply value chain delivery.
7. Explain the term ISO.
8. How is TPM useful in quality control?
9. Explain the use of ‘P chart for quality control with the help of suitable example.
MBA Production Operations Supply Chain Management Model Question Paper 2
Section C
10. Read the following case and answer the questions given at the end of the case: Demand for desktop computer at a departmental store is 1,000 units per month. Store incurs a
fixed order placement, transportation and receiving cost of 20,000 each time an order is placed. Each computer costs 15,000 and the holding cost of 20%.
Advise the Store Manager:
(a) About the number of computers to be ordered in each replacement lot.
(b) If the lot size is reduced to 200 units, what will be the impact on annual inventory related cost?
(c) If the demand at store increases to 4,000 computers per month, what should be lot size, number of orders placed/year and impact on average flow time?
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